Previous: >[E Pluribus Unum Pickup 2 Summon] 2018-03-22 04:00 - 04-05 03:59 UTC New Servant: Queen Medb 5*
>[E Pluribus Unum Pickup Summon] 2018-03-15 07:00 - 03-29 03:59 UTC New servants: Nightingale 5*, Helena 4*, Rama 4*, Geronimo 3*, Billy 3* New craft essences: Ideal Holy King 5*, Record Holder 4*, Beast of Billows 3*
>[E Pluribus Unum Release] Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC New interludes for Orion, Fionn, and Fergus
>[News] / Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
>[Mega-Pastebin] /HTrhq7Nk
>[Wiki] / / Daily Quests: /quest_daily_us.php Drop rates(Click at NA tab): /spreadsheets /d /1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA /edit#gid=525320539
>[Misc.] Rate ups in JP FGO: /file /d /131VQ4DGGnb4A_iG6J-4BLJ2ePeFDUX3D /view Upcoming event materials: /spreadsheets /d /1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA /edit#gid=585071742 Servant Planner: /spreadsheets /d /1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo /edit#gid=537592975 Friendlist: /Am2aVbVW
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March 24, 2018 - 23:54
Both of those belong to Sieg now
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March 24, 2018 - 23:56
>onii-chan gets news >we get nothing again I'm questioning the fairness of it all, lads
March 24, 2018 - 23:56
over 16 trillion man hours in paint
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March 24, 2018 - 23:56
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March 24, 2018 - 23:56
wtf bros you told me jalter is for me
March 24, 2018 - 23:57
there's only one bicycle on the bottom middle though
March 24, 2018 - 23:57
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March 24, 2018 - 23:57
How long until the SEAmonkey contract is up for renewal?
>1/4 chance they renew the contract >1/4 chance Aniplex pulls the plug and shitcans the game >1/4 chance we get a new localisation team, who are somehow even worse >1/4 chance we get a new localisation team, and they're actually good and we start getting content again I'm prepared to roll those dice at this point
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March 24, 2018 - 23:57
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March 24, 2018 - 23:57
Shiki is a whore. 1 icecream per ride.
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March 24, 2018 - 23:57
>first 6* servant oh nonono bros
March 24, 2018 - 23:58
wtf I saved 55 hearts for a WHORE?
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March 24, 2018 - 23:58
Do I have to make a new bind code every time the apk updates and use it when I download the new version?
March 24, 2018 - 23:58
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March 24, 2018 - 23:58
Okay we know Medb is sluttiest but who is the purest Fate girl? This is equally as important as the previous question.
March 24, 2018 - 23:59
too bad he is a loser
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March 24, 2018 - 23:59
What? No, you only use it up when you restore your save data from scratch.
March 24, 2018 - 23:59
>3/4 of those options will give us two months of nothing while they negotiate and write the contract nooooooooo
March 24, 2018 - 23:59
yeah post it here and I will do it for you whenever you ask
March 24, 2018 - 23:59
Literal pure saint.
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March 24, 2018 - 23:59
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March 25, 2018 - 00:00
not really, just make sure you keep the bind code beside in phone
March 25, 2018 - 00:00
Hopefully we'll get more Lily servants in Part 2. Who deserves a Lily version?
March 25, 2018 - 00:00
>We know from Orleans that Jeanne Alter has a boner for Fafnir >Sieg is literally Fafnir
Oh no no no no no bros. How can this happen to us?
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March 25, 2018 - 00:00
Did rasputin chose him because he also has a 13" penis?
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March 25, 2018 - 00:01
Guys what if they pander to the fujos and get the Arthur treatment of erasing any relationship with Jeanne so he likes (You) instead
March 25, 2018 - 00:01
What even is the best CE for Medb right now?
March 25, 2018 - 00:01
wow... deep...
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March 25, 2018 - 00:01
Wasn't it said that since her origin is emptiness, she can put as much as she wants inside herself?
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March 25, 2018 - 00:02
They better not make us wait another fucking year for a Kirei demi-servant.
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March 25, 2018 - 00:02
Maybe I misread it, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't really like ice cream all that much, but she eats it because she's happy her boyfriend bought it for her.
March 25, 2018 - 00:02
The Saint
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March 25, 2018 - 00:02
I can't believe they waited this long. I love the guy.
and his wife was cute
March 25, 2018 - 00:03
Little babby Kintoki, when he was still being raised by a yamauba. Would be cute as fug.
March 25, 2018 - 00:04
His daughter is kind of a bitch though
March 25, 2018 - 00:04
Yes. Everyone needs to pitch in to fill the void inside of her. Especially all the oji-sans.
She wants to taste that happiness again so she wants all her new boyfriends to buy her ice-cream.
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March 25, 2018 - 00:05
They will make him a loli instead
March 25, 2018 - 00:05
fuck off faggot
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March 25, 2018 - 00:05
Mordred Lily Lancelot Lily Tituria Lily Okita Lily Jeanne Lily Liz Lily Shuten Lily Ishtar Lily Medb Lily Darius Lily
March 25, 2018 - 00:06
I love Nero!
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March 25, 2018 - 00:06
What the fuck is wrong with you
March 25, 2018 - 00:07
>Liz Lily I mean when you think about it, Liz basically is a lily since she hasn't murdered people yet
March 25, 2018 - 00:07
Is your Martha grailed to level 100 yet?
March 25, 2018 - 00:07
None. I would rather a completely new Servant over a Lily version of an existing Servant every time.
March 25, 2018 - 00:08
>not wanting cute little boys to go with the cute little girls Plebeians, all of you
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March 25, 2018 - 00:08
Would she be mad if I pawned her gold house?
March 25, 2018 - 00:09
Don't you want a cute baby dragon Liz?
March 25, 2018 - 00:09
Is that the name you gave your dildo? Make sure to clean it after your "adventures".
March 25, 2018 - 00:11
What will Jeanne's My Room line be when you have Sieg?
March 25, 2018 - 00:11
No, Arc will be the first 6* servant (0.1% droprate).
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March 25, 2018 - 00:12
Don't say mean thing about her!
She can summon it with magic so it wouldn't be too hard making another one
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March 25, 2018 - 00:12
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March 25, 2018 - 00:12
Umu's UMUs!
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March 25, 2018 - 00:12
this is the best picture i've seen in a long time
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March 25, 2018 - 00:13
FGO's first sex scene, where Sieg has sex with her, then he fucks all the girls in your Chaldea, removing all their bond with you and making them all love him madly.
March 25, 2018 - 00:13
>Master, can you please go outside? Now this will be "Our room" instead
March 25, 2018 - 00:14
I want to umu her UMUs
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March 25, 2018 - 00:15
except for Jalter that is
March 25, 2018 - 00:16
How many ways can that be said? >Thick and long dragon schlong >Strong and thick dragon dick >ribbed-for-her-pleasure dragon treasure
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March 25, 2018 - 00:16
why DOES she get fat tits as a caster?
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March 25, 2018 - 00:16
*uses Command seal on Jeanne*
March 25, 2018 - 00:17
they're the exact same size though
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March 25, 2018 - 00:17
>reddit artstyle
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March 25, 2018 - 00:17
>they're the exact same size though
So it's just the fanart that makes no sense
March 25, 2018 - 00:18
Why do you all hate reddit so much? Don't you know which website Moot copied when he made Veeky Forums?
March 25, 2018 - 00:19
That day, Chaldea received a grim reminder...
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March 25, 2018 - 00:19
According to ARCO, she keeps drawing Nero's tits bigger with every new incarnation
March 25, 2018 - 00:19
Give a wide berth, dragon girth Rip and tear dragon spear Wet your pants dragon lance
March 25, 2018 - 00:20
It always big but she can uses IP to make it even bigger if she wants to
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March 25, 2018 - 00:20
Of course, he copied 9gag. This is common knowledge.
March 25, 2018 - 00:20
they're almost the same size as the ones from fate extra LE
March 25, 2018 - 00:20
based reddit bro
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March 25, 2018 - 00:21
You know, all this singularities and events and doesn't it feel like the master didn't literally do any of the shit? Am I the only one that felt being left out whenever servants had conversation? (You) just there for being the blood bag, aside from that (You) are non existant.
I dunno, it just felt that I get no action. Felt like unlike any other Fate masters, (You) literally don't do anything.
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March 25, 2018 - 00:22
Stop tempting me with this dumb emperor
March 25, 2018 - 00:22
Nothing personnel, master
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March 25, 2018 - 00:22
I will roll for Anastacia
March 25, 2018 - 00:22
Everyday she is out peddling her luscious body to new patrons. It's the only way her the void within her can feel pleasure. That's why she is always out so late. Don't tell her boyfriend.
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March 25, 2018 - 00:23
The yahoo home page back at it’s peak in 1997
March 25, 2018 - 00:23
Jannu still loves (You). You've been with her since Orleans, 3 years with (You) in the Chaldea.
March 25, 2018 - 00:23
Where'd his command seals go?
March 25, 2018 - 00:24
How can (we) even compete?
March 25, 2018 - 00:24
She just too sexy there's nothing I can do
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March 25, 2018 - 00:24
Did you forget the thing with Pandora's box where you lured Herc to make him touch it? And getting blown up by a cannon ball? And your personal hell in Chateau d'If (which I seriously wonder how they canonically got through)?
March 25, 2018 - 00:25
They should have made the gender choice binding, and then made your interactions with servants and other characters more gender-based. Like having many of the male servants flirt with you aggressively and sexually harras you if you are gudako.
March 25, 2018 - 00:25
Yeah but it was the servants that does all the shit. You're just there for the magical energy, nothing more.
March 25, 2018 - 00:26