/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Best indie workflow edition.

> Next Demo Day 20

> Play Demo Day 19

> Game Jam (Small World)

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/yArfUKdC
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com
Panda3D: panda3d.org
Pygame: pygame.org

>Learn algorithms:

>Learn maths and physics:

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for dev


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I just wanna make a game. Is the only pro free option Unity?
I know Godot is a joke since I wasted a year learning it.

Any time you hire anybody to do creative work for your game you'd be a complete idiot to not make a contract that clearly states who owns what and who's working for how much or else it becomes an endless nightmare for everyone involved
What possible reason would you have not to do so

>wow everything I want to do is pretty complicated maybe I should check out some beginner reading material after all
I have now been assigned 9 textbooks by the internet

>first task is literally fizzbuzz

this is my jam!
I CAN into fizzbuzz!

Don't bother with Unity, they're moving to a sub+royalty system when 2018 gets released.

to be honest if you have a year of experience with godot go with that
unity is pretty good but visual studio sucks ass and c# isn’t the greatest language out there

Why weren't you making your game and learning at the same time

what about previous versions?

How do you handle scope creep anons?

I'm stuck in a loop trying to design a conflict system between two factions. Either its crazy complex or I'm worried its too simple(Go fish level simplicity).

Wow thats pathetic.

Godot has huge issues with it's core, massive stuttering, graphical tearing, and real shit support and shit documentation. I'd rather never have to deal with that pile of shit again.




They're going to start shutting down authentication servers for 4 and 5 at the start of next year, like they did with 3 and earlier when 5 got released. Even if you paid for a perpetual license, you won't be able to activate your keys anymore. They want everyone on the new sub models.

By making it modular sothat you can always add more to it, but the core is very simple.

what if I'm just using unity to get a feel for game making so I'm not lost when I switch to UE4?

He's shitposting you morons.

tl;dr ecs

Thats not completely true, if you had a perpetual licince they do give you a free 6 month substription.

I made some trees and other tiles

Attached: Py9JfY0.png (480x412, 23K)

What is a good alternative to Asperite because trying to compile this shit is driving me up the fucking wall.

Only if you had bought a perpetual license within the last six months prior to the shutoff date.

Looks like fluffy cakes on those plates with stands.

Krita has a tiling mode, which is extra useful for gamedev. The brushes are also good
I prefer GIMP's selection tools though.

You are pathetic

Heres the compiled one

They look kind of like macarons on sticks but that's not a bad look I think

thanks for the virus bro

friendly reminder that unity does what godon't

Use it, compile it yourself, or find something else to use. I did all I can to help you.

>stationary lights
>looks good, but 4 overlapping light radii will force you to switch some to static lights

>static lights
>normal maps and roughness maps turn into flat lifelessness

>moveable lights
>even one of these lights has a significant impact on your framerate
I just don't know.

Attached: demon_king_descends__maoyu__by_nameoftheyear-d5vulrc.jpg (900x1600, 1.18M)

Added more cloud variation to the intro and changed its duration a bit, got to get this initial pacing right. Still wip.

Attached: intro 3.webm (1200x700, 1.35M)


I really like the game name.

That fall is way too goddamn long lol

Unless it's set to some good music

>knight and a very tall tower
I also wanted to make a game like this before fight knight came, what gives ? The only time I've seen that trope was in Berserk

are you making your game in game maker that makes games?

Are you fucks all trannies or is /v/ just memeing

yes I'm using gamemaker why do you ask

Have you ever thought that Goodnight Knight is a terrible title?

>knight and a very tall tower
Like 999999999999999999 out there. I think there is at eats 4 games with this "theme" in agdg alone, most famous is Fight Knight


There's only one tranny and aside from shitpost sniping once in a blue moon, he doesn't even come here anymore.

someone do RO clone but better.

I look like a scrawny fucking caveman.
I'm here to make a game not to make myself look pretty or whatever Veeky Forumsg bullshit.

Unity will always be the best engine.

>fell off the gamedev wagon, have been doing nothing but wageslaving and Project Euler for months
>want to get back into it
>disgusted with all of the tools
How foolish is it really to go for Monogame or a similar framework? Enginedev is a bad idea, I know, but holy fuck do I hate every major engine.

Also: Monogame or LÖVE2D? Which is better documented?

Monogame is great, ive never used love but i dont see why anyone would want to write an entire game in lua

Gamedev is fun

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>but i dont see why anyone would want to write an entire game in lua
Atonement for the sins
May be the raped a loli or stole a purse

Thoughts on the CGCookie hand painted texture tutorial?


Video at the bottom, it's free.

Godot 3 seems amazing aside from the lack of export templates to consoles.
Anyone have a real critique of it?

The fact that there are no games made with it and the lead developer won't even touch it unless they're getting paid is critique enough.

>the lead developer won't even touch it unless they're getting paid is critique enough.
Reference to what?

it's not.

When getting someone to make music for your game, do you have to set up a contract and shit for how the music will be used - eg who owns it, if you're allowed to release the soundtrack separately and who gets the money?

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stop being so shit

source? Can't find anything

cut the entire part with the black clouds and just play the last 3 seconds. that's not how clouds are perceived when the cameras inside them.

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reminder that in order to get this average, there have to be many games that earn virtually nothing to offset the ones that earn millions

that's losertalk. If I can't make I'll bake it. by "It" I mean myself. I'll cook myself in a very big oven

>average pc game makes 30k in its first year
Is that supposed to discourage me ? Because it has the exact opposite effect.

>a contract and shit
In the adult world, contracts are always done when dealing with money. Remember this when you get your first summer job!

what about switch games?

i want to fuck around with procedural generation.
where and how to start? something simple for start

Good for you, Pedro. Unfortunately you won't even meet the average.

and one. finally im where I was 2 days ago.

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I have signed contracts for jobs before, I just have zero experience with making my own and I don't know what a usual contract for commissioning music would look like. Would the composer already have their own template contract, or is it up to me to set the terms I want and negotiate?

depends on the contract

I'm not meeting average. I'm meeting beyond. And I'll show all these puny devs all you need is just like make game

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>93% of PC developers don't make enough money to survive
Contrary to the popular belief held among developers, a computer science degree does not make you a businessman

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I'm guessing that's average as mean, which is very sensitive to outliers. With just a couple PC games making way, way more than that, I would guess median is a whole lot lower.

What are your thoughts about quitting game engines until you've made the whole game inside Blender? (All models, animations, textures, feature concepts etc.)

Median is about 10k$

how the fuck do you make feature concepts in blender?

>Reference to what?
Their patreon which was made specifically to get money to pay their sole lead dev to continue work on Godot.

Not exactly in Blender, but making notes. Meaning that when you jump into a game engine you already know everything you want to program.

that's dumb

Reminder that you should learn how to draw in 2D before trying to model in 3D.

my current plan based off Still Not Dead (and all my failures there) is:

> make smaller games that create memorable IP's
> financial goal is to fund rent payments for the dev time (a few months)
> charge amount that people are willing to risk on a no-name indie on steam ($7 max)
> first game in IP is treated as minimum viable product / tool development
> publisher arranges bundle deals for additional cash
> always be spending half my time learning unity/c#/art, game ideas come out of that learning

nothing goes to plan, but thats the plan. right now im spending all my time learning unity 2d / advanced C# and engine features and my first game with this model will just come out of what i learn here

the biggest lessons are what is gonna motivate you, and knowing your own limitations/money needs which these dumbass presentations arent gonna do. presentations in general are just useless ego-centric shit which is why marketing faggots do them

learn by doing. just like make (and release) game

pic unrelated

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you mean don't start making the game until you've planned out everything?
That's wasting valuable time, plus it's common to come up with new mechanic ideas as a result of working on the game and thinking of additional things you think would be cool or you want to be able to do

You can learn both at the same time, some stuff is completely unrelated to drawing ability.


HAHA, third world small town living costs save me once again!!! 30k dollarydoos an year is more than I could ever wish for.

always make notes, as specific as you can, that's great, but doing all the assets before starting makes no sense, and there's no reason you can't start to work on things you know you'll need before finalizing all the details.

2D drawing and 3D modelling are fundamentally different skills and neither suggests you are good at the other

No see what you do is you promise to pay the musician, then just release the game with its music without paying it and then if it complains you send your fans after it

If you can't learn anatomy through drawing, you will never create good looking characters. Any time you're modeling a character, you need to draw your form out for optimal results.

>2D drawing and 3D modelling are fundamentally different skills
That's the stupidest thing I've read all day

they are.

>2D drawing and 3D modelling are fundamentally different skills
Construction is essentially just modelling inside your head, with a fixed perspective.

This is why you'll never make it.

you know how i know you aren't an artist?

correct but it depends how dedicated you are. a lotta people just wanna make game, so they can steal other peoples concept art and just model over it. fair enough, you still learning

How do you properly make use of saturation with color theory ?
The only way I conceive it is as "color/no color" and I know it has to be wrong.

2D drawing doesn't have a monopoly on learning anatomy. It's possible to learn anatomy through 3d modelling without needing to do 2D drawing first.

What does that even mean? The guy needs money to survive and he has been working on the engine for free for a decade.
I swear you unity shills are getting more and more insane each day with the nonsense arguments.

>you know how i know you aren't an artist?
Because if they were, they'd be making bank selling fetish porn on Patreon instead of hanging out here?

having skills in drawing does not give you skills in modelling nor vice-versa you fucking morons. yes, you need to "know anatomy", "knowing anatomy" doesn't mean "knowing how to draw", or even drawing in the first place.

Alright lad, explain me how can you draw a reference sheet for a character if you can't draw.