Marvel Future Fight /mffg/ - Not an Inhuman Board Edition


>/mffg/ FAQ + Resources:

>/mffg/ Tier Lists

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D action RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and regular updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is (((free))) to play & offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers: this)))

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: minimum xp/donation points per day
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
>REMINDER to participate in Alliance Conquest!

>3.9.0 update




>lastest dimension rift

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why are we so dead lads?

Everyone’s lost interest and there’s a certain new general on the block making Veeky Forums go slightly faster

What gear for Black Panther?
Should I buy a biosub and work on Killmonger or an X-Gene sub for Laura and Magik?

>What gear for Black Panther?
Snare Immune and damage proc if you have his BLACKED uni, no point in giving him GBI he doesn't have any staying power for PvP. If you don't have his new uni then do whatever.

If it's not a rhetorical question, very easy question.

Pic is why

Sorry lads

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goodbye again thread

oh sh

Update tier list.
Is Colossus worth the 5*/6* RUT or should I spend them more wisely? What about Angel?

Was updating FGO and saw this one got an update with new x-men, is this still a shit game or did they fix something? left just after the ultimates/luna snow fiascos

3 paywalls, Angel is free.

why did I even bother unfiltering this general?

Dunno about you, I like keeping up with these Korean Jew's shenanigans.

Angel is farmable, dude.

Right, I meant, is he good?

kinda waiting for rank up ticket 3 and 4* for colossus desu.

I wouldn't say new general so much as /mhg/ getting like a new thread every hour combined with them having a circlejerking group of discordfags that will always make a new thread, usually before bump limit is reached, even if someone else has already made a thread. So you end up with cases where there are 2 /mhg/s getting made while the old one is still up.

Plus, yeah, there's been a handful of other new generals that have popped up lately.

>implying you'll EVER get a 3* or 4* ticket

Captain Marvel, but with damage

>advanced exp booster
How does it work? Is it as cool and awesome as think it is?

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Does its job

Will slash one day for leveling your level 55 to level 60.

..just like that? Am I stupid for realizing it just now? I mean, everybody uses it, right? I could have been leveling up my roster faster all this time...

there's no point in giving him GBI because his new uni give him Super Armor (unless you really fucking hate QS)

I've used it a few times before. It does its job but i've never seen a need to rush levelling up my Marios for any reason desu

Everyone uses it for Energy and Bios for unfarmable characters. If you need more shit than that then by all means go ahead and buy it

Please, don't play Marvel Future Fight


Fightantitan here
Stopping in to chuckle at you

Does this apply to native T2 heroes?


Remember the NM rule: if it seems like a good idea, or like it would save some bios or crystals, then it isn't gonna work.

>3 paywalls in one update instead of just adding 3 additional dimension rifts

thanks me too

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Do the six star selectors work on the ultimates characters?

Angel is even further slowing down the rate of getting X-23 bios from the processor. This sucks, I should have gone through all the shards I had before the update hit

Almost dead

Is there a limit to the X-Men events I need to do to level-up Wolvie?

No. It’s like a regular bio selector

can we die already.


Speaking of Tiers, how the fuck is Luna on par with Quicksilver? If the last month of Timeline has taught us anything, that position belongs to Spidey 2099, who is also way more useful during late SL Rumbles and Alliance Conquest. Don't know about XAB since I only bother with Elsa lead/QS/Shuri for the Speed hero days

She's queen in ABX

While I'm at it, Elsa and Gwenpool should both drop a tier. Elsa works the same as Black Bolt and Skurge (I personally have gotten way more mileage out of Skurge but whatever) so it doesn't make sense to me that she's ranked higher than them. Gwenpool is fine and dandy but she doesn't really excel at anything, especially when compared to Homecoming Spidey, Vulture, and Shuri, who she shares a tier with right now.

Don't know enough about the muties to place them, but from what i can tell Angel is between Vulture and Falcon with a somewhat useful passive. No intention on getting the other three but Magik seems to the best. Colossus is AT LEAST C-tier since he's a reflector who isn't shit like JJ is. Could possibly be B but unlikely to be A.

Who do you use as a Leader for XAB? Is Misty Knight speed or blast?

All this update means is that in the future, there will be mutants relegated to either native T2, crystal package, x-gene sub (there will definitely be an update with both bio sub and x-gene sub), or rifts. And they won't make a new card set until they feel like making a new premium card for the muties. Probably all attack.

They had 4 muties lined up, they could've added Story Chapter 14: The Hellfire Club or some shit. Chapter 13 gave us a grand total of two characters (Blue Marvel and America), Chapter 9 and 10 only gave Coulson, Quake, and Lincoln bios, so it's not like we wouldn't have appreciated that at least.

If they need to jew us more then they could just shit out more uniforms. Make a 2k Jean uniform or whatever for whales to buy. Fuck it.

I would have loved that too, but MCU tie-ins take top priority. We had hoped the non-MCU stuff would be like the olden times, but I guess NM wants to move their resources around to Lineage 2. Fuck MMOs. Only ever liked City of Heroes.

9 and 10 also gave Deathlok and Sif bios.

Speaking of uni, 1050 uni is the new default ain't it? We'll never get another 750 priced uni.

Did they ever come back after Season 2? I stopped watching at the S2 finale. I still can't believe they expected us to believe this bitch was one of the deadliest people on Earth.

The last cheap unis were Falcon and Satana in January iirc. Before that I think it was Coulson and Inferno in December(?)

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I wanted to be on the inhumie side but keke forced me to back the muties.

mayhaps its time to die

will we ever get Deadpool?

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is the new update worth it? i quit about 2 months ago

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They have to come up with characters to add for the infinity war update, since all of the characters in the movie are already in the game.

What the fugg guys, i claim whole inbox there's like 600+ energy on it. Don't claim it guys, claim manually. Fml

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Just dump it on rifts. Or if you're a cuck, get boost points and hope for a CTP.

help me control my penis anons

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You need like 6250 JEWels at minimum and it can be up 7500 JEWels if you particularly unlucky. I have the JEWels and my dick wanted her too but those two facts kinda turned me off off her.

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My motivation for the game has dropped dramatically now that I’m stuck on uni upgrades.

Please, love Marvel Future Fight


Yes, dear goy, spend your money!

1. T2 one character that you always liked, but he/she was shit
2. Post it here

Anybody else disappointed there is no demon sluts team bonus for magik and Satana?

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I've been disappointed for by team ups for like years now, I don't feel anything anymore.

This is a very good game with active general and very intellegent playerbase.

objectively false