The Fall of Poeg Edition
>Patch 3.2 Patch Notes
>Patch 3.2 Ascendancy Changes
>Patch 3.2 League: Bestiary
>Useful Links
The Fall of Poeg Edition
>Patch 3.2 Patch Notes
>Patch 3.2 Ascendancy Changes
>Patch 3.2 League: Bestiary
>Useful Links
Why do all the people playing occultist poet VD like
take Ghost Reaver?
Unless I'm blind their ONLY source of leech is the atziri flask. Is that really enough to make it worthwhile? What am I missing?
>I've been posting here for 4 years
sorry but you don't quite make the cutoff, newfag
t. true 2012 oldie
4 years as in, 4 years in poeg, when the general was still new as fuck and we had 30 unique IPs, no on Veeky Forums in general
not that it's relevant. it doesn't take that long to understand basic concepts like lurking the fuck more before you jump into a board/general and shit out the place, but newshits like you don't even have that courtesy
you're retarded, I rest my case. have fun with this trash general, can't fight retardation such as yours, just hope it goes away some time in the future
dumb retards
Posted it in the previous thread
Got my 36 challenges and have 8ex in gear. Give it to low level shitters or anything better to do?
VD does a shitload of hits and a shitload more damage, especially on Poet's Pen, so you really don't need a lot of leech.
why occultist instead of inquisitor? doesn't he have more damage?
you said you'd stop
who cares lmao
poor idiot
A lot of people play it as Inquisitor or Ascendant, I just wanted to play the Occultist version because I want to try the new Occultist and it's been a while since I played a Witch.
So just the atziri flask with VD actually makes taking the node worthwhile then? Wow, okay.
Gimme 1-2 ex so I can buy the challenges on my gc miner I can't be arsed playing on bestiary anymore hcssf is more fun.
What do you think it is like inside Kitava?
what do YOU think it's like?
abyss poeg was so much better than the shithole it is now and that's saying a lot
was my first in what 2+ days? it was like a bad habit, im trying
Like being cuddled by a big tiddy Amazon woman jerking me off while I drink milk from her milktanks
go away discord
You cared enough to reply :^)
>2012 is oldfag
>tfw you actually miss witchfu blogs
it was better than these newfags at least
fuck off witchfu
Do you happen to have a Taste of Hate lying around that I can chug on?
friendly reminder to stop watching anime and seek mental health help. you don't want to end up looking down the barrel of a shotty.
same . give me 2-3ex so i can buy my way ouf of the leage
stop fucking begging for virtual items have some decency
christ you're pathetic
I wish I was him, he seems to have gotten away from this shit
second person to post his name gets 6 link qotf and dying sun
>not calling me pol
you had ONE job
I've been here since 2004. What am I doing with my life.
No, 2003-2006 are oldfag, the rest is new. When you come here as a newfag you STAY a newfag, you dont magically become an oldfag as time goes on
>have fun with this trash general, can't fight retardation such as yours
as someone who's been on 10+ generals on /v/g, /poeg/ is FAR from a trash general. Its actually one of the most on-point and helpful out there. Too bad you just can't handle it.
me go sleep, gn poeg
lol what a dipshit. please stay gone
2011 was the last year of peak /a/ and also the year it started going downhill, I'd put the cutoff of not being a newfag at around 2008
fast forward to 2018 and you have young blood actively trying to ban anime reaction pictures in here
>anime reaction pictures
>videogame general
I'm from 2007 btw and never liked anime. Thankfully there's a lot more to this website than animes. But then I'm never reporting anime-stuff because what's the fucking point
take a dirt nap, anime poster.
>being this butthurt about 1 (one) guy posting that anime is shit over and over again
damn he really got to you with his shitposting it seems
I got my 36/40 today and did giveaway using facebreakers+divines as source of random. Not gonna launch PoE until next league.
> Its actually one of the most on-point and helpful out there.
not only would you have to be delusional to think that, the point is that it got worse over time and especially in the last few leagues, 3.0 brought a shitton of newshits into this general and they never tried to understand the culture before shitting up the place. it's not poeg's job to be "helpful" or answer dumb questions answered by the wiki, and your lenient attitude of saying it could be worse because there are worse generals is dumb as fuck because it leads to the deterioration of this one
I just did this map.
THIS is what returns should look like rather than a T5, a T6, no Uniques, 2 shit Rares on good bases, and 2 Alt orbs.
The moment they allowed Naruto on /a/ was the moment it died
whats this shit
anything after 2006 is newfag
I agree that it got worst, but like I said I visit a few since poe isn';t the only game I paly and some really turned to absolute shit. In here at least its relatively easy to have a discussion about the league, about the mechanics, about meme-builds and whatnot, while having the usual cyclical-memes that aren't that bad honestly
please just go back already
reddit offers everything you are looking for, without any hurtful and problematic hatespeech or anything the like. please dude, do yourself the favor and just go back
epic meme dude
>they never tried to understand the culture
How to spot someone who just wants to argue about generals for the sake of arguing, that one line keeps cropping up and it never holds up because they can never actually argue that point except regurgitate "CULTURE CULTURE CULTURE" as if it's anything but a bunch of sad fucks who are talking about video games on a Mongolian throat singing forum
>getting offended on an anonymous imageboard
Nice reply dude. +1 to you
nice argument. really made me think
poeg is the most kino general and nonquoting is the most kino shitpost archetype
>make 30c
>buy challenges
>repeat for the seven time
i should buy updates to make currency faster
but it wasnt invented by poeg and has just been brought here by some guy dipping into the sc2 general
agreed unironically
excuse me but it wasn't just some random guy, it was catposter
How much steam is coming out of your ears from making the gears turn?
thinking about making a skeleton build. Any interesting thing to spice it up? Would be mainly for uberlab so I'm thinking about going for some eva+queen of the forest maybe, and some additional shit to go faster since killing izaro doesn't seem like a problem
>crediting catshitter for anything
I actually played sc2 for the first time last year and checked the general, read the first 15 posts and thought its just a single autist talking with himself because old game and noone plays that shit anymore
turned out I was wrong
aspect of the catshitter :3c
the only steam coming out of me is through my dick and into your mom
poeg is just another one of the countless creatively bankrupt generals that constantly copy their betters
anyone unironically talking about this place's """""culture""""" is a literal dum-dum
cultureless dum dum detected
The only true culture is Japanese culture. Anything else is degenerate
traditional japanese culture yes, your anime faggotry no
>annoying beyond demon
>not even challenge related
>drops an orb of chance!
great game design
i should just ignore everything that doesn't instant die
Have fun with your faggot pens. I'm over here slow cooking my enemies.
then what's the fun? if you focus 100% on farming its very boring, yes
>beyond mobs don't die instantly
nice build
post video of you one-shotting Abexoth
>build is the only thing that decides if you 1shot things or not
abyss carried you hard
Abyss literally dumped only the Belts, the gloves, 1 of the Jewels (not Abyss Jewels) and like 3 or 4 Rares.
>completed 36 challenges
>sold 50ex for fg
feels good to be done with this shit league forever desu
>tfw at 18 challenges
kill me
2005 here
I came right before donate or die
post ign if you want maps or some shit
still have some left over stuff that i can't be bothered to sell
What's a fast clearing build that can make it into red maps with little investment? Kinda stuck on my champion right now because of low dps, and all foils are a shit ton of currency
reported to GGG with all details, hope they find you and ban you :^)
not him but i could use some t9+ maps niluch
sent ;)
do you want to go pure skeletons or use spectres too?
skelly mages or warriors?
reply to me
*cracks open a cold one*
heh... time to capture some beasts...
New player here.
I feel like my movement skill just never fires when I want it to. Seems like I'm always either stuck in an animation or still using my clear ability and my movement skill just won't work.
Is there any way to fix this?
hold shift when using movement skills
bind attack in place to numpad 2
hold numpad 2
disable numlock
release numpad 2
Using Multistrike, are we?
You'll never capture this beast
to the left: standard players
to the right: hc bestiary players