/tekgen/ - tekken general

Previous thread: = NEWS =
>Patch 1.10
>Patch 1.11
>Patch 1.12

>Fergus' character overviews
>Frame data for every character
>Top 15 moves for all characters
>/tekgen/ T7 Character Information Compilation (wip)

>How to Approach 3D Fighting Games
>Korean Backdash Cancel (KBD)
>Button Buffering
>Options at the wall
>How to get off the ground
>Low parrying
>Oki/Tech Trap
>Throw Breaking
>Wavedash/Backdash on pad
>Combo video playlist for each character
>Combo video playlist for each character

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how to poke in tekken

There is nothing wrong with quitting against characters you see 2 times a year


I hate Alisa


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I removed the links to patches 1.08 and 1.09 in favor of 1.11 and 1.12 I think that's reasonable

Why is Jeondding so fucking muscular, he destroys the nerd stereotype.

i'm too old to react to that

>that fucking awful ewhf combo

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Not gonna bother learning micro dash bullshit for 4 extra points to be honest family, I have better things to do

>damage is the only thing that matters in combos
never gonna make it

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this is the most dishonest stage

Qudans is UYU now? Why'd he leave rox?

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you need to play the game full time and cant have a part time job to be on rox, honestly they need to change that requirement fighting games don't take as much time dedication.


Oh that's lame. Going for UYU seems like a good bet then.

>Random Poo Josie gorilla beats Chanel


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TGU top 8
Book (Jin) vs kkokkoma (Drag/Kazumi/Noctis)
Knee (whoever he feels like using) vs JeonDDing (Chloe/Eddy)

Meat (Jack) vs LowHigh (Shaheen/Lars/Lee/Law/Drag)
Qudans (DJ) vs Loveneet (Jack/Josie)

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Does rox even pay well enough to justify playing fighting games full time?

hes a big guy
get inspired kid, be a big guy too

I would actually punch this guy in the throat

They wouldn't, their LoL team that won worlds which is the largest game in the world and most exposure you can get as an org their players all lived super poverty in 1 house together eating shitty meals.

You probably just get very basic rent and food expenses and have to make the rest up in prize pool winnings if you're in the fgc with rox.

Do you think they'll give the new characters with small move pools extra moves in a future patch?

well that sounds shit
why even bother

channel missed out top 8 because he forgot to block..

They need to remove moves not add them

We're in trouble bros... jdcr streaming sfv with Infil.

His shitty korean cuckstick must have malfunctioned again

My gut feeling tells me this is the Claudio main who said f3 is seeable the other day



What does this mean?

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It means I'm hard.

you're on his level of retardation regardless

I guess this series is super retarded then because they always add more moves to characters.. btfo faggot

During the transition from vanilla to final version sure. Not when the final version is out though.

the back peddle in full force

This is the final version.
There won't be new moves.
Your question was retarded.

No goalposts being moves, no points that I'm backing away from.

fucking hell why are hwoarang combos and wall conversions so hard

If you think the idea is stupid and out of the question that they'd update characters and add moves you're the retard new age of content brew

big plans for tekken™ :^)

>he thinks they will add more content

Buffs and nerfs maybe

New moves no fucking way

i want to pound Asuka's pussy

learn movement and poking

oh shut the fuck up. i'm not playing ranked, i'm trying to get this shit down

I assumed you were a new player because you're having trouble with combos that are nothing special

get an argumentbox

i assumed you're fucking gay

i want to back Asuka's three

learn movement and poking

It's fair because the people who have to deal with Hwo have to put just as much work into recognizing all of his bullshit too

lili you can't

Claudio might be more your speed. He's got just as bad lows anyways

learn movement and poking.

learn movement and poking

Learn movement and poking

guys I just got the game, what do I do?

teach me poking

I love you tekgen

learn movement and poking

learn combos and specific matchup knowledge

stand still and mash snake edges

learn optimal combos and ewgf

learn pokement and moving

Press all of the buttons.

Refund and movement.

lmgtfy.com/?q=how to poke in tekken

debate me

big dinner

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TTT1 has the best soundtrack in the series.

>i'm a noctis main

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that's not how you type T4

Everyone made it to top 8 except Chanel right?

a poke is a fast move (13 frames or faster typically) with quick recovery that is thrown out in order to stuff an opponent's attempts to do something slow with minimal risk to the poker. an example would be throwing out a jab, a jab is useful because it is the fastest (for most characters) move in a character's movelist which means for the most part nothing will outspeed it and it has great frames on block and on hit. the typical jab will be +1 on block (some aren't but whatever) from here you are in a good position to attempt another poke (a df1 for example), a throw, sidestep or simply block and watch what your opponent does so you can use that to inform your next decision when the situation happens again. if a poke lands you are in a good position to throw out ch launchers if they aren't respecting your frames or apply a mixup if they are blocking or again you can simply do nothing to see what they do in that situation.

While waht you said wasn't wrong, it wasn't the same rox team when smeb and company went to finals, they didn't have decent sponsors, current ROX pays much better I think.

That org still struggled to maintain good sponsorship after, they are doing okay now not a massive org like Fox and also the Tekken/FGC scene is so small they are only going to offer bare minimum

funny how he crumbles when hes been exposed for cheating and cant do it anymore


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Nice meme but at this point I think his stick is fucking trash

whos that dressupman?

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it's drag isn't it

That's obviously Miguel.

I've been watching some Tag 2 matches on youtube out of curiosity, and I see ranks all the way up to True Tekken God there. What gives?

The game was out longer.

it's miguel, no idea who he is cosplaying as though

So I'm guessing we're going to see people reach those ranks legitimately in the future

I meant who is it dressed as, wanted to see if its recognizable at all. its supposed to be k- from kof

so who the fuck is it

k- from kof

I see, nice

You can clearly recognize Miguel's face, pants, and stance

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Every single launcher should be -30

it's jin

dead game

Learn how to move

Yeah. It wouldn't suprise me if the likes of Justice, Jeondding, Lowhigh, etc. Reach the max rank this year.