/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2986

Cute Dragon Edition

Buy more mobacoins

>Recent news
Robomi 2 rerun is up
Cutiefest with double exp for players under rank 100, also magfest
Metatron and Avatar Raids released
Glorybringer and Nekomancer are available
Arcarum Extreme unlocked, together with Arcarum Weapons and summon FLB (which needs Magna II Omega Anima)
Celeste and Chev 4* uncap
EMP skills for Apsaras and CR and other characters.
Story chapters 106-107 released
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous thread:

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Free quests 1/2 off when?


james cameron

Enjoy your whale weapons

Marie's sideburns are hideous and you cannot convince me otherwise. It ruins the whole character. It practically ruins the whole event.

Here's your rerun drink, user.

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>he doesn't have Io with all her heal EMPs maxed

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>accidentally dumped an entire container of furikake into my ramen
good thing i enjoy sesame balls

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Calm down guy, there wasn't anything better on the support raid list and I just wanted to know if I should refresh or not.

u rike halfprice?

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/gbfg/ banmate fork fucking when? Get to work, /g/ents.

I bet you enjoy balls in general.

Reminder that NO ONE actually likes GW and those who claim they do are simply lying their ass off for fun

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Out of the few months I've been playing the game, I don't think I've ever seen this type of banner before?

>Not a filthy ningen
>Not a whore
Zoi is love. Zoi is life!

i'm so glad i rolled those FAT dragon titties

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>another banner with no characters

why must a newfag like me suffer

This event is honestly boring as shit

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Gisla and Crimson Finger on gacha rateup?!

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>No Shirou SSR
>No Shirou 5*
What's even the point of this rerun?

Somewhere out there, someone is going to roll until they get like 12 Gisla


>/m/'s shit taste: the event
I'm glad the skip button exists.

part 3 soon

10 rolls, chap 46, rank 96, will I be able to spark for mid summer?

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What crosses the mind?

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Setup for Robomi 3, and no Shirou will not get his SSR then either.
Legfest is the best time for an introductory rate up anyway.

SR Halle for part 3

Gisla and Finger should have unlock their own SSR characters.

I'm down for this if Crimson Finger unlocks Alicia.

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Alexiel Katana, Alexiel axe (I have two already) or Metatron bow?

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I'd give her a crimson finger if you know what I mean.


>Alicia never ever

>character weapons are still in the gacha
>0.7% chance to roll a moon weapon per draw
Wow, they really went out of their way to make this as shitty as possible.

What's the fastest/efficient quest to grind the event? Solo or raid? I don't believe I'll be able to do nightmare.

Just leech the raids and watch zoilords oneshot the thing.

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EX/NM seems to drop a lot more than the raid

It's so those coming in from F/GO can ease into a new, exciting game.

How come I've never seen a doujin of this?

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You're forgetting the crits and counter

Thanks bro

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fix the network errors aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Tasty DJ pits.

You need to do solo to get any reasonable amount of the cheapest item, but raids are more AP-efficient for the others.

The Lineage rings are the best ones right?


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Thanks for the silver anima

>ticketing chars or summons
are you fucking retarded? you are statistically likely to eventually roll every character and every summon
the only thing you should be ticketing is weapons since they're not in the gacha pool

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>NM is a five round battle
Oh my god fuck off, this isn't even difficult it's just annoying.

There's a ring that guarantees 4 slots but as far as I know we still don't know where it comes from.

>no one is posting their rolls on this new gacha

Guess I'll do a combination of EX solo and raids. I can mechanic wanpan it for around 75% off ele, since my light is utter trash. I'll see how it goes.

>one turn
>one turn
>one turn
>one turn

Suck my dick pal

I would if they would let me ticket AKs but alas.

>you are statistically likely to eventually roll every character and every summon
But you're also statistically extremely likely to roll into moons, which can be traded for the same weapons.
This is also assuming infinite rolls which is a really fucking dumb assumption kill yourself.

>check raid battles back up request
>no more belial

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>statistically likely
50% isn't likely retard

and you can turn that gold moon into whale weapon too
your point?

anyone know the percentages on ridills 2nd skill emblems? saw some posts a few hours ago and cant find them now

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My first ring ever. It's shit, right?

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He's right, you know. He'll either make it, or he won't.

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Average F2P player gets what, maybe 1k rolls per year?
You'd need to play for decades before you wuold have rolled enough to make that statistically relevant. Not to mention that the gacha is constantly being expanded as time goes on.

Just like rolling SSRs in this game.

divorce and remarry her again

CA damage cap is great. It's not ideal, but it's much better than it could have been.

>ticket crimson fingers
>gets outclassed by AES boosted by 120% colossus auras
really activates my almonds

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>song still will never multi attack, even if you ring her

>havent had any milk in years
>roll ilsa
>begin craving milk for some reason
>figure might as well, good for bones
>down a glass
>get insane cramps
guess im lactose intolerant now? anyone have experience with lactaid

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It's over 1900 rolls before you're 50% likely to have rolled any given summon.

>havent had any milk in years
>roll ilsa
>begin craving milk for some reason
I'm more interested in this part of the story than the rest. Are you a mommyfag or what? Why would these things be related? If you didn't believe they were related, why would you mention your roll in that post?

just get lactose free milk
unless you live in shit tier country where they dont sell that

Place your bet, will the golden week suptix be a regular one or a limited chara one?

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Same, I haven't drunk milk since I stopped eating cereal years ago. Am I missing out?

Ilsa is prime mommy material you fag.

im a college lad who's stuck with dining commons milk and no car

I wish I could drink Io's milk
Something super hot about lolis lactating

It's only 6 sparks to roll everything you need guys. You just need 6 sparks ;^)

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Curte feet!

first ring ever, how'd I do

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Milk is extremely healthy if you can drink it.

Regular, if we get any.

I've almost used that much on my water grid alone. Explain this meme.

>six sparks
Six sparks won't get you even close to everything. What are you talking about?

That's from Lineage Ring I assume?

I assume , which doesn't support what he claims at all but does have a number close to 6 sparks.

anniversary tickets will always be the special ones, new years will always give better rewards

new annual stuff

>marie's sprite has a gag
>her VA reads her lines as if everything was normal


I wasted all my saving for spark to Medusa, now I have nearly nothing and I didn't even get her, is there a chance of her appearing this year?

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>wanna do level 80 FATE episode of Song
>my bow appears to be gone

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