What is your favorite holocaust execution method? Mine has to be steaming jews to death treblinka. Or the incredible pedal-driven brain smashing machine.
What is your favorite holocaust execution method? Mine has to be steaming jews to death treblinka...
I like the masturbation one
it was real in my mind
shut it down
Death by labor, summary executions and gassings aside, why would they make up such fanciful stories? I'm irked by people running there mouth with this non-sense and giving deniers plausibility
The holocaust roller-coaster is my fav. House of knives is a close second
The Anus-Air-Pump Jew-Balloon
Bear pit at Buchenwald with an eagle janitor.
>eagle janitor
My sides
There really was a bear pit at Buchenwald. I doubt they fed jews to the bear, but maybe. What bothers me most about that claim is that it isn't a cage. There was no bear cage. It was a bear pit
Once you editorialize you lose credibility for the whole account. Why'd they do it? Was the arbitrary death not horrific enough to convey the horrors of the holocaust? Why risk losing credibility? Also, IMO it trivializes the deaths and methods that did occur to some degree.
I don't know why, but I find antisemitic memes & jokes especially funny. I don't consider myself hateful towards Jews or anything, but all the "OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN!" and "good goyim" shit never fails to make me laugh.
Were there Germans like this back in 30's Germany?
I dunno man. All I know is that all of my research into the Buchenwald Bear Pit has impressed upon me a desire to have my own bear pit* and bear.
*eagle janitor not included
>Were there Germans like this back in 30's Germany
Like, 70-75% of them.
My favourite stories aren't even the impractical execution methods but the ones about how they were sent to the gas chambers a dozen times but survived.
Two great ones are in the pic but there's this too.
There's a great one in the introduction to Under a Cruel Star. Basically, some chick pretended to be dead after they shot her parents. The nazis shot her parents dead bodies, but not hers. Then she got captured later on and sent to Auschwitz. Gassed twice and survived. Made it to Prague after liberation. Ded after seeing some important statue or something. Or something like that, been a few years since I read it.
I just always found it so bizarre and disrespectful to the actual victims. This is where I find contempt for some holocaust victims.
>pretended to be dead
I've heard so many old people in Eastern Europe claim they faced a Nazi/Soviet firing squad and played possum, you'd think they failed to shoot the entire generation. My own grand-uncle allegedly had a heart attack right when they were about to shoot and later woke up in the morgue but I've heard that one several times so it's rather hard to believe.
Found it, ish.
>People came crawling out of their hide-outs. They came back from the forests, from the prisons, and from the concentration camps, and all they could think was, “It’s over; it’s all over.” I remember a boy whose wooden clogs had to be surgically removed from his feet because his soles had grown into them. I remember Eliska who had passed through Auschwitz twice, twice escaped the gas chambers, and then walked all the way back to Prague. There she sat down before the statue of St. Wenceslas, kissed the ground, and fainted. The ambulance took her to a hospital, where she died within a week because she had no lungs left. And Mr. Lustig who spent the entire war hidden in a closet and almost lost his eyesight. But he was lucky; he survived. Then, during the uprising, he walked out into the daylight for the first time and, after barely a few steps, he was shot right through the head.
Kovaly, Heda Margolius. Under A Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968 (p. 45). Plunkett Lake Press. Kindle Edition.
>lungs destroyed by gas (is that even how zyklon works?)
>walked all the way from Auschwitz to Prague
I'm just a former smoker and I would already be a wheezing wreck halfway
Some more bullshit from the same book
>I told the old man in the Russian shirt about the ghetto in Lodz where the cesspool cleaners had whistled Beethoven as they worked and where close to one hundred thousand people had been murdered or had died of starvation. I told him how the trains would arrive from Polish villages bringing men with bloody heads and women wrapped in shawls and how, once the trains were gone, the women undid their wraps and pulled out their babies, some of them dead by suffocation but a few still alive, saved from German bayonets. I told him how, a few months later, the SS would arrive and throw those same babies into trucks and cart them off to the gas chambers. I talked about the public executions, about hangings where the bodies were left on the gallows for weeks while we walked by, about the carloads of bloody clothing that we tore into strips and wove into mats for German tanks so that the soldiers could keep their feet warm. How, when the battlefront had come into earshot of our camp, a German colonel bedecked with gold braid had arrived, assembled all of us, and proclaimed: “We have to evacuate the ghetto now but do not be afraid. I give you my word of honor as a German officer that no harm will come to you. You will be well cared for...” and how, one week later, those who had survived the transport in sealed cattle cars walked through the gates of the electrified wire fence, straight into the black smoke of Auschwitz.
>putting babies in gas chambers
Fucking why
>leaving out the Nazi Death Hug
Jew babies are resilient as fuck, breh.
Honestly, the best part of this book is the fact that you begin to realize that she became Communist out of envy and hatred of her fellow Czechs because she's a Jew.
It's something a child would think up
It would have made a lot more sense if it was Robert (then 4 years old) who told that story but that was actually his mother.
>Heda Margolius
Her husband was made a deputy minister in Czechoslovakia and he was then hanged as a traitor
Surprise surprise
Wrongfully hung as a traitor* Should've hung his wife instead. Her son doesn't seem to have the same delusions she had, luckily. Iirc, he's a Brit now and an accomplished aeronautic engineer.
the electric floor one
Good for him. Escaped the non-sense of his mother.
sorry to be a bit of a cunt here, but the proper past tense of 'hang' (the corporal punishment that is) is 'hanged'. I only interject because I like people to correct my misconceptions so I don't end up sounding like a tool.
It sounds and feels wrong
Hanged is more commonly used in British English while hung is used more commonly in American English. Since I am an American, it is more proper for me to use hung over hanged. Either way, they can be used interchangeably, autismo.