In 2013, middle school me discovered an anime on Crunchyroll. It was called Love Live! School Idol Project. I don't know why I clicked on it. And when I did, I couldn't possibly have predicted how big an impact the show would have on me. I immediately fell in love with the characters (Honoka specifically), the setting, the animation, and the music. I loved every single aspect of the show, and decided that cold winter night that I would continue watching the series until it ended. I watched all of the new episodes, eagerly awaited the OVA, listened to every song, and even bought merchandise with what little money I had. Throughout the rest of middle school, I continued watching the show and talking about it with my friends. But middle school doesn't last forever, and eventually I moved on to High School, which here in America, starts at age 14. And let me tell you, the absolute worst place in the world to be a Love Live fan is American High School. There was a lot of social stigma around being a "weaboo" and I soon stopped watching anime altogether because of it. So through the years I was in high school, I didn't watch a single episode of Love Live or listen to any of the songs out of fear of what others thought of me. But the whole time I knew that I still really loved the show, and that I was just forcing myself not to. The social stigma, coupled with a lot of personal problems that I won't go into, made that era of my life pretty awful. The time when I needed something like Love Live the most, I wouldn't let myself watch it. I left high school soon after due to my own personal philosophies, but I carried the emotional damage with me the whole time. I finally let myself revisit some of my old favorite anime such as Yuru Yuri and Space Dandy and I figured why not give Love Live another shot, since it was once such an important part of my life. The second I heard "Bokura wa ima no naka de" I started to choke up.
stop going to Veeky Forums for a few years, graduate high school, become an adult who can recognize their own faults rather than wrongly blame others, accept that you're not the main character of life, etc.
Chika always looks so cute and sexy in fanart but so shit in official art This makes seeing her fanart feel more special since I'm not as used to it, while I'm used to seeing every pic of my raibu looking cute and sexy Am I slowly becoming a Chikafag?
Wyatt Walker
Date me dressed as burd and we'll talk.
Jackson Bell
What is the current rotation on EN and what month is pajama RubyMari?
Dude, I think we're in a similar situation. I don't sympathize much Chika's personality, and think her bangs are a little strange. But I feel an immense urge to have sex with her. I find her extremely hot. Don't know why though.
now take that and go "how can i be less of a useless waste of oxygen?" rather than "it's ______'s fault that i'm a useless waste of oxygen and i hate ______."
then you're in the same boat as me, and i don't know how to get off this boat in many ways, part of me isn't even sure i want to. but it's better than being a hateful person desu.
That's not my internal thought process though. I already know I'm a piece of trash
I didn't post this
Brayden White
I prefer Yoshiko.
Colton Bell
I don’t think I’m gonna make it, it’s been awhile my old friend T2. Hell yeah, it’s always more exciting running into anons randomly. You’re like the 4th one tonight.
if you're still a hateful person, then the only practical thing i can recommend that isn't indirect or psychological shit i made up, and without knowing what it even is that you hate, is to cut as many negative toxic influences out of your life as you can, and just try to be more empathetic. Veeky Forums is a good starter for cutting.
>people still use the free scout Tell me you don’t actually do this
Isaiah Bennett
that's generally a bad idea, especially since you don't seem to be that far down. and if you go too far with it you'll be stuck wearing long sleeves for the rest of your life to hide your scars.i would know.
We are all without hearts here. To truly, finally be free of Veeky Forums we must regain what was lost in the first place. The thing that holds the most light, but we're too blind to see.
Julian Lopez
>haven't run into a single whale in Tech Come out of Expert you fucking cowards
THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE TAKING KAIRI'S HEART! it really is good to at least take a long break from this place if you can't completely cut it out of your life. it's really not healthy to spend so much time here if you haven't got the right degrees of separation to stop yourself from letting it get to you too much. i'm much the same way and was like that when i stopped coming here for a few years. best i can suggest is picking up a hobby that distracts you and takes up free time, so at the most you've only got time to lightly participate in one general. i'd recommend a hobby that involves making something, even if you're shit at it and never share it, let alone tell anyone about it. just something that you can create, rather than mindlessly consume.
>in which /llsifg/ wants to be school idols so badly that they regress to highschool
dibs on being the alpha first year
Benjamin Scott
My career takes up the overwhelming majority of my free time. I'll spare you my bitching about my job.
Having to interact with others in the workplace is the greatest source of suffering in my life
why should I feel any pride whatsoever? Pride is a despicable character trait and I see those who value it as lesser beings
Jaxon Ward
>why should I feel any pride whatsoever? Pride is a despicable character trait and I see those who value it as lesser beings
This is why you suffer. Because you hold the natural sources of human enjoyment up as paragons of sin. FYI that only works if you're also completely devoted to god.
Thomas Evans
I wanna be the one who has less screen time
Liam Ramirez
Dibs on being the guy who hung out with the thugs but secretly watched anime and has never gotten into a fight
Colton Fisher
>only player to FC >connection error >4th place >-142 >internet was working perfectly during this time