/lolg/ - League of Legends General


>Jax edition

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Aviator a cute! CUTE!

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>destroy yasuo
>he still finishes with the most kills on their team


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That huge chest can't be aerodynamic...


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I want to bully innocent yordles with my husband, KIed!

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>tfw just jerked it to Katarina
Does that count as a nostalgia fap? I haven't fapped to Katarina since like, my first year in LoL.

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What are some champions who can make use of the Conqueror keystone in unexpected but fun ways?

I think Singed is a champion who quite benefits from it, maybe even more than Comet/Aery

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Be nice to your support and compliment her!

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>adc adds me (support)
>duo with him a lot as janna and alistar
>one day he randomly says that he doesn't want me to play alistar anymore and I should only play janna with him


>tfw paragon is dying
why did they change the deck builder system.......

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>which we all know is not meta and would lose us the game

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I wanna fill her oven! WITH TWIN BUNS

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>ywn be a legend by singlehandy stopped Noxius's army and bring peace to Ionia and then Irelia offer you a sexy dance
holy she really good at dancing guys imagine those skill while perform pole dance

Because he has shit taste in supports.
Dump him, don't let anyone dictate what support you should play.

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not sure why you would ever imagine something like that since irelia is obviously pure

You should play a boy role if you're a boy...

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what the fuck was jiizuke building

i bet she got fired for this unfortunatley

I don't think it's unexpected at all, Singed actually making people fear his autos seems good.
Now someone like Janna or Sona, that'd be unexpected. someone needs to test this so we can see if the keystone is broken beyond belief on even ranged champs

But what if I like to pretend I'm a cute girl?

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It's not like there's an easy/reliable alternative.

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>gender roles
come on user, it's 2018.

I'm gonna miss this game dammit

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>my jungler master yi feeds the enemy top lane and mid lane (my lane) a kill with his amazing ganks
>says that we're all trash because wow surprise surprise that both lanes are feeding now from that setback
>doesn't want to surrender he and his premade and says to report me and toplane for being toxic

didn't they just abandon it so the team could work on fortnite instead?

w-why is this rat so cute

>vote kick
>harsher bans on trolling in champ select
>report feature in champ select
>free dodge system

sorry for bad england

I want to suck on MF's tig ol bitties!

do remember that conqueror doesn't only give dmg on autos its also on singed q so it probably works fine
the issue with ranged is you can only have like a 40% uptime tops, so you really have to time your fights (like with a twitch ult) and gl doing that in solo queue
also the rune is pointless if not vs multiple fat tanks which we'll probably be seeing less of now due to the rune's existence

>He isn't watching EU LCS RIGHT NOW

>He's missing silver scrapes

How can I protec if she's already so stronk

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my day is ruined and my disappointment immeasurable

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you protec her and she protec you

This is when you become a braum one trick

>watching lulsports
top fucking kek brah, you are 6 seasons late

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Easy to abuse.
Difficult for automated system
Yeah, sure.
-3 LP is pretty close to free.

Have a birb

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>get shit low Elo account
>stomp on kids with it
This climb is going to be fun.

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LoL e-sports will peak this season

Also season 2 sucked dick in comparison to season 6

So after years of playing I've finally gotten to an Elo where I have long queue timers. Any suggestions for games to play while waiting for queue to pop?

>go to NA LCS stream
>normal twitch chat. Complete shit but still
>go to EU LCS stream
>NA sucks copypasta everywhere
So this is the power of inferiority complex

I'm sure she wants you to suck on them too!

Then it's okay just pick a cute support :)

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>playing league instead of just watching electronic sports
>actually wasting your time playing this god fucking awful game instead of having streams on in the background while you play actually good games

it's ok to be gay!

>someone locks in ghost cleanse nunu
>you're forced to dodge
>you lose lp and have to wait before getting into another game
dude its only 3lp lmao its basically free like who really cares

>actually good game
what game?

>Irelia will never look up at you with that smile while holding your children in her arms

vote kick would be amazing holy shit

Are there any streamers that are chill and don't play obnoxious rap music?

in my opinion dodges should always only cost 3 lp

they shouldn't increase everytime

if you keep dodging you just wait for the 30 minutes dodge timer or even an hour if you keep it up

It's dying because it lost players. They kept reworking the entire map and item building system to the point where people just didn't want to play it anymore. It made changes to the game NOBODY wanted. It hit it's peak after the combination of ability power and attack power to just power. But eventually with more random map, jg camp, build changes, certain heroes were just too strong and it became harder to build against it, more stomps, there was essentially a buff that spawned every 5 or more minutes that was pretty much giving free power and like a mini baron. Game went from a battle arena to a have fun catching up after your first death game.

You could only build 3 cards at a time and had to choose between 3 specs to put "gold" into. The game never had gold in the beginning, it had half a HOTS type level/exp system but also a solo exp system, and you weren't glued to having to stay in one lane. pretty much nobody could split push to win early game.

Just so many mistakes. And I loved the fact that if someone was shit and could aim their auto attacks you could win.

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Don't Starve
Stardew Valley
Darkest Dungeon
Crypt of the Necrodancer

>Jungle Aatrox
ya that is lame. better luck next game user!

the thing is is that if you do this then practically every single game you get into is going to dodge

the amount of lobbies that would actually convert into games would be like 1 in 20

They gave us voice comms knowing that discord made it pointless. But they're still too incompetent to address this

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So did I just get out of OR into hell?

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>2k viewers shitpost less than 100k viewers
The more you know...

Breast Waifu!

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>this season

competition in this game peaked years ago

He died to smoking, don't smoke user

ok, Ahri

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But who's butt waifu?

into hell

but you should get out soon enough

silver players are super obnoxious

atleast bronze players know they're bad

>actually good games
Name one (1) good game.

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>easy to abuse
Players abuse this game already just to troll and ruin other peoples games. How does this ruin other peoples games? You can avoid playing with people and wasting 20 minutes.
>difficult for automated system
They have billions of dollars and thousands of employees and millions of players and they need an automated system/are having difficulty?
>-3lp is close to free
Why should a player be punished because another player is a dick? What if you get the same player twice in a row? (I have gotten the same troll player 4 times in a row once after I dodged and other people dodged)

Basically making excuses for a billion dollar company whereas other games do not have this problem and have extremely harsh punishments for wasting other's time.

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From the frying pan into the fire.
But just beyond is the greasy, crumb-covered oven-top.
Legends say an actually clean counter-top waits beyond this.

>look up

she cant be that short,i am a manlet

Either Lamb or Irelia.

>check lolesports schedule
>see that they have NALCS Tonight scheduled exactly at 4PM, not even approximately
>Riot KNOWS the event will be over at 4PM

This shit is literally fucking scriped get ready for the TSM 3-1

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anyone else here like to larp as a chad?


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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

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also congrats for doing it with jhin

seriously that's a huge achievement and you should feel proud
jhin is complete trash right now

I want to rest my head on Sonas Sonas

only ingame

what the fuck

isnt this that guy from the memey stock images

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yea dude thats what i mean


>boy role
fuck you user I like top

>Support main

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

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Yin was probably the best ADC in paragon
>blocked projectiles
>deflected projectiles
>used a whip that cleaved through enemies with an active
>could vault of p much anything
The Yasuo of Paragon, done correctly. League will never have this.

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you can't be a meme if you join a meme game

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>no lp lose

>People think e-sport this year won't peak

Kek, China is closer to Koreans than ever, and the Koreans have better teams than ever

E-sport only looks bad this year if you're American

>"don't play lux support"

meanwhile getting S's left and right.. I build a ward item first and then ludens (rabadon's if really ahead) and I actually start and max Q first.

cho'gath eats the world

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so im on euw and my biggest problem is talking to someone and they respond with "oui?"

do you think if i move to NA my teammates will be less retarded because they'd have actual communication skils?

>he only plays taric

I want to fly with irelia!

>become braum one trick
>barafags lusting over me now
no thanks

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