/gbfg/ Granblue Faggotry General #2991:

>Severed head edition

Buy more mobacoins

>Recent news
Robomi 2 rerun is up
Cutiefest with double exp for players under rank 100, also magfest
Metatron and Avatar Raids released
Glorybringer and Nekomancer are available
Arcarum Extreme unlocked, together with Arcarum Weapons and summon FLB (which needs Magna II Omega Anima)
Celeste and Chev 4* uncap
EMP skills for Apsaras and CR and other characters.
Story chapters 106-107 released
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - New Scenario Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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Reminder to vote on the roster suggestion poll, it closes later today.

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>you will never get to feel Djeeta pressing her soft breasts against your arm

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Who did you vote for cutie?

SSR: Vira
SR: Herja

I'm getting 5* Nio in a few days, so I was planning on tackling my first ubaha hl with her, Gawain and Lennah. What should my grid be for ubaha hl as wind?

>not beato

feels like pure shit lads
just want half off free quest..............................

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What is a good class to use with fire? I am using superstart atm, but with Anila on my team I am not sure if I really have any use for the extra buffs. Also have Metera and Sturm on Frontline.

It seems like one of the caster classes may be a good choice for the staff bonus.


kill yourself "lad"

what the fuck bros, this was a T rated game

Did the ring restocked? I didn't farm them yesterday.

Play Wind


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take out a few guns from your usual magna grid, replace with Sagi bow. Use FLB Nezha summon if you can. I forgot about the rest, but since wind doesn't really have lots of HP, you'll rely on phalanx, heal, and revive rather than tanking some triggers that less dangerous for other element. Also use mainhand GW sword if you can for full cut if you don't have Athena.

Of course not, did you think something nice like that would happen?

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It's Berserker. I guess if we ever get another half decent spear Fire character Asparas might catch on, but

I don't want to play the SEAmonkey element.

It was a bug lmao. Please understand.

why won't they drop

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Nice Yuisis

I've been spamming slime search now for 5 hours and I've gone from rank 45 to 51...

Are the people above rank 100 botting? How the fuck can they be that high.


I want to fuck Yuel.

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Stop leeching and do the solo fights you nigger

Why are fujos so edgy?

>fire apsaras with spear
Don't you want axe for the backwater?

Pp-p-p-p-p-p-please understand

no u.....

big brain post


With what sword? Sword master seems kinda shitty, but I don't really have any blade to use other than the ROTB one.

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At what percentage do MLB Ecks cap?

brap brap brap

I need to because Jeanne gave me a revelation. That revelation was her smiling face

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I think he meant xeno mh with ultima spear in the grid.

Is there ever a "Useful weapon rate up" event for Magna I? I already have 8 colo selfies and 10 other non-cane weapons with 0 canes how long is it going to take me to get 4 more 3* canes????

please help senpai...I just want to unlock rank IV classes and be high enough to fight the eternal.

No one cares, dyke

Only if you farmed them yesterday. It was a "bug" so they clarified it, and anyone who bought out the rings before they "fixed it" got them restocked.
But it's only still one extra days worth of rings.

The only ones that aren't stolen or forced are SODOMY and BIGGEST.

Low level drops are from solo fights, high level drops are from raids. This is the general rule for all events like this one in the game.

no keep farming newcuck

The implication is that Asparagus is the only other class with axe proficiency. The hope for a good Spear character is just so you could run an Ultima team with it.

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No. Get back in the stick mines.


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You use whatever gives you the best buffs from your mainhand and or whatever helps you maintain defense down cap if solo. If you have no row 4 then that usually means Dark Fencer with a GW dagger.

>It was a "bug" so they clarified it, and anyone who bought out the rings before they "fixed it" got them restocked.
This is a blatant lie, I bought them as soon as the event went live and they didn't restock

Go to bed, Soccie. We've got a long day of UBHL tomorrow.

Double rabbit+shop buffs+room buffs+ST

>ring bug abusers gets rewarded
>good bois gets nothing

>drop rate up event
>USEFUL drop rate up event

>this from the company that gave out a fucking chev harp and celes spear for the free magna weapon

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Why are you pretending to be retarded?

on it!

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why do the devs hate her bros

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Oh I'm not doing Co-op Slime busting. I can't since I don't have any non elemental damage..

I'm just doing the special quests Slime search and Angel halo.
I have the RP buff from the shop active though. Still slow as fuck to rank up ;-; Where do I get the rabbit summon?

Nice Mewtwo in the thumbnail

His nuke has shit damage, his 4th is like 30%-10% of esser/nio/siete/salsa/okto burst, his debuffs works for everyone so it's not especially good for water. Extend and ougi make him a pretty good character but let's not fool ourselves thinking he is above other eternals.

Did you not read it user.

>council retard runs fucking societte in ubhl
Even f2p Varunaniggers should have better character choices than this. Societte is worthless.


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Why nobody wants to go in a date with Europa?

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Gawain and Lennah make a cute couple

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Hey hey hey hey hey hey

hey hey hey hey hey you


yes, you, fuckface

stop opening impossible magnas on twitter when you and your 6 fucking crew buddies already brought it down to 50% HP, its useless, its fucking useless

Just get the arcanum katana/sword.

What even is a GW dagger? Just the dagger type weapon from the GW crates? I actually have the FLB Axe from the last event, but its light which is sort of no use for a fire team.

Also should I be focusing on being dark fencer and shitting out damage, or using treasure hunter and kaguya to try and get better drops? They don't seem to really help much.

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Why isn't there more Ilsafags here

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Because she belongs to Gabriel.

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Because all her drops are shit? Literally all the magna 2 weapons are garbage aside from the wind harp

So you are saying Grimnir is pure?

Because all of Europas weapons are trash and less people play Magna Water than Magna Fire.

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>this retard
shut the fuck up, your fucking trash
quatre socie uno is the absolute MVP combination

Her harp was supposed to save magna water but its skill doesn't stack with Silva's 1
So i'm not wasting my time and resources there anymore

I want the water harp bros...

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>Not a cow
>Not e-sports
>Not cuckbait

H-how do I kill the world...

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Why are you scribbling over my waifu in MS paint

You can change the element of the GW weapons as part of the second step, read the wiki.

As for what class, you play whatever you need. If your solo then you play fencer to reach defense down cap with Mist + Defense Breach, if you're in a group and someone already has defense down then you can play literally whatever you want.

No one associated with HRT is pure, user.

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Deito with Europa!

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Glorious tiddies.

But those are all good things

where is this from?

>raid entrance animations that last 4-5 seconds

This kills refreshing

Only shit characters are popular so you should be happy.

Look at this happy and full of dreams HRT

Get the arcarum harp then, or the RQ one

>high iq roachniggers

Europa is so pretty

Maybe you should link it too, dumbass.

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