Other urls found in this thread:
Aviator a cute! CUTE!
>picking Trundle into Sejuani
>using your ult while her passive is up then kicking her ass while her passive is down
>conqueror anyway
Lore fight, Shaco vs. Jhin at full power level which psychotic killer wins?
reposting for the new thread
I'm trying to learn adc and i'm starting with caitlyn but I've gone 3w14l so far, does anyone have any general tips for playing caitlyn or adc in general?
If breeding human shyvana gives quarter dragons do i need to fuck her dragon form to get half breeds?
shaco cause he's a demon toy that can clone himself
I'm gonna be angry when they'll just go out of their way and say "He's a demon like Tahm kench, Evelynn" no way he can be a darkin too. I want him to stay a haunted toy ffs, but i'm looking forward for his VGU, my boy need it terribly
Why don't they make Kai'sa's W projectile accelerate over the duration so it's not pathetically easy to dodge at long range but without making it impossibly difficult to dodge at close range?
Woah it worked. I've never made a new thread from my phone before.
Why was Graves reworked into a jungler? What the fuck? I want my carry Graves back.
Ahri feet!
Please post cute yordle boys so I can win this ranked match as Rumble
I'll miss you steve
Why are Kai'sa's Q and E icons purple when basic and pink when evolved but W is the other way around?
>get to 99lp gold 1
>que up to get my last LP
>6 dodges in a row
Guess the games telling me to try again tomorrow
jesus christ, go into a bot game and learn how to cs while also dealing with harass/harassing the enemy laners
It's weird how i haven't seen a single Trundle so far since the new rune was added, it's really disgusting on him.
Probably because it cuts both ways and circumvents a significant part of his ultimate.
Source for this image?
positioning, trading, zoning, kiting, csing
will he ever be reworked?
Well user, it's been quite a long time. If you would be so kind as to share your:
How long you've been playing
Country of residence
Favorite Food
Why you play League over other similar games.
>ignite buff
Is he, dare I say, /our/ guy is back?
Not until old BT comes back too
>ywn mate press her in a plane
What could Udyr have done here?
I know it.
Haven't finished placements
>How long you've been playing
Season 4
>Country of residence
United States
>Favorite Food
Fried Rice
Animation Professor
>Why you play League over other similar games.
The aesthetic, sometimes the catharsis of landing a good combo like a good Shurima Shuffle or a Vel'koz triple proc. Its also just really easy to fire up and get into a game.
Poros have legs? I thought they were just puffs balls that hopped around.
>Want to try Irelia support on PBE
>End up playing Fiora support instead
>dc and come back 5 minutes or so into the game
>2v1 the enemy bot lane, I'm lv.2 and they're both lv.5
>1v1 their mid laner
this isn't fun at all
How does one git gud at Kayn?
>Want to enjoy an ARAM to relax
>Enemy team has Soraka
>No, you just lose
Such a fun and interactive champ.
>ignite top becomes meta
>HUEHUEHUE intensifies
How do you think they hopped dumbass? If they had no legs they would have to roll around to get anywhere.
Since the beginning.
Sociology and anthropology.
d/s and legwear and bondage.
I split my free time among lots of games these days. League is always the game I can go back to. My friends are spread out among lots of games these days though.
You know what? Fuck you, this video game doesn't deserve hot females anymore.
>Pizza Sivir
>New Irelia
>Buy anything with grievous wounds
>No just buy the 500g items you fucking casual
I bet you've only checked paheal lol
>no Kenpachi champion
???? ?? ??
That I did
Thank god that anime trope is older then your moms pussy
>gets ass kicked
>"Heh that was only stage one kiddo..."
>Removes eye patch
>Now full power and more
So did Clown9 kill the sneaky trap meme by all but declaring it bad luck for playoffs?
I saw this guy a few days ago.
Tryndamere is close enough.
What is Al Bundy doing watering the Beaner?
>what if we wasted all of these fun characters with the most fucking boring plot and protagonist ever
Bleach was so fucking gay.
Also fuck Chad got shafted hard.
is it safe to play full AP teemo in ranked at gold 3?
It's safe to play Full AP Teemo in Diamond 2
Is gun obama shit or can I pick him without memeing. Tired of playing varus
Midseason 6
Jinx but I got my eye on Nurelia
Burgers lol
Petite, Handholding
I like the wide variety of characters to choose from
"Safe" is a stupid word
Seeing teemo is good at all ranks you just have to be good
It's safe to play him in Diamond 1 if you use zombie Ward + ingenious hunter to maximize your vision control
How long you've been playing
>Season 3
Country of residence
Favorite Food
>Ribeye steak
>Currently on a gap year before I leave for the military
>Dangerous sex
Why you play League over other similar games.
>My friends play it and it is a lot of fun
>keep eye patch removed
>one shot everything until it becomes boring
It's not everyday you get to fight a top-tier, user.
What other games do you play koobs?
>Burgers lol
I've been playing jg/supp. But my favorite champion is Lux. Should I force myself to learn to cs so I can play Lux? I hate csing.
passed out on the floor and just chilled there for who knows how long
head is about to burst
bleeding inside mu mouth
hopefully my mother doesn't wake up from my heavy breathing
i just wanted to come bome and play somr lol
He even got the icon to match.
What champion pisses you off the most?
How do I stop getting tilted? I main draven and people love to piss me off by camping or cheesing me because Tyler 1 made us all seem like raging retards.
That doesn't sound good user. You should probably get some help.
I want to anally creampie this targonian aspect!
Brand and Echo
I can handle Ekko, but tank ekko gave me genuine aids
How is she so tight
Ahri is so cute I wish she was an adc
overwatch and rainbow6 siege are the other two I've been trying to play, and they're fun but mostly just because of other people.
If left to my own devices I would play dragon age and mass effect and fallout and swtor all day.
I play a lot less league these days.
I don't really like battle royal games but lots of my friends went there. I prefer cooperative stuff.
These next few days/weeks I plan on playing ranked for the first time this season, at least placements.
seraph's vs ludens on lux?
Why an adc? You should learn mid just for her. She deserves it!
downloading battlerite RITE NOW because league is shit
jayce buffs when he cant kill tanks
only fags play mid dude
alpha males play adc
>Bow legged femur
user...I'm sorry
Why would a video game character make me angry? That's silly.
I feel like I can CS relatively okay in laning phase, I have trouble with keeping up my CS later in the game, especially if we're losing and I can't farm safely. Or my team will fight while I'm farming and lose and then blame me for not being there. But if I try to group for a fight and nothing happens I end up falling behind in farm and being useless.
I guess my problem isn't mostly mechanics (well it is partially mechanics, I wouldn't be stuck in silver otherwise), it's more like not being sure how to keep up my farm in games, especially losing ones.
play xerath instead
Listen to this 500 times. Become Kayn master.
>alpha males play adc
Build 2 lethality items, a phantom dancer, IE and cleaver. Kill tanks because you are now an ADC and a cancer poke AD mage thing
Good night @Ahri
I love ahri!
>learn mid
Pick cancer shoving champ or you cant kill me champ vs assassins
Roam sometimes
Wow you learned mid congrats
I think I have ear cancer now. Thanks
Not go after the pink ward.
What you think is cancer is actually unmatched Kayn prowess.
Use it wisely.
>Pink ward
Uh user?
so sick of seeing kha everywhere
why is everyone playing him?
Even though Kayn looks like Sasuke the inner struggle against Rhaast is more a Bleach thing than a Naruto thing
Is this what adcs really believe?
Goodnight @user
Nothing to it but to do it.
as someone who does not play jungle or plays kha, he has been really solid for ages
plus he is cool looking
Gold 3
Since the beginning
Central USA
Thai Yellow Curry
The sense of accomplishment and challenge eases my anxiety
i feel like i like trinity on darius more than cleaver
am i crazy or is it actually good?
Can you post more Ahri pictures? I need more on my phone because I'm going away soon.
They need to raise the timeout for dodging ARAM's holy shit. 20 minutes of queues just to get into a single 20 minute game.