Holocaust or Holohoax? You decide!

>most propagandized war in history
>binary thinking. The allies were the "good guys"or at least the lesser of two evils. The axis are too "dangerous" to be considered anything but bad.
>logistics don't add up, numbers fluctuate, "muh skin lamps" and other curiosities border on ridiculous
>Jews mysteriously have more power in the West now than ever before.
>Questiong the holocaust is one of the few things that get you sent to the gulag in some western nations.

Well Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


This isn't /pol/.

That's why I posted this history and humanities question on the history and humanities board.

>logistics don't add up,

How, exactly, don't the logistics add up?

And also, where did all those Jews GO? And how could such a massive conspiracy (since you'd need a massive conspiracy to fake something of this magnitude) requiring the close cooperation of nations at the brink of war for decades to keep together?

When /pol/ sends its posters, they're not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing lies. They’re shitposters. And some, I assume, are good people.

Yes but you're post includes so much logical fallacies that its clear that you are either here to flame or just retarded. In both cases this belongs in /pol/ where others of your kind are contained.

No, sadly, this is /pol/s best.

Correct my fallacies wise one.


Read that fucking imgur page that gets posted here daily.

Why didn't actual Nazis (German ones from WW2) deny that the holocaust happened? If it didn't happen, why would the all admit to something that didn't happen?

If you are here to memme it would be a waste of my time. If you are retarded it would be pointless. In both cases it would shit ut the board in a thread that's going to be deleted anyway.

Le torture meme (still no evidence for torture),

Why did Poland change the signs on Auschwitz after the Cold War?

Because there was no KGB anymore to make them keep the higher total.

Pic related.

You are aware that Western historians never really believed the 4 million at Auschwitz figure, right?

>How, exactly, don't the logistics add up?

Why didn't the jews zerg rush the guards? At masada the Jews chose suicide over submission.

Several hundred thousand still isn't "zero".

I think MORE people died as a not-so-distant consequence of the Holocaust because I don't think the figures include the mentally ill who survived it and didn't receive adequate help to deal with the additional trauma they endured.

That's not a logistical issue. Do you know what the word "logistics" means?

And as for why, while it's true you had enormous numbers of inmates per guard at a normal concentration camp, the guards weren't the only people there. The Nazis had a divide and conquer system even in the camps themselves, political prisoners and common criminals and the like, who were given better food, accommodations, and authority over the prisoners lower on the totem pole, and thus could at least be sort of relied on to insulate the SS from the prisoner population.

Then there's the fact that the guards often operated out of fortified outposts within the camp itself; think about bank robberies with hostages, how come the people in the bank don't just "zerg rush" the one captor with a pistol all that often? The odds at a KZ were way worse. Add in that the inmates often didn't know what was going on a lot of the time (let's not forget that a lot of the "ridiculous survivor testimony" are people repeating camp rumors, since individual inmates weren't exactly given a guided tour of the camps, especially extermination facilities), and the fact that there WERE occasional revolts, and yeah, you don't actually have much of a point.

>At masada the Jews chose suicide over submission.

At Masada you had a few hundred soldiers trapped in a fort of their own. You'll note that at the close of the Bar Kokhba revolt, the population at large did not choose suicide over deportation and exile and slavery.

1.5 million died at Auschwitz? From bringing them in on trains?

No, he's stuck in the pattern:

>discredit academics as "Jewish puppets"
>"we're the only real source of knowledge"
>spread your own bullshit propaganda
>rinse, repeat

>And as for why, while it's true you had enormous numbers of inmates per guard at a normal concentration camp, the guards weren't the only people there. The Nazis had a divide and conquer system even in the camps themselves, political prisoners and common criminals and the like, who were given better food, accommodations, and authority over the prisoners lower on the totem pole, and thus could at least be sort of relied on to insulate the SS from the prisoner population.

So they sold each other out?

So how many inmates were jews vs common criminals?

>1.5 million died at Auschwitz?

I believe that's the high end of estimates. I see 1.3 million much more often.

>From bringing them in on trains?

Trains brought about 2.6 Wehrmacht soldiers, with a shitton of equipment with them, from France and the Franco-German border to Poland in the space of about 5 months. What exactly is so absurd about thinking they brought in 1.5 million people with the clothes on their backs over the course of several years?

Usually it wasn't the Jews selling each other out (although that did happen, especially if you take a dim view of Soderkommando activities). Usually it was that there were a layer of people above Jews and Slavs, who were usually at the bottom of camp hierarchies; they were often composed of political prisoners from other races and German criminals.

I don't have the figures offhand for any camp, and I'm sure it would vary a lot camp by camp. Jews tended to end up in camps in Poland, whereas groups like gypsies tended to wind up in camps in Silesia and the like. If you really want an answer that goes into detail, I would suggest Holocaust Forgotten, and contacting the author of the website.

We're only seeking to free our minds.

In his affidavit made at Nuremberg on 5 April 1946 Höss stated:

I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease, making a total of about 3,000,000 dead. This figure represents about 70% or 80% of all persons sent to Auschwitz as prisoners, the remainder having been selected and used for slave labor in the concentration camp industries. Included among the executed and burnt were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (previously screened out of Prisoner of War cages by the Gestapo) who were delivered at Auschwitz in Wehrmacht transports operated by regular Wehrmacht officers and men. The remainder of the total number of victims included about 100,000 German Jews, and great numbers of citizens (mostly Jewish) from Holland, France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, or other countries. We executed about 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944.

I'm here to chew bubblegum and debate holocaust. And I'm all out of holocaust.

Daily reminder


Do you think the Nuremberg trial were fair?
They theatned their family to force them to say what they wanted

They were the definition of show trials.

>They theatned their family to force them to say what they wanted

I'm sure you can source that claim. Preferably without eyewitness testimony, since we know how unreliable that is.

>british invent instant harbors for D-Day landings

Seems legit

>US ends the war with death ray bombs

Okey doke

>germans put a bunch of people on trains


This is about the holocaust, not WWII. Though the British are notorious liars. America learned that after WWI.

>no Germans were bayoneting Belgian children.


You will be surprised.
Ghetto was ruled by elite o f rich Jews who has their own Jewish armed police.
They cooperated with Germans and pack and send other Jews into camps.