Why should I entrust my immortal soul to this man?
Why should I entrust my immortal soul to this man?
Because he is son of Jesus.
Not in literal way. Pope is his spiritual successor.
I don't get it - do you retards think the Catholic Church is supposed to be racist? Uncharitable? Why would anyone be surprised by that picture, let alone massively triggered by it?
I don't remember black people in the bible.
Because you want to go to hell with him, I would presume.
Some catholics are trying to resist the uniting of Catholicism and Islam.
>you have to kiss their feet as though they are jesus to prove you are not racist
> uniting of Catholicism and Islam.
With Sunni or Shia? Can't imagine tham both being united under one religion.
>the uniting of Catholicism and Islam.
Literally what?
>to prove you are not racist
No, to demonstrate humility and love of all God's children, particularly those most in need.
The entire world, so both.
I'll give you a little hint.
Both religions would do anything "Mary" told them to do.
no he isn't.
>What is the One World Religion, the post.
>as though they are jesus
No, as though YOU are jesus.
>god is only for white people
You are a joke.
>do you retards think the Catholic Church is supposed to be racist? Uncharitable?
I'd rather if it was.
You're a cuck
Genuinely curious. Do stormfag christians actually believe jesus would agree with them?
>as though they are jesus
*as Jesus would have done
He isn't?
Then you haven't read the bible. Moses' sister actually got punished by God for getting mad about his brother marrying a darky.
We all are cucked by Jesus, we all my brother.
What exactly he said about racism?
Probably not. They claim to be christians because the atheist memes and they think crusaders looked cool.
Pretty insightful opinion.
You shouldn't. Claiming you are the successor the Lord is unforgivable heresy. Now help me distribute these bibles among the piss-stained peasants.
Speak for yourself, christcuck
God is for niggers.
Atheism is for the Aryan race.
*tips fedora*
Stormfag Christians are generally either
a) Christian identity: who are Mormon-tier in their revision of church history and theology.
b) """"""""cultural"""""""" Christians that really don't give a fuck and would abandon Christianity before racism if the contradiction ever became inconvenient.
>The world only has white people living on it. The post.
>stormfag christians
What is this?
Gave the bitch leprosy.
Old Testament God really was a dick. There were probably hundreds of racists around at that time that didn't get leprosy for not liking darkies.
Crusader fanboys who are only in it to slaughter the infidels.
Why they don't just convert to Islam and be the jihadi they want to act like I have no idea.
> Crusader fanboys
> 1453 worst day of my life! ;_;
> fourth crusade? Who cares. XD
This. Most christians are so retarded they don't even know the basics of their shit. I swear religious, commie and far-right threads should be deleted or at least contained in generals so they don't bring down Veeky Forums's "quality of discussion" so much.
Nothing against the picture, but the Pope's defense of Islam and the violence perpetuated by it is not right.
Because islams are brown
18th century, pseudoscientific racial theories weren't being vomited all over the world in Jesus's time.
When did the pope defend violence?
>Both religions would do anything "Mary" told them to do.
Islam has a very popular sura about Mohammad telling Fatima to STFU and let the men talk.
Mess with God's people, expect problems.
That's the lesson I learned from that.
I think a bunch of them are.
He declared that all participators in organized crime are automatically excommunicated.
What are the basics of Christianity?
Holocaust, for one. A dozen holocausts prior to that, for others.
Oh, you said condone. Well, I suppose things you initiate and carry out, you also condone.
Fatima is not Mary, the mother of Jesus, a muslim prophet.
Nor did Fatima appear in a thousand foot high apparition to them.
Still takes their money though.
>Oh noes, don't kick me outta da whore of Babylon!
I'm on your side dude.
Islam doesn't have a Mary figure and the closest thing they do have was disrespected by their Jesus figure.
Love each other just as i have loved you.
t. Jesus Christ.
Stormniggers are fucking retarded.
Because he speaks for an omnipotent being that will grant you eternal happiness, when you die.
Mary is mentioned more frequently than any other woman in the quran. They call Jesus "The son of Mary".
When both sides get hit with a demonic marian apparition, both sides will worship it. And by sides, I mean catholics and the religion they started to retake Jerusalem, Islam.
Nah. Despite the trips. Just nah.
That's Mary trying to get Islam not to BTFO the true Roman Church.
You know the Quran was collected like a century after Mohammad died, right?
I understand your point, but I'd say Jesus is Islam's Jesus figure.
It's not exactly the Jesus in Christianism (isn't divine, generally believed to have never actually died) but it's closer to it than Muhammed is.
There's nothing true about the Roman Catholic Church. It is the most evil organization on the planet.
>true Roman Church
>BTFO by Islam
He was probably referring to the Greek Orthodox Church.
>What are the basics of Christianity?
Mark 12:30-12:31
>this thread
So, I was right. Christianity is the cuckold's religion. Glad I'm never going to fall for this particular spook.
>being a catholic
Roman, Orthodox: two legs on the same statue that Jesus is going to demolish. Same statue that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about.
No church ever saved anyone, and no church ever will.
>le love everyone even your enemies
Jesus only said that because he is the son of a Jewish rape victim, who was mounted by a Roman legionnaire. He couldn't hate his enemy, because that would mean hating himself. In order to reconcile his existence, he had to deny his physical form since it was a product of sin. That's Jesus for you.
>I have no idea, the post.
>Jesus came to tell people to follow the Law of Moses.
t. Freud
>Trying this hard to be wrong on all counts.
Retard, lmgtfy:
>One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
>“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[e] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[f] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[g] There is no commandment greater than these.”
>So, I was right. Christianity is the cuckold's religion.
If that's your way of saying that Christianity is incompatible with your frog memes, then you're correct. It is.
Oh look, it's this historically illiterate shithead again.
That is the Law. That is the Old Covenant. That is Judaism.
I asked you what the basics of Christianity are, and you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.
>pope would rather lick muslim feet and defend islam than acknowledge this
So when did you realize the catholic church was a device of Satan and Saudi funded propaganda cell?
You can defend your church's slaughter of tens of millions of people before God.
It will not go well for you.
>tens of millions
A couple hundred thousand if you count a few thuggish Frenchmen as being representative of the Church.
Because he will be replaced when he dies.
nice dubs
The last time anyone bothered to count, it was over 68,000,000.
And that was before the Holocaust.
For example, it has been estimated by careful and reputed historians of the Catholic Inquisition that 50 million people were slaughtered for the crime of "heresy" by Roman persecutors between the A.D. 606 and the middle of the 19th century.
This is the number cited by John Dowling, who published the classic "History of Romanism" in 1847 (book VIII, chapter 1, footnote 1). Only seven years after its first printing, it could be said of Dowling’s book, "it has already obtained a circulation much more extensive than any other large volume ever published in America, upon the subject of which it treats; or perhaps in England, with the exception of Fox’s Book of Martyrs." Clark’s Martyrology counts the number of Waldensian martyrs during the first half of the 13th century in France alone at two million. From A.D. 1160-1560 the Waldensians which dwelt in the Italian Alps were visited with 36 different fierce persecutions that spared neither age nor sex (Thomas Armitage, A History of the Baptists, "Post-Apostolic Times - The Waldensians," 1890).
>Pope is the 5th most powerful man in the world. Nothing to see here. Move along. Just a humble oathbreaking black pope.
The exact quote of Brownlee referenced above is as follows:
In one word, the church of Rome has spent immense treasures and shed, in murder, the blood of sixty eight millions and five hundred thousand of the human race, to establish before the astonished and disgusted world, her fixed determination to annihilate every claim set up by the human family to liberty, and the right of unbounded freedom of conscience.
-- Popery an enemy to civil liberty, 1836, pp. 104-105.
Also, in another work Brownlee states
Papal Rome has shed the blood of fifty millions of Christians in Europe!
-- The Roman Catholic Religion viewed in the light of Prophecy and History, New York, Charles K. Moore, 1843, page 60.
>immortal soul
He does what Jesus ordered us, Luke 6: 29-30, Matthew 5:39-40
>Wanna "sola scripture" TAKE THAT
>No way a lost, evil pagan could wash someone's feet!
>Islam doesn't have a Mary figure
>Even God doesn't like black people
Nice reading comprehension, Cletus.
>Even God doesn't like racists
What does he refuse to acknowledge, exactly? Him and Benedict have been denouncing Islamic barbarians and their attacks on Christians non-stop. Just because you don't listen to Radio Vatican doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
That's the Talmudic account.
Congratulations for being a literal Jew.