Most bat-shit insane cults in history

Most bat-shit insane cults in history.

>muh LSD fueled super-nerds
>muh Russian attack helicopter to rain Sarin on tokyo
>muh death-ray to cut Tokyo PD HQ in half
>my nuclear weapon
>muh sparking of WWIII stemming from resentment of USA
>muh germination in sci-fi pulp mags

Anyone have Aum Shinrikyo beat for abosolute madman levels?

Also cult general

inb4 25 year rule

Other urls found in this thread:

Islam is pretty crazy

that fucking group
they actually released fucking sarin, the absolute madmen

I'm thinking smaller groups, and you knew that kiddo

Christinaity is pretty crazy


Okay, Salaafist Islam is pretty crazy.

How would he know that? You didn't say anything that implies it.

would you like kool aid

I knew it, I was just being a cunt. Aun Shinrikyo is pretty unbeatable in terms of being a madman but Hong Xiuquan's Heavenly Kingdom is certainly the most deadly cult in history.

>tfw no cult to run away to where you farm potatos for some charismatic cult leader and get awarded with communal group sex and drug binges

He did nothing wrong.

>kool aid
It was Flavor Aid

Super aggressive cancer of the cancer trying to get back to the fundamentals of cancer.


He's been one of the more sane communists all things considered.

this is me irl

you must be specifically thinking about pic related

Till the power went to his head in Guyana

I said ALL things considered.

Cult implies non-mainstream insular groups.

>tfw you will never be a charismatic cult leader
>tfw you will never have a flock of many people who you take to some south american shithole and build your own personal kingdom where they do all the menial labour and treat every word you say as sacred
>tfw you will never have some 14 year old prime teen pussy disgusted by your sexual advances
>tfw you will never convince the group and her parents to badger her into having sex with you until she finally agrees and becomes your personal fuck hole
complex feel

Manson Family?

Poor Charlie, really got backed into a corner. He just wanted unlimited sex, drugs and wicked awesome dune buggies. Another example of an artist not handling rejection in an ideal manner.

He spent more time in prison than outside of it even in his 20s and had a literal whore mother. His artistic career was just another shitty part of his terrible life.

tl;dr: A new-age Indian cult leader moves to a rural town in Oregon, bringing thousands of followers with him and he tries to establish a small-scale theocracy, culminating in the largest biological terrorism attack on US soil in a desperate attempt to stay in power.

I always thought that was a left-wing political podcast because of it's title

he wasn't really insane
insanity implies no mode or method in his action
they were just extreme and focused heavily on a lot of really esoteric Buddhist texts revolving around tantra and meditative action.

fair enough

Christianty xxxxd !!!!!

meaningful contribution, user.


Thuggee murder cult was pretty weird.

I have literally no idea why the Indians never wiped them out.

>In recent years, the revisionist view that Thuggee was a British invention, a means to tighten their hold in the country, has been given credence in India, France and the US.

fuckin' blaming British colonialism for everything

Who does Veeky Forums think started the fire?


Without a doubt it was the ATF

Branch Davidians literally din du nuffin'


Sounds disturbingly comfy.

There's cults everywhere if you look for them, but they all tend to be more run of the mill study groups with overly controlling leaders rather than compound owning, spaceship building types.

God, that there is the Holy Spirit dishing out punishment

They only hurt themselves, but the Heaven's Gate whackos were really dedicated.

For numbers, Jonestown wins.

For killing innocents, Roman Catholicism, hands down. Oceans of blood on their hands.

You're just as bad as a Wahhabist. Think about that

Janet Reno, Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton.

Punishment for what?

Wouldnt call the Roman Catholics a cult. Although I know the definition is blurry.



Can you be more specific?

That UFO guy of Heavens Gate still creeps me the fuck out.




Speaking as if he was Christ and fucking a bunch of married women

this dude is pretty weird, though it is pretty hard to understand if don't live in turkey:

or anyway, just watch this:

I'm not advocating purging everyone of other religions, just stating that God definitely wanted to get rid of his idiocy asap

most certainly we didn't

I wanna fucc that that bitch with the red dress and thicc legs

>guy sets up branch of Islam specifically so he can talk about the Kardashians with a bunch of sluts with too much plastic surgery


The one led by this guy.

Good one

A true god among men.

she was better looking before all those surgeries:
that guy is probably darker than that. For example he somehow had the money to distribute that atlas of creation all over the world, had relations with some of previous goverments, stole blood from 120k people in 90s etc

Stole blood?

The God's are pretty crazy.

It will help you clear up your thinking.

The ones being thrown to the lions were Christians.

The ones throwing Christians to the lions were Catholics. Remember, they trace their roots all the way to Peter, the "first pope" and "bishop of Rome" who died in the 60's AD, murdered by Romans.

They started a campaign to cure a guy from leukemia and they collected blood from 160k people. 120k of those were taken abroad. The guy didn' have leukemia in reality though. I couldnt find any english sources, try to google translate this it will be better than my english:

How do you go from that (pretty) to fuck doll? I mean what kind of convincing did she have to go through?

He probably told her she wasn't pretty and she immediately got the surgery. The kind of people who do this kind of thing are the most insecure people possible.

He's not incredibly attractive or buff or anything though, why would she listen to him? Is this the true power of Charisma™

In some other video she talks about being abused by her dad. She probably isn't that sane.

It actually is in this case. Some kind of Rasputin type shit.

these guys are pretty spoopy

It is the true power of hypnotic hand gestures™:

wtf I love Adnan Oktar now

The one that runs/ran Korea that may or may not have sunk a ferry killing hundreds of kids as a sacrifice to their dead leader.

They also through the production of Neon Genesis Evangelion out of whack. The planned plot of a later episode was similar to the attack so the producers had to throw it out.

Veeky Forums can easily make a cult if they could stand IRL (which they don't).

Kek is a cult already

Begone, Protestant filth, Veeky Forums is an Apostolic board.

Have we started the fire?

so is anonymous

Ni hao, Unchristian devils.

I'm just guessing but I imagine the disunity of the Indian subcontinent probably played into their favor. Once you had one ruling power everywhere it would make systemic eradication easier. That and according to the link it relied on the luck of getting that guy to snitch.
I can't even tell if they're being ironic anymore
I don't think he was the most bat shit insane, it was basically a wacky ass fusion of tradition Chinese beliefs and a smattering of Christianity. He definitely tops the list for most deadly though, the fucker managed to cause mid 20th century tier casualties