This fucking download wont work on Mint, anybody have an answer or am I stuck using a different computer/the mobile app?
Digibyte Wallet On Linux
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what error does it give you
The website download never gives me an executable file or any program to open. Totally new to Linux so I'm probably just retarded.
nothing lands in your download folder?
can you send me the link just to make sure we're on the same page?
nothing in these files leads to anything.
fucking lol
you have to extract the files first
you are browsing the program files in the equivalent of winzip
Which file do I open once it's extracted? I'm getting a "Digibyte-Error" when I try to run the digibyte-qt file saying that it's probably open.
open in termal with sudo rights
do you mean terminal?
mind elaborating on how to do that?
I'm a Win7fag convert so technical competency is not my strongsuit.
extract all of the directories
cd bin
Sorry but you're going to have to spoon feed me. What am I specifically typing into terminal and how do I extract all of the directories?
I am in the exact same position as you dude. I have looked into it and it's not so easy; I going to have to take a course in Linux on Lynda in order to get up and running and I recommend you to do the same; Spoon feeding is not a good idea if you don't understand what you are doing.
I can't really explain it any better. Use your archive manager to extract the files, navigate to the bin folder, open a terminal and type ./digibyte-qt
when I type in "./digibyte-qt" it says no such file or directory. wat do?
>No file or directory found
I extracted, navigated to the directory, opened the terminal and typed the command.
I hate to be that guy but it's not working.
How to navigate in terminal; I am stuck in desktop.
OK I'm convinced you are either trolling or your have absolutely no business dealing with cryptos on linux
it's not any different than windows
what would you do if you had an exe somewhere on your system? go to that directory and run the fucking thing
cd = change directory
./ = run something in this directory
digibyte-qt = what to run
at least we're retarded together, eh friend?
in the downtime, what's your portfolio looking like? just buy in?
All in on DGB and a bit in redd; Already took some profits off ripple. The only thing that bothers me is the wallet bullshit and the possibity of get hacked and shit. Like I said; Go to lynda or just watch some shit on youtube; I switched to linux specially because I was not comfortable with Windows security and it will take a couple hours to get up and running but we will make it.
Buddy I've extracted the download and every time I try to run the qt file it says it's probably already running. Where am I messing up?
heeey, me too. figure any of this out?
I managed to get into the folder; You have to be in the directory to and just open by righ clicking; I was trying to naviage opening it on desktop which I don't know how to do yet; So now I am trying to figure out how to get it to exxecute
So now I am in /bin but
just punching in "/digibyte-qt" isn;t doing the trick
going to spoon feed you, so open wide. open a terminal and write the following, in order:
cd ~/Downloads
tar -xvf digibyte-6.14.2-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
cd digibyte-6.14.2
cd bin
screencapture results
not sure what version of mint you are on, but hope you have all dependencies.
if terminal is just too much, open the file explorer and go to the Downloads folder. instead of opening the archiver like in , right-click over it and select "extract here"
go to the bin directory and over the "digibyte-qt" right-click and select "execute". if there's no execute option, you must open a terminal (in the bin directory) and launch it with ./digibyte-qt
still getting the "cannot obtain" prompt
restart you computer.
Got it working. Thanks for the help, Linuxman. How long does it take to sync headers usually?
follow what Linuxman just gave me and you should be golden, buddy. Make sure to restart.
Hey Tanks a ton annon; I got this to run.
Although it does make feel stupid to be so clumsy, it's new enviorment for me so it will take time but it feels better than windows.
no problem. it depends on your internet connection. i'm still at 50% and almost 1 hour
RETARD question:
I am currently changing from windows to linux as well, can the linux dgb wallet read my windows wallet.dat file?
pls respond
use google or a support forum you autistic greasy acne nigger
Have you CD'd into the directory? Post pic of your terminal right before you run it
I just installed mint