Im koren but when i been to japan they seems pretty different between other asian like ching or korean....
well... actually it is that japs are the most royal race in asian about physical-visual side huh....
Of course its not to white...
Im koren but when i been to japan they seems pretty different between other asian like ching or korean....
well... actually it is that japs are the most royal race in asian about physical-visual side huh....
Of course its not to white...
yeah japs generally don't consider themselves asians
Just look at animes
they don't look very asian do they
but im korean....
japs are definately asians like chinks. western perception of asians is entirely based on jap culture
well but i think japs are better than chinks or korean
so how did that protest work out in the end against the witch cult controlling your president?
japs are super special snowflakes
hundreds of years of isolation does that to you
This and also the US showed up and did a hard reboot of their society.
snowflakes=special huh?
>Just look at animes
>Posts Touhou.
user, I...
who cares about western perception of asians
do you also ascribe to western perception of jesus and hotdogs
Japs themselves generally have this attitude
What's the problem
I equate Japan with England... Chinese with mainland Europe ... Korea with Spain or Portugal or some shit
touhou is anime
there is even a 2hu anime now
>not having a Emperor that can trace his lineage back to 600 BC that is related to the Storm God and Sun Goddess
How can mainlanders even compete?
aha taht fuckinh chick park?
honestly to me koreans are the most different, you guys can be spotted with no efforts, with japs and chinese at least I have to think about it a bit, with koreans no concious effort is made to point one out
sorry my spelling mistake
Ainu admixture
japs are better than korean and chinks rather
in real life, almost physically the same. their attitude is completely different though
in real life you don't need to specify that you're talking about in real life in real life
of course japs anime is fucking lie but it is sure that they are better than korean and ching
Most people don't care about anime, though.