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Vulpera will never be playable, shitters

my warchief cant be this cute!

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>he STILL hasnt killed Mythic Antorus

fucking n00b lmao

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When was this during her life? Cutie High Elf Sylvanas?

She's still qt

Big Belf Butts

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>normal antorus
>heroic antorus
This shit is gay. Guess I'll have to clear heroic solo next expansion.

after legion

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post achievement

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I literally just pugd normal Antorus as a 935 sub rogue. It was my first time and I got the Charhound!
There were people in there lower than 900.
You’ll be fine.

Watch out for the short ones

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I've already cleared normal but the jump from normal and heroic is retarded. It is impossible to clear heroic unless you leech out the achivement the month of release.


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noverrva can i bury my face in your chest?

Why do you still play?

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>can filter WQ rewards
h-has this always been here?

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I'm a fat fucking loser, might as well waste my life on WoW and jerking off.

on the CRZ next to you

i'm totally a breast man, but even I gotta admit that the ass is fat


am leaning towards femtroll cuz that sweet haste racial.

No, stop, you're making me nostalgic with this picture.

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fuck you link the right one im lazy
but if you dont pick fem dead ur a fag

havent played since siege of orgrimar
whats new with muh warcraft?

shit my bad, it's 2AM and my monday at work forgive

Blizzard needs to hurry up and put the collector's edition up for pre order.
Anyone who actually paid for the digital or """""""digital deluxe""""""" need to be perma banned.
Also, I hope we get plenty of brap art for these brap hogs.

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tfw you will never have a bunch of lads to murder elves with

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>private servers

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fem undead = fem velf

everything else is irrelevant

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I resubbed not long ago and got it my 2nd week back through purely pugging, there are always tons of fresh H antorus groups only asking for 930 ilvl, yeah if you want a H argus kill you're not getting into a group without at least 950 ilvl but antorus is extremely easy to clear up to coven which should get you enough gear to get a group that kills the last 3

It's literally not hard, and H coven is the only fight that is moderately difficult and that's only because it's an easy fight for retards to fuck up

>playing a fem character as a male

You guys sum sort of twink faggots?

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Money, I run a 11/11 mythic guild and we sell runs for a decent amount of cash, I anywhere from 250 to 300 USD per raid, we recently had someone pay 1200$ for a full clear including all loot besides the mount, we charge extra for the mount, but on average our runs are around 1500-1600$ and I get a good share of it for being GM and the person who puts it all together

If you're interested in buying you can leave your contact info and I can put you in the queue, we currently have 6 buyers in our queue but for the right price I might be able to bump you up.

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>as a male

Its a lot of chest

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all the better to smother me with!

Good night, /wowg/!
BEST Shemale needs some sleep to grow her muscles.

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Neopets is dead, is WoW worth it?

I have human male warrior , paladin.
Dwarf male shaman.
Belf female warrior.
What am i ?

but I am a penis bearing female


Does DH get needed in BfA?

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Horde are being cringe again lmao

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What an autistic loser

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I know this feel
fucking knifeear shits scum of the earth

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I've heard better...

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It doesn't really match it but wows ok

what the fuck sylvanas

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>blood elf female

Color me surprised! Must be some fat autistic neckbeard.

nah that's putris' wife's son's work.

wtf that's me

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>he plays a computer character and I don't LIKE those characters

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>dumb autistic nig doesn't have friends or even a guild to play with

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Sure is, user!

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wanna kill elves together bud?

>Knife ears are this retarded

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Show me your transmog!

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When are you posting with mods?

that's almost endearingly cute, like you're trying hard to look scary or cool and it's just adorable.

cant post my shitmog from work sadly.

Yeah imagine roleplaying in an MMORPG
stupid normie faggot


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i genuinely believe dwarf posters are the most autistic people here
its always shitty RP like >aye how are ye laddy
xD i love beer and beards right bros?
and then you have shit like this too and before you sperg out about elves agian
i play human

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>dumb autistic faggot projects his life onto others

Hey thanks. I don't really consider what I transmog with, I just use try to match colors without using too many tier pieces.

I really love everything about the concept of shamans, but I've never played wow, and I feel like it's too late to get into it.

>i will never suck blue milk out of noverrva as she gives me a hand job
y even life

Stop being dumb and wrong.

Fhuman players were fbelf players before belfs
You and your opinions are worth less than dirt to me bud

>manlets and dindus still butthurt over superior elves

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>fallaa calling other people autistic when he blogposts and avatarfags in every other thread

Even roleplaying not liking a race is stupid

why she so smug tho

SWTOR does thicc humans so much better

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Why don't you use one of the playable models instead? Those look muuuuuuuuch better.

>I don't really consider what I transmog with
i can tell
still has that empty retard face though

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>still has that empty retard face though
I didn't say it was perfect

b-but i only just re-subbed, user

Cant you get in trouble for that from Blizz? I like the in game model anyways

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>join Horde after VAST SENTINEL ARMY saves your ass

I wonder, if the Nelves didn't help Suramar, would they still have Teldrassil? I'm going to bet yes. But we are STILL going to get nagged on by Malfurion that it was the right thing. And that the Nightborne are vindicated somehow in such a betrayal. Never should have left the fucking forest.

Tyrande was 100% right and didn't do anything wrong. I hope we get a Suramar warfront that is limited to Nightborne and Night Elf players. Fucking stomp the traitorous scum once and for all.

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Warden heritage armor when?

It's literally as easy as getting up and moving. The only thing that stops you is your own weakness. The way I self improve is by looking at myself, reminding myself of how filthy and disgusting obesity is, and rekindling the hate inside of me I have for the physical state of fatness and the laziness it germinates within. Every time you force yourself up to work your body, you are violently repressing laziness, and violently removing the disgusting fat that has taken root. To do anything less is to be complacent with your own weakness and allowing yourself to rot and whither.

whats wrong buddy? cant handle the truth?

Dark timeline that's for sure, user

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Ironforge Dwarves finally have an official paladin mount. Dark irons are looking metal as fuck. The new dark iron shaman totems are great. The heritage armor is pretty neat minus the helm. Magni Moira Falstaad and Brann going to be involved in the story line now. Uldir is a titan raid. Everything's coming up DWARF.

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Cause it's a fun game to raid pvp and gank in.
Bye bye normie, don't come back ever again.

No, I'm fully capable of handling the fact you are on the autism spectrum.


>Bye bye normie, don't come back ever again.
Why the fuck are you talking to


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Can you faggots take it somewhere else