Fighting Games General /fgg/
Wtf I love gllty now
>EU fgg
I love menat so much...
you'll want DBFZ for that, simple for beginners but a high ceiling as well. SFV is easiest but it stays easy forever. it has no depth and nothing to learn or practice. the only thing you can improve in SFV is your fundamental fighting game knowledge.
play buki
I think I'm in love with Menat bros...
play kolin
not ashamed to say that this is, indeed, my jive
Gllty is cute.
More sports than e.
tfw naruto arena has faster matchmaking than goober gear, a supposedly important competitive game
isn't sfv shit? I wanted to get it on release but it got such poor reception that I stayed away
Wish that were me bros...
>bison with pupils
Into the trash it goes
no one plays ranked except for 1 bars and shitters
Be honest, would you guys let gllty give you a blowjob? I sure as hell would.
i do!
She's so cliche and badly designed, though. One of the worst Egyptian fantasy sluts I've seen in a game.
I would do much more then that with GLLTY
Play Cammy White
hmmmmmmm sounds like the fox saying no one eats grapes hmmmm makes me think
More like Cammy BLACKED namsayin'?
yeah but black people on twitter really like her just like nostalgia is making people like shotos
how did she lose ass
Her boobs are way too big.
>Hurf durf nobody plays ranked
>Hurf durf nobody uses lobbies
>Hurf durf nobody plays casual
Sounds to me like nobody plays Guilty Gear.
street fighter five is so perfect
Rashid isn't black
based sfv buffs
what were they thinking with cammy's face and ass in sf4
Why was she so skeletal in IV?
>what were they thinking with cammy's face and ass in sf4
Same thing they thought with every other character.
What is vappa?
>implying I was talijng about Rashit
You don't dress like that without being a turboslut.
Hell I would give HER a blowjob
>tune into tournament last night
>loud obnoxious commentary
>turn off and go to bed
>Wake up
>"XYClyclops had the best commentary ever! XD"
Is this really the type of commentary the Fighting Game community wants?
And fighting stance as well. That pose was ugly as fuck.
sf4 is so bad lmao
sf iv really was an awful looking game
he did too much play by play but at least it was about the actual gameplay and was funny sometimes
unlike certain other annoying meme commentators
It was cringey as fuck but hilarious at times.
I'm all for letting him commentate boring pool matches.
I'm glad it was finally confirmed that marvel was actively fucking with how the marvel characters were presented, now I know what gamoras guns are so retarded and that a bunch of mvc3 characters were in fact nerfed just because marvel didn't want to promote them
How did team ninja get away with Marie Rose? Especially THAT costume.
Even when Capcom loses, they win.
it was like conan o brian doing game reviews only as fighting game commentary. I couldnt stop laughing.
everyone else beside sajam is shit and boring
xyclops is shit and hilarious
tell me which is better?
Mate Fword is a cool guy
zhi he has funny memes and also yipes haha
James Chen.
Play Weiss
remember necalli?
the commentary was good because jiyuna and jasper actually understood they had to give some analysis of the gameplay when the other guy is meming nonstop
Laura is by far the most disgusting character in the game
That said, as a straight male, I can't blame anyone for playing her
that low tier character?
Some friends have melty and with that I've been getting back into it. H-Ryougi is my shit.
wish she was my wife bros...
>caring about cringy weebshit
Best brown
Laura is the thinking man sniff you need at least 150 IQ to play her properly
>H-Ryougi is my shit.
based, too bad you're playing melty blood in 2018
>caring about what others like
I know I know "We played on trashcans" and shit, but this game's fucking cool as hell. Besides I only play it with friends or frequently in the melty discord.
that may be true
Diamond Lauras destroy me while anything under have no idea what game they're playing when it's not their turn
My point wasn't that others might care, my point was that RWBY is complete shit.
Her face was perfectly fine in 4
good, you have to stay sharp to be ready for melty blood 2
But he doesn’t have pupils there
>melty blood 2
didn't they call it uniel?
she looks like a rat
Hey fgg/ please tell me some fun under the radar fighting games that are really fun to play with my neighbor, he found me on 3rd strike fightcade lobby while we do play 3rd strike but its mostly one sided he hardly gets games, but now we are playing last blade 2 and are having a lot of fun but I want more obscure good fighting games to play so far i have.
karnov's revenge
Last blade 2
rest are all street fighter/kof
please /eff gee gee/
a very cute rat
Year of the dog!
embrace the anime
play melty
melty blood
fatal fury special
She was cute
I don't plan to buy anything. I mostly play sfiii 3rd strike using fightcade,
Oh damn I forgot about melty I should show him
How is samsho 2 I have 5 but its kinda weird there are no hitconfirms or whatever its really a weird fighting game
melty = the definition of air """footsies""" dash n mash gameplay, based on a porn game even the developer is embarassed about and trying to bury
uni = neutral focused game with actual interesting mechanics and cool characters, an original ip
know the difference
Making a new CFN for SFV. Any idea for names? Preferably JoJo related. Also I only play female characters.
You guys should suck each other off, bunch of faggots
why are you trying to trigger that one autist?
>Also I only play female characters.
Over exaggerating features like that just makes the drawing look bizarre and disgusting.