What do you think of Hinduism as a religion Veeky Forums? What precepts or beliefs do you like and or dislike the most? What aspects of Hinduism do you find better or worse than the aspects of other major religions?
Hinduism Discussion Thread
>What precepts or beliefs do you like and or dislike the most?
I like the flexibility and skepticism of some Hindu schools of thought.
I don't like what Hinduism has devolved into now. Most major Hindu organisations in India seem to be filled with nutters who think cow piss is the greatest substance in the world.
>nutters who think cow piss is the greatest substance in the world.
Is it not?
bumping this dead thread
Streetshitters worshipping cows and monkeys, drinking their own piss and thinking not cutting their toenails is a way to reach wisdom or some shit. I'm honestly glad Europe purged paganism so I don't have to participate in such monumental faggotry.
>drinking their own piss
>water is free in India
American education
>Europe purged paganism
American education
I am God.
>everyone I don't like is American
They don't wanna frickin bomb everyone
That gives em a lot of brownie points in my books
Definitely a very interesting religion. It seems like there should be a more broad term for it than "religion" though imo.
One of the most interesting aspects of Hinduism is the diversity between the schools. Shaivism, Vishnaivism, Kali worship, veneration of local deities like Ganesha or Hanuman, the Hare Krishnas... I think it's so interesting how all these deities, while very different on the surface, are generally seen as aspects of the same divine force.
Also the whole idea of "avatars" is interesting. My favorite was Meher Baba.
So yeah, overall I think it's a very interesting religion. And I like that an indigenous religion has lived for so long.
I don't dislike you or any other weirdo on here my friend, everyone who's dumb on this Inuit Ice Carving forum happens to be American because
1. overwhelming userbase
2. Veeky Forums attracts only the dumb of American youth, not it's best and brightest. Sad!
Well I'm Czech.
Difficult to choose which demon to worship when there are 330,000,000 demons to choose from.
sorry about Bohemia
t Osterreich
Can we have it back?
First elect someone who's not a cuck.
but... you have Social Democrats since 2002
Our social democrats are against islam and shitskin immigration. Elect Hofer and then we'll talk.
Honestly the best religion in the world. The system of reincarnation, karma, release, and brahman is the most logical basis for spirituality out of them all.
>major hindu organizations
there is no major hindu organization.
You are free to believe whatever you want.
The "major hindu organizations" are new age conmen who are making money off the newly rich indian middle class which is predominantly hindu.
streetshitting cowfuckers get out
right after you.