Monster hunter general /mhg/

Cute mewostress sluts!

>Monster Hunter: World
[3/23] Tempered Deviljho Quest 'Relish the Moment' added. 100% chance at getting Streamstones. Get to farming!
[3/21] Deviljho and weapon rebalancing in update 2.00 -

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread:

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Whats a good CB now then? I want to unga bunga

how are you enjoying the very angry pickle anons

I like it. Very challenging. I just wish I could dodge his stupid tail swipe consistently.

Still Diablos

>Making early threads just to keep up your meme OPs
>Can't even keep the number of fingers straight

Shit job, OP.

>forgot the "different OP image for every new thread" rule
You disappoint me, Meowstress OP.
Surely your Meowstress folder is built-up enough right? Go use tthem besides this.

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>460 hours playtime
I still haven't touched the arena at all.

I hunted it twice on release and don't feel like turning on the game again



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remember if jho pins you down via a grab or a stomp, flash him! you don't want to get combo to death

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What are the monsters Rajang would win a turf war against?
What would be the ones that can beat monkey dick?

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Why did they fuck with the lighting for Guild Cards?
I hate it, it's too bright and most poses look like shit now.

Just got into HR, what LBG should I start with to kill things reliably?

Monkey dick < Anything else


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>pedoshit OP again

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thank you incredibly cute and sexy Vaal-chan.

>Post yfw they do the Rajang/Kirin Turf War in Mainline and Rajang flings Kirin around like a toy

>sees a picture of a little girl
>immediately associates it with sexual things
Who's the real pedo here?

OP picture is seriously lacking lately

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I don't like his leap having a fucked up hitbox, making blocking it hard. Tempered Jho is a nightmare and will 100-0 me if I don't block it right and he pins me.

OP's just lazy, it has nothing to do with pedophilia

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>still using this shitty image with this shitty whore slut
XX was a mistake

im pretty sure everyone here would impregnate that vaal

I want a qt huntress gf!

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pc version when

>nerf unga
>buff elemental phial
>bunga still the best

>try out the rng memecannon build
>temp jho drops in under 5 minutes with a bunch of lucky procs

this is fun as fuck

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Rajang is like jho, it would beat up anything unlucky enough to cross its path

I think the real question is how the inevitable tie with deviljho/bazel would go

Rajang would stomp anything that isn't ridiculously huge or has super special snowflake world-ender powers.

>can beat
Don't play that game. They gave Jho only three and he ties with one. They'd probably do something similar. Legiana would be the only one to tie, aside from Jho, cause of ice usage. He could probably knock Bazel and the other fliers out of the sky with his rock, most of the brutes aren't neutral to lightning so he'd smash them. Hell he's as tall as most of the brutes. His actual hands give him an advantage too. He'd slam Garon.

Where the rooms at?

pedo, weebshitter, pretty much the same thing

oh cool deviljho has a sword and shield tree. im happy about this

>changed from girl to boy


Does horn buffs stack on food buffs??

I think you mean DO horn buffs stack with food buffs.

Is Deviljho a brute wyvern?

Peak Performance worth it on Bow?

Defend this

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>"Take away a creature's natural defenses and it is nothing"
Name a dumber arguent.

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Reiterating this:

no he's a flying wyvern

Best charged blade/switch axe?

Best jho weapon?

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It's an elder dragon

dont post this pedophile garbage

Explain what's dumb about it first, smartass.

Best SA is jho if it has the dragon energy spilling out in sword mode version

My new fave fan art of pickle

Who the fuck can disagree my brethen

I love the Jho and Bazel is my fave from the new monsters, but they would get their shit kicked, absolutely.

> Legiana would be the only one to tie
that's a smart.

But they don't want you

for cb it's still diablos


Who would win, Deviljho or 50 US Marines?

>Best jho weapon?

Jho Lance and HH are among the best in their classes. Don't know about the others.

>ywn enter the fapper room

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Rajang can beat pretty much most of the roster. I would give Nerg and Vaal a fighting chance. Nerg because he loads up on retard strength just as hard as Rajang. Vaal if he can give Rajang a good vaping.

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Elemental phial is stronger than impact phial now, so the best CB depends on what you're up against. Diablos is still strong but not as strong as it was.

Best jho weapon is jho lance.

You can't impregnate a 5 year old, user.

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why people call tempered jho easy?
if hes easy is there a single monster that you can call hard on mh games?

wanna bet

>Elemental phial is stronger than impact phial now, so the best CB depends on what you're up against
someone on reddit did the math and diablos is still strongest.


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Just tried the very first arena quest and damn this sucks. I'm really so dependant on gear.

Gotta stroke that e-peen user.

Started playing MHW earlier this week. This is the first time I've ever played a Monster Hunter game, but man am I having fun. I don't think I'm ready to say that it's one of my favorite games, but I can't remember the last time a game made me feel this addicted.

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I have never taken a single hit while playing MH. I eat 140 Rajangs for breakfast.

How can I tell if I’ve been kurolisted

but it's a 1000 years old dragon loli user

I want to see an Bazel-Jho like tie with Nergi-Rajang.

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I'm pretty sure Rajang wins, or at least ties, against everything short of supergiant Elders and world-ending Elders.

Please respond

Any Fav weapon so far?

>but man am I having fun
stop you're playing it wrong

Anyone xbros want to arena?

pls respond

Nintenblabs need to apologize as world is no longer easy.

I have never seen Black Diablos and Jho in the same map. Anyone got turf war of them?

Oh pard, this is absolutely not halal at all!

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All the rooms are filled with Soloplayers and AFKers sleeping in the gathering hub. Help me fight Deviljho, sick of sos asians carting.

what are the rooms currently?


Sure, which loser are you?

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It's worth it as an extra on all ranged options because you're expected to stay away and not get hit.

jho lance is better than every lance in the game combined, unironically

for augments you definitely want affinity. for the second augment either affinity again, hp regen or slot for utility. don't get attack up because somebody did the math and the tldr is that 5% crit from a second affinity augment gives you more damage than +5 attack due to your fuck huge 230 true raw.

Being completely honest my main problem is that I think it wasn't only nintendo people who hated on MHW when it was clear as day that the only real, big problem of world was a lack of G rank, it's just people don't want to see this, because hating things is 'cool' now.

I'm happy you're having fun.

MH does dynamic action really well.

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Thank you
I'll go with Affinity and Health

They'd probably have Nergigante and Rajang struggle with one another but let Nergigante win out in the end, slamming Rajang and going in for the bite, except Rajang zaps him and Nerg's 3 star thunder weakness sends him reeling.

Likely the same as Diablos considering their same skeleton. If Legiana and Rathalos have the exact same turf fight with Jho then you can bet B.blos has the same one as Blos

If you need extra survivability then health, otherwise just use the tried and true rule of if your build is sitting at anything over 200 raw then affinity > damage.

Honestly i dont even need G-Rank if they just bring in at least 5 more maps and a shitload of old AND new Monsters.

This game needs at least double or tripple the content is has right now.