>Poor bum
>No PhD or good education
>Just walked around asking questions because he did not know shit
Why do people think this moron is a philosopher?
Poor bum
Because he actually came up with philosophizing
>Because he actually came up with thinking
lol no
Bums are the best philosophers.
>Poor bum
>No PhD or good education
So what? Epictetus was a former slave. Doesn't make him less of a philosopher.
>Just walked around asking questions because he did not know shit
Actually, it's because he was an insufferable cunt who had to make everyone strictly define their terms, even though those are perfectly understandable without definitions because of cultural context (see Derrida).
>Why do people think this moron is a philosopher?
We think that he had some original ideas such as every person already possessing all knowledge, with the process of teaching being just a way to unlock that knowledge, to make it possible to be used. We also think that he stated that all evil comes from ignorance. Those two points would be inherited and passed through the ages, and often used (rationalism, for instance). But we cannot know positively whether these were really his ideas, as all of our knowledge on him comes from Plato. We differentiate things we attribute to Plato from things we attribute to Socrates by differences in writing style (which signifies the period in which the document in question was written, with the earlier ones being mostly Socrates's teachings and later ones being Plato's teachings).
That's not what I wrote tho.
philosophy is the same as thinking up useless shit
You just don't get it
He actually was ripped as fuck
Dude's work was breaking stones all day, every day
>dude yeah, there's like this cave yeah and if you were born in it yeah and there's this fire in this cave yeah and there's a bunch of shadows yeah and like you've never seen real animals or people yeah but you've seen their shadows yeah I mean that is totally wack dude can you even begin to distinguish reality and shadows lmao and what kind of deep shit would go down if you left the cave
there's not a lot to get
They are certainly some of the most entertaining ones.
>mistaking a metaphor representing a concept for the concept itself
I thought you wanted to be taken seriously.
if he's a philosopher then we all are
>Just walked around asking questions because he did not know shit
Actually, he was just trying to prove the Oracle of Delphi wrong, who claimed that Socrates was the wisest man alive. Hence the questioning of others.
Protip: It could mean that we are equally wise in God's eyes, since we would all then be equally ignorant in our severely lacking wisdom compared to omniscience.
>no doctorate of philosophy
>was the most important philosopher of his day
>The presocratics didn't exist
good effort, Jaden
Protip 2: Socrates knew he knew nothing really, while all is victims (rhetoriticians, poets, politicians) thought they knew. This was probably his ultimate wisdom that the Oracle was referring to.
he was the original Jaden
Was Diogenes the first shitposter
>poor bum
No really, he was raised in aristocracy and was a full Athenian citizen. He choose to live as a bum.
>no PhD or good education
Wrong, although obviously there were no PhDs then.
>Just walked around asking questions because he did not know shit
>Why do people think this moron is a philosopher?
Because in an age where everyone claimed to know everything when they knew nuffin, he did the inverse and claimed he knew nuffin when in reality, he was the only one who knew sumffin because he knew he knew nuffin.
Why do people that read NEETche feel so smart and dismiss Socrates because their prophet shitted on him.
>Dude like the truth doesn't exist lmao
>I hate Socrates lmao like sophistry and meaningless rhetoric was so upbringing while philosophy is so decadent lmao
>Socrates created nihilism like dude it was bond to happen for reasons that I won't explain lmao
He didn't. In Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche praises Socrates for his ability to transform Greek society. FN saw a line from Socrates as a world transformer, through Christianity, to himself, as the bringer of the next world of thought -- in the sense that ideas were created that could "reevaluate all values."