Monster hunter general - /mhg/

Cute mewostress sluts!

>Monster Hunter: World
[3/23] Tempered Deviljho Quest 'Relish the Moment' added. 100% chance at getting Streamstones. Get to farming!
[3/21] Deviljho and weapon rebalancing in update 2.00 -

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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First for BRACHY WHEN?

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It finally happened

Tempered Jho one shotted me from 90%. I think it's because he had a Jagras in his mouth, never taken this amount of damage before this.

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I'd rather have molten tiggy

temp event brachy would cause cataclysmic reddit butthurt

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*upgrades your jho*

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I just cannot get over new jho's cleft lip
why did they do that

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Fresh room, DF4AT36dfCj, brought to you by Kirin sluttery.

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Well fuck them, I miss my slimy GL.

what the FUCK do i have to do to get devilcunt to drop me saliva

the best part of frontier jho is the upgraded pin
>quick stomp
>pops you up into the air
>he plucks you out of the air and carries you around chewing you

He does a shit ton of damage if he has another monster in his mouth. I always flash him out of that shit immediately.

I wish teostra's flames didn't suck a dick.

>Weaponized Jagras
When he has a Jagras, just moving it around damages you, a thrown Jagras is a cart.

Agree, looks rad as fuck but there's just better HBGs for what it does

If in doubt, have a bite!

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>doing some xeno hunts in multiplayer
>dumb niggers triple cart FIVE hunts in a row
Guess I'm done playing this shit online.

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What weapon was he using?

>Having no way to create AoE projectiles, Jho just smashes the map to ce

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It wasn't just one person, I was joining a different hunt every time. I know in the last hunt at least the guy who triple carted was some gook bowfag.

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*Create them
Fucking autopost.

Tempered green cunt is impossible without augments, and is currently the only way to get augments reliably, gg blizzard

>Been doing Tempered Jho and Tempered Elders nonstop
>Decide to do a normal Nerg

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Is there a role play room yet?

Only mine and i really, really really like the smell of monster feet.
Dare you enter my magical realm?

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Getting OHK Even Real Hahahaha Nigga Get A Shield Like Nigga Block It Haha

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How do I deal with Tempered Jho's pin as a funlace player? It's hard to avoid and blocking doesn't work. It feels like I can never flash him out of it either.

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If you don't move if you get tremored on you get up quicker.

As much as I hate you for asking that, how would it even work?

I was running tempered jho earlier, randy joins my quest so I sos. We end up failing the quest, so I go back into the quest.
The same randy joins my quest and throws it, then bitches in the comm about "thats what you get for dying in my quest"
Would not recommend
He was long sword with an anime name too

>Handicraft 4 + Protective Polish + Speed Sharpening 2
is better than
>Handicraft 5 + Speed Sharpening 3
yes? The Blos hammer reaches white sharpness with Handi 4, and I'm trying to build a set of armor around it.

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>Tempered Jho is wrecking people
>People laughed at me for saying being lvl 3 tremor

Honestly, why don't you people just make your sessions private?

>Sasuke Uchiha has joined the quest.
>Geralt of Rivia has joined the quest.
>Kirito has joined the quest.

You can just farm some whetfish and save yourself some slots

>Lancing Tempered Jho
>It attacks
>He counters with the flinch attack
>Counter that
>He dodges it by moving too far away from me
>Fight is pretty much a dodge counter fest on both sides
It's like i'm playing punch out

So how many of you guys found tempered deviljho difficult? Not trying to start shit, just geniunely curious and want to gauge how many new players we have in this general that started with world.

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Just be divinely bless.

Quick sheathe and superman dive

Guard up blocks the pin attack. Try flashing on the ground in front of him too, always works with me.

Hi yes will there be Kirin sluts in the room

Im fine with playing with randys, its part of what makes the game fun, but don't be a griefing dickbag

What is this from? Anyone have any idea?

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Would it surprise you to learn that veterans have compared him to g-rank difficulty and that /mhg/ rooms are carting? I get the feeling from your post that you're actually just fishing for some sense of elitism for playing on your handheld first

what's the scientific term for this overtly anime style?

Not enough time
I assume that's a deco?

I started with Tri and Tempered Jho is easily the hardest monster. And it's 100% only f you play online. Solo he's pretty reasonable, online he's incredibly tiresome simply because how much he's constantly moving and switching targets.

/mhg/ carting isn't something new
Never once heard someone compare to g rank
Also really just trying to see how much newblood we have

what are the best dual blades?

>FapPeRR is still up
Is this the official /mhg/session now?

Its a Final Fantasy behemoth

I have the decoration, yes. Helps me alot on the fight. Uragaan set bonus also does it. Fully augmented Uragaan pieces might help thanks to the guard+ and guard up


What does /v/ think of Temp Jho?

And this is a Monster Hunter flagship

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Yes. We're keeping it alive for as long as possible, no matter what it takes.

Jyura hatchets

I like Sin for general purpose. but best DBs depend on monster weakness

/v/ probably thinks it's the hardest shit.
Given how casual they are

What a cutie

Bazelhawk Rookslayer

I wonder what this game would be like if they just deleted weakness exploit

LS main here with basic kush/nerg/DSH build here wanting to try HH (deep vero)

Help me think of a good set to use lads.

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>Even jho hasn't made me want to play the game again
how's he anyway

Mmm look at all that screen tearing. Good job guys. still excited but fuck me if that doesn't bode poorly for release.

Odo is good general set with the added sluttyness

What are the chances we get Aberrant and Savage Jho?

getting really sick of gook LS users carting

I actually had a kirito join a quest before. He was using LS.

>Ctrl + F fap
>0 results
I-is it dead!?

Should I make a Rathalos CB just for Vaal

It looks cool, unless Impact vials still dominate elemental ones?

Is it worth doing death stench heels alpha for extra dragon attack if I'm gonna use Jho's LS?

Any good hgb builds? Ive been playing around with critical boost/attack boost diablos gun and nerg gun but haven't found anything that feels right yet

Just revert it to 5+ more damage to 45%+ weakspots instead. Works better that way, and allow us to return to the raw-stacking kino meta.


>doing kirin sos
>only one gook, surprisingly
>kirin goes to bed and everyone starts planting bombs
>gook LS user chops that fucker in the face right as we set the first one down
>he also carted earlier
yeah i agree

How do you augment something like the Jho SnS?
I dont know the math behind all that stuff.

what's the sexiest hair style for slutresses

This happened to me. I had well over 500 defense, two protection charms, and rocksteady mantle.

>hurls Jagras at me and I cart

I'm not even mad that was the funniest thing that happened to me in this game.

Is the kirin favour worth it at all?

>World U
>Tempered Savage Jho Event quest

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Can we get tempered Jho investigations from Tempered jho tracks?

We did the math a few threads ago and Bazelhawk is actually worse than Magda Ungulae.


There is nothing wrong with SAO. It was an amzaing anime.

Can someone please post that lance guide image

Kirin armor itself is just worth wearing to make your wiener happy.

Play it and find out.

What? Sin are fucking terrible dbs. The only usable ones are Nerg, Bazel, Diablos and now Jho.

Here is your complimentary (You).

>Aberrant Jho

Practically zero. You realize it was a crossover event monster, right?

We'll get savage Jho in g rank.

See The one exception is if you're fighting a monster where Blue sharpness bounces.