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Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
first for killing every elf that arrives at your fort just for the intentional banter
No edition edition
I have slain a ded thread in the Infinite Page 10 recently. It was satisfying!
>tfw building a great fortress
>the dwarf Vabok Oarurged the Inky Fungi of Comedy outmatched the elf Apufi Trustedfancy with a cunning plan
>with a cunning plan
The degree to which a dwarf (or other civilized creature) values cunning plans is one of the variable cultural values, which defaults to neutral for most dwarfs. I wonder if a dwarf who places more or less value on cunning would be more or less likely to use cunning plans to outmatch opponents when on raids.
I haven't done much raiding, does it always say something about cunning plans when successful?
>elves are THIS pathetic
I think that's just flavor text, it's probably just influenced by the military tactics. The cunning value is more about individual trickery.
Anyone of that gif of a critter running forward with its intestines trailing out?
>Anyone of that gif
anyone have that gif*
I keep having a mysterious collapse reoccur. Its on the surface, apparently mid air. There used to be a large hill, but I channeled it from the top and flattened it. Now every couple years I get a 'there has been a collapse on the surface' and a big cloud of dust falls to the ground.
Any idea what causes that? I wasn't intending to building anything there, but it's a little worrisome.
Urist Kaczynski
probably a tree trying to grow out
turns out that I did not trade away all my picks, I just unchecked mining on all my miners. Neato.
a tree trying to grow mid air? Odd. I hope this isn't a common thing. I am going to channel out a lot of the surface.
Are you kidding me
>tfw I fucked up farming again by building a channel that floods my fortress
Why am I the most autistic fuck in existence?
if they're at war with each other then they will likely fight each other before they get to your fort
Yep, things are going excellently so far
Is it possible for a raid group to intercept an approaching siege?
Or do they just ignore each other while on the map?
In the past I saw it happen once but I think it had more to do with dwarves being in the way?
what do if dorf population is getting too lorg
Put all useless people in the military, and assign them to fight dangerous beasts.
Assign everyone to the military, piss off a ton of people by raiding sites, and send your greenhorne milita to fight all the following sieges.
That should guarantee at least some causalities.
>You can now raid sites
>Just watched a super surreal artsy film and all sorts of fun ideas are running through my head.
Brace yourselves because things are gonna get fuckin' weird.
what movie?
Angel's Egg. Overall it had a lot of fun visuals but at the same time even the film maker went on record saying he has no idea what any of the film actually means, and neither do I.
Amazing soundtrack though.
Ah darn that was supposed to be a gif.
I have this exact gif in one of my sauce folders
guess I can scratch to find that name from the list
How is it? seems promising
If you want real nigga ideas, go watch the miso soup. shit'll fuck yo up
I'll have to check that out. Is it particularly focused on mechanical stuff?
>How is it? seems promising
Angel's Egg is neat if you can watch something purely for visuals because the story is almost nonexistent except for the very end and there's like ten lines of dialogue total.
Not him but is that really the full name? Can't find it.
Is it worth it to draft dwarves with shitty attributes "unquestionably weak", "large deficit of willpower", etc.)? How quickly will their attributes improve?
if they have needs based on martial prowess then you'll have to draft them at some point anyway
Did I really spend 20 minutes looking this shit up? jeesus
I was mistaken, the movie I was talking about is cat soup, not miso soup
be aware, it's very weird/creepy and experimentalist
watch only if you can stand being creeped out
Ah yeah I've seen cat soup, its pretty good but not especially sci-fi.
literally burn this book, because the "worthlessness of knowledge" if read will actually negatively influence the value the reader places on knowledge.
no, but I find it really trippy
that makes me inspired
b-but that would be censorship
>Have 22 dorfs
>Have 15 after a few months
I haven't found any bodies, am I missing something?
>caring about how your dwarves feel when stress is this unbalanced
stress isn't related, unfulfilled needs will make your dwarves distracted
>Am I missing something?
You're missing 7 dwarves.
Does that have any significant effect on their work?
25% of all literature is this
> b-but goblins raise children to be functional members of goblin society, why should i stop them from abducting my dwarven children?
> b-but dwarves don't like to be in water, why should they be forced to wash off a frozen forgotten beast extract?
> b-but elves should be allowed to use deadly force to monopolize the lumber economy, trees have feelings too!
i know you're just having a laugh but be aware that there are actual people IRL who really would perform mental self-harm in that manner.
vampire maybe? sure their bodies aren't stashed away in their rooms? Otherwise they probably perished in magma or something. See if you can engrave memorial slabs for missing dwarves.
How the hell do I get a dwarf to:
1) Channel out a 3x3 hole
2) Go down to it and dig to transform it to a 5x5 hole in the lower level
3) Get back up
What I attempted to do was
>Build an upstair
>Get someone else to build a downstair
>Now deconstruct the upstair first, and then the downstair
But the idiot dwarf has to go down to the pit to deconstruct the upstair, which leaves him stuck here again.
Is there some other way?
According to Toady, focus/distraction affects skill rolls (but not skill gain)
>walk into shop into town
>there's a goblin corpse destroying the locals
this world is a big fat mess
Does having an object stuck onto you have any negative effects?
taking something embedded will make you lose some blood
it might actually kill you under certain circumstances
What version are you playing? That's an old bug that's been squashed for over 3 years. If you're in an even remotely recent version you should make a bug report.
It's even worse when you have random mummies strolling around the surface.
Oh alright, thanks.
Make a way out at the bottom. You can wall it off after if you want.
So there's no direct way of doing it, like climbing out with a rope or removing the staircase from above, or something?
You could do a stairway in the middle and then do a controlled cave in on top of it. Should get rid of all the stairs.
why can't I find cages on the stockpile options? Didn't they used to be furniture? My depot is littered with cages.
It's in the animals, then h and j
weird, I made an animal stockpile. It looks like empty cages and empty traps are enabled. The hotkeys for that are u and j. What is this 'h' you speak of?
nm, figured it out. The orders menu had dwarves set to not gather animals. They're moving off the stockpile.
How do you actually raid sites?
i cant get my dorfs to delet elves
press c for the (c)iv screen
Sorry. I've been doing that.
When they go there I don't get a mission report and they just come back
you get the report when they come back, press r for (r)eports
good old obsidian
If there is a 3x3 river going through my embark, I can use that as a moat of sorts to cut off one side of the map from invasions, right? Or do I have to make a wall behind it as well?
(I know I will still have to protect from invaders coming from my side of the river, I just mean do I have to put any additional defenses from the opposite side of the river)
Yeah you can. Channel it around.
Cool, thanks
Make sure wide enough and deep enough.
Idk, I would just have him mine himself out then wall in the spot he came out of. Not sure if you can do what you want without a dwarf getting stuck.
Never really used it much.. What is the appeal of it?
Magma-safe, high-value, can be found as a layer material so you get a lot of it. Also, you can create an indefinite amount of obsidian with an infinite supply of magma and water. What's not to like?
Also, you can make obsidian short swords at a craftdwarf's workshop. They won't slice through copper, but they'll slice through bone, leather, and wood.
So my expedition leader went and got herself killed by cutting a tree which was next to a pond, the tree apparently fell on her and she was knocked unconscious into the pond and drowned before I could dig a ramp to get her out.
Stupid ass dorf can't even cut trees right
Well at least you got a new leader.
Why won't my dwarves grab the crap that I traded from the human caravan? I got annoyed and even deconstructed the depot but now the anvils are just sitting there, being smug little iron bastards. I have several piles they could go on.
If I embark on an island, will I still be able to trade with my dwaven civ, or war with enemy ones?
You will be isolated from everyone
Thanks friend
you will have a dwarven caravan i think, press tab through and it says who are your neighbours, aka who can reach you and dwarves always can
You could do it with dfhack, I guess. It has something to remove upstairs and up ramps.
I thought you were only isolated if your island was smaller than your embark?
If i build all my furniture out of Obsidian. will it cut up my dorfs really bad?
>3 kobolds are fighting an invasion force of elves
My sides.
Make a cheat start and build a bridge.
i can never seem to get a kobold civ to spawn in world gen. i have plenty of above ground caves in advanced param
Why didn't you have a lever-operated floodgate in that channel that floods your fortress?
>dwarves in my new fort make a statue to the appointment of the expedition leader of my previous fort that went horribly wrong within 2 seasons
who cares about games with deep lore when you make your own lore in DF
>much news to share
>everyone is sending armies to bully
this is bad isnt it?
Eh, it's not that bad. It's not made out of stone or metal, nor is it poisonous.
>it is killed
>end the burrow
>game crashes
>who cares about games with deep lore when you make your own lore in DF
that's the thing cool with DF. It's only get better and more realistic lore over time
A shame we will have to wait 2 or more years for Myth and Magic so things can get really fun. Some of us won't make it.