/gbfg/ Granblue Faggotry General #2990

Buy more mobacoins

>Recent news
Robomi 2 rerun is up
Cutiefest with double exp for players under rank 100, also magfest
Metatron and Avatar Raids released
Glorybringer and Nekomancer are available
Arcarum Extreme unlocked, together with Arcarum Weapons and summon FLB (which needs Magna II Omega Anima)
Celeste and Chev 4* uncap
EMP skills for Apsaras and CR and other characters.
Story chapters 106-107 released
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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host UBAHA

Reminder that Azazel does WHATEVER the fuck he wants

Reminder to intentionally fail BahaHLs with more than two Sages present! We don't need heal-leeches shitting up /gbfg/ raids, make sure they play a real class next time.

He's so pure

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HL or N?

How goes your Magna II, gbfg? Have you gotten over it and started farming for SL20 weapons?

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Newshit here, are any of the non-xeno showdown servants worth using before HL?

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the sages were carrying though

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Either is fine


hmm hmm good OP
very good indeed hmm hmm

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Is this good?

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My Magna I is going shit. I just want more SSR drops to fill out my grids and get the big dix.


why did my large skill icons suddenly become a lot worse in quality
i thought i was going blind before i compared them with a screenshot from yesterday


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Do I need materials for an Omega Train or no?

Can you carry?

>press le ebin Pancaea xD button for free honors every time it's off cooldown
>don't actually do damage to KILL the raid
>look at me ma I'm so helpful xDD
Healleeches make me sick.


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I haven't even started.

You're getting the Empress, right?

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Get a Magna 2 stick grid going and stop using Zoi retard


Get used to it darknigger. Stamina is the latest meme this game is pushing and you're just going to get shit on more and more.

Anyone know which patch it was that had notes to Angel Halo changes?

>My Light constantly multiattacks for fucking 0 damage and the only way to deal anything is to jump through hoops to make the skills deal massive damage.
holy fuck I mean the data and ougi spam is nice but 600k ougis are pretty garbo compared to a 1.3m nuke from Lucio

>still playing enmity
move on with the times grandpa

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Yes, if youre in a co-op room, you need an average of 100 Ygg Omega Anima in order to be a part of a decent train, sorry about that

Please don't bully me

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Of course. Her, Naru and Izmir for cute cow team.

Upgrading an entire grid of chev swords is a 6% increase, I can't bring myself to give a shit.

My wife.

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Too bad dark has no other options

I miss DAO posters

Me and my wife

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Sorry, you need about 500 Omega Anima because you do spend it every single time in co-op rooms

whats a good water weapon other than magna that will carry me until hl

Who do I front with my Fire team, bros?
Running magna grid with Colo Canes.

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Which is better for Grape?

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it's mathematically correct to use showdown summon x elemental summon until you have a certain number of magna weapons skilled up, but just skill up your weapons and you won't need them

where else can i farm rainbow prisms, cause tier 2 raids have not been kind to me

Top one you woofus


Gimme the 5 facts RIGHT NOW.

The new bonus.

>Join these guilds!

Lum 1 --game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/388489 -- (29)

NFC -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/518173 -- (24)

Triad Primus -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/632242 -- (28)

Layer Rise -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/632497 -- (29)

SSF -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/677159 -- (29)

Dem Bois -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/705648-- (23)

COWFAGS -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/841064 -- (29)

THB -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/845439 -- (20)

You (Too) -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/1010961 -- (29)

You need about 1000 Omega Anima in order to join a Train Room, Leeching faggot!



Explain why the Arcanum characters still aren't released yet.

How are you typing without a body

Violet dungeon, but it's awful and you'll hate it. Seriously, don't do it, just accept that tier 2 raids are the best place to farm them.

>enraged enmity cuck
Lanx unironically gives more honors than panacea. Keep ticketing those gislas, newfriend.

Please understand

Are sageniggers this desperate? The mvp was a spartan

mein bruder

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>No buncle, No Athena and No character that have skill to get 100% cut
>The only way to keep helping at 50% phase is to abuse the auto revive

They just realized Arcanum will left only one free slot for a gacha character if they're too op.

Why aren't you farming a staff grid user?

2000 Tiamat Anima is required to join a Ygg train, I apologize

>ticketing gislas
Nobody actually does that right?

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Just steel and lumber, really.

still trying to """""balance""""" them


>Wind getting yet another sword character
fuck this windbias and fuck the windbabs

My spirit lives on to shitpost on /gbfg/

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I'll get my 3 axes and 4 katanas or die trying.

Are they or are they not? I thought nobody knew what the arcanum characters are like because nobody has 4* summons yet

can you use multiple rings on the same character or is it an one time thing

Y-yeah... Haha, w-who would do that... Hahaha...

Why is Altair so based

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UBaka N

It's not qt girl so it doesn't matter

Fine, let's see how bad it will be.

281CE77E Baha HL

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>Fake wings
I sleep


see it asks if you want to overwrite your old one each time you apply a new ring.


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Which should I join?

>host ubaha
>yeah ok
*hosts Baha HL*

Uno 2.0 I swear.

what in the name of god are you even talking about


What if was Lucio all along?

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>Fake wings
Show me evidence consipracuck

I want to fuck Yuel.

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They aren't, unlike say the eternals' release, they're delayed despite basically shitting out the requirements already. You can see this with people who do have the summons maxed yet not the characters.
Probably because they'll be tied to some obnoxious mechanic like being a sub party member or something.

Magna II is going to get better soon, right? Getting crushed by nip ping in every coop room and never getting top 6 and rarely getting blue chests is just a temporary thing...right?

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I'm going to leech both!!

How good is Rosamia?

shut the fuck up lelouch

guess i'll stick with it, just taking forever

need 200, and at my current rate of 1.3/hour it's gonna be a while

Granblue needs to transfer to AMERICAN servers and stay AMERICAN ONLY

you know the rules, no princess carry, no join

so the system gives you the chance of choosing instead of outright getting the trash new option
good to know

Why do idiots still think arcarum will give characters
I'll never understand this meme

Xeno raids were just shitting these things out, you must have missed the boat.