What's your game? edition
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What's your game? edition
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BEST Shemale muscle goddess reporting in!
First for best Troll.
>tfw restarting 3 character in reparation for mage tower
>autism forbids me from going in with less than at least 72 artifact levels, 40k shards and ilv 930
send help /wowg/
Hunting for cute sissies..
>BFA removed class tier gear
>all gear will be identical
Holy fuck. This literally got me not looking forward to the expansion.
Take off your boots while you do it
its only costs 100 shards per try now.
If you cant do it at 910 or lower you dont deserve it.
i know what you mean familiam, finished warrior, druid, and DH, working on MW monk and all 3 specs for priest.
is engineering essentially worthless?
>increase butt size
>suddenly the body is good
When will allied race class selection be announced
What kind of male chars are even sissies?
All of them.
>What kind of male chars are even sissies?
Any alliance male and blood elves
>If you cant do it at 910 or lower you dont deserve it
Well they should have implement a forced-ilv like they did to the MoP challenges if they don't want people to cheese it with high ilv gear, like they did to the MoP challenges.
yep. can't use rocket boots, can't use parachute cloak, gliders aren't bound at all, only semi use is selling mounts and some of them only other engineers can use. most tradeskills are pretty useless aside from alchemy though, and alch is just for double duration on flasks.
big if true
>alliance having any sissy option other than velf
They can't really compete against goblin, belf and nightborne.
They do want people to get it though, they even said the challenges at the end of NH would only be completed by very few people, but as the expansion progressed more and more people would get them.
>can't use rocket boots
last time I checked nitro still works for my unplayed rogue who have the boost on his 880 reliquished belt.
Male goblins are absolute alpha males compared to the faggotry that is male nelves, draenei, gnomes, the list goes on
They look like Jewish hobos in-game.
Engine is going back to being THE pvp profession in BfA.
goblins are alpha males compared to orcs, demons, sargeras, trolls, the list literally goes on forever
>rocket boots
gun shoes
>Varian's face when at the absolute STATE of the alliance
>wearing boots
Do I look like a peasant elf?
>can't find strange dust
>Be a monk healer
>Chilling, staring at Tyrande's tits while she talks about the grand relics
>Some faggot challenges me to a duel
>Doesn't know I secretly practice the fist of the north star on my lunch break
>He steps in, aiming for my neck
>I turn the blade effortlessly and throw him off balance
>Before he can catch himself I twist and strike the back of his neck
>His face starts bubbling and space begins to get dense
>His head explodes into a million pieces
>Bow graciously
fucking idiot, don't ever challenge me again
What is the white man race of the Horde that isn't Forsaken?
Honestly, the green eyes are a lot cuter to me and convey their pupils and irises better. These just look like someone pissed in their eyes. I don't understand why anyone wants the golden eyes. I'm not changing my belf's green eyes.
Because this one belf character has it so its cool.
>inb4 this is for Liadrin and her squad only
>Because this one belf character has it so its cool.
This pisses me off to no end, that people cite Liadrin as the reasoning. Yrel has unique horns, but you don't see playable Draenei getting them (well, that changed with Lightforged, but still). Or how Thrall in the old orc model had a blue eyes face you couldn't get as a regular Orc.
As I said, I've got a 110 belf character, I just think it's dumb and it shouldn't be added for player customization. Or otherwise I'm going to demand golden eyes for female nelves, as well (which honestly makes more sense, anyway, but you don't see me hounding for it).
>"cross""""realm""""server""""" tied to three non-servers
>some autist says the same thing every day
>have to bait him into whispering me just so I can ignore him otherwise "retard-retard not found"
really now
The future of the Alliance is female. When is Anduin going to get a sex change?
It only being usable with three faces makes me think its an npc thing to be honest.
Reposting: been gone a while, is Elvui still the go-to?
Reminder Gul'dan did nothing wrong.
they'll look better with the glow
what mage spec has the best aoe?
gul'dan did everything wrong
He's just an edgy school shooter faggot type of orc
My guess is they're going to use it for Liadrin and, at most, some special Blood Knight squad or something. Nothing major, overall. It just makes me think people are hyping up nothing, and it's making me angry because I don't want Blizzard to actually give in and make them player-accessible.
It looks worse imo. I don't like how prominent the glow is on Void Elves, either. Their eyes are absolutely adorable and the glow really gets in the way of their emphasis.
>Jaina will never purge you from azeroth
feels bad
>Gold eyed belves become available
>Yrel horns for draenei never
>Eye color options for nelves never
Shaping up to be a real horde expansion boys
Gobbos are nothing more than living fleshlights for the superior Orc master race.
>Super saiyan blood elf
sweet, just need UI orcs and we're gucci
That's what I think too, she's part of the warfronts and the commanders there have special units.
No idea why everyone is assuming it will be a player option.
I won't lie, I do love me some Gobbos.
i just resubbed to this game to get gold and alts ready for BfA
What is the fastest way of leveling now after all the nerfs?
super saiyans have blue/teal eyes
shut up jiren, dont tell me what to do you emo fuck
>I don't want Blizzard to actually give in and make them player-accessible
On one hand I'm on your side, blizz shouldn't always respond like this to "wah we want things" because there is enough retarded stuff that a lot of the whiny playerbase wants that would actually make the game worse imo. But on the other hand there could be a new customization option right now besides straight backs for orcs that made me actually hope that we will generally get more customization options for all races. When it means we get more rpg-ish things in this mmoRPG then I'm kinda okay with this even if that means those "give us" manchildren got what they wanted in the first place.
BG spamming/questing if DPS, dungeon spamming otherwise
What was this face supposed to convey
>buy relinquished gloves on fresh ilvl 900 alt
>940 and socket
Because people hype up everything they see. And they're using the "HURR WELL THE SUNWELL WAS CLEANSED BY LIGHT" excuse without realizing that Liadrin, and probably some unit, are literally imbued with the Light as paladins, and are an exception to the majority of the population. It's not even explained why her eyes are golden because she didn't get Lightforging like Turalyon.
I'm open to more customization options, but I think they should happen where it makes sense. The golden eyes for blood elves do not make sense, but new hairstyles and new hair colors would make sense. In fact I think the majority of races could use new hairstyles since there are a lot of bad ones out there and not enough good ones.
As well, I think Forsaken should also be able to run around unhunched and likewise with Worgen. I can't see any customization options for Gnomes, however. Same for Bronzebeard Dwarves, unless you want to give them Wildhammer tattoos.
So I think Blizzard can add more options, but not all races are deserving of new customization options that don't check off "new hair, new hair colors, and new faces". Hopefully these are just NPC options, though, and then maybe we can actually get some proper new customization options in the future. I imagine the Orc straightback was mostly tied into Mag'har, since their main focus is on Allied Races, which is why that happened to begin with. But once they turn their attention back to older races, it'd be nice for them to get some new love. Maybe unfuck some of their facial animations, for one thing.
jesus christ alliance are so bad at pvp
Ohaio, mina-san
watashi no namae wa kasumi-san
wastashi na Genki desu yo!
how do I deal with holy priests in bgs? I feel like a shitter but no other healer gives me anywhere near as much trouble
>buy relinquished trinkets
>910 bottom-of-the-barrel garbage with verstality
Man I am glad they updated his model, along with Gallywix. Now they actually feel unique and have character to them, even if Baine is a literally who.
>Maghar shadow/disc priest
>Goblin unholy/blood DK
r8 my BFA mains
>orc priests again..........
So now that Vol'jin is a Loa, will he be the one to rekindle the prelates' faith and power?
step 1: don't solo any healer as a dps
I don't really see anything at this time to support it. He doesn't seem like he'd be a Loa patron of prelates. He wasn't very much of a holy figure in life. Rezen must have been particularly special or else they'd have just thrown another Loa on duty.
Questing, sadly.
Dungeons are good for the questlines but quickly become far worse than semi-efficient questing if you're doing it just for the completion.
PvP is great if you can consistently win, which you can't, and its pretty unfun at low levels unless you're a class that is absolutely fucking broken at low levels like Survival or Ret. In which case you should queue for a while until you scale back down
You ARE farming for Field Medic, right /wowg/? Wouldn't want to miss out on a Legacy title, no?
how long were the blood elves using fel magic before their bodies started to naturally absorb it, even children?
and how long have they been absorbing holy energy? i'm honestly curious
Nah, don't care about it at all
probably the dumbest fucking title ever
>disc priest - lock shadow
>resto druid - use mobility very carefully to stay on them
>mistweaver - lock nature on essence font
>resto shaman - like an easier druid
>holy pally - just beat on them lol
>holy priest - ????
Why gobbo DK bud?
>Something isn't going to be around anymore therefore it's valuable
marketers brutally RAPE consumers with this ONE simple trick, you won't believe your eyes when you see what it is!
what class/race combo do you want to main in BfA lads?
zandalari paladin
Because I find midget tanks amusing
Mage Tower got away with this 12x3 times tho.
>disc priest - lock shadow
I'm sure he'll be super upset as he continues to spam his holy school spells like Penance, PW:S, PW:R.. but hey you locked him out of Shadow Mend so good job bro!
human mage
Why are they beating that poor doggo?
do you even pvp?
mega cringe
Kul'tirans look like THAT?
I'll be sticking with my classic Orc Warrior. Especially seeing as Arms is getting the revamp it needs.
Does locking them out of Shadow lock them out of Holy spells?
>have to complete 4 basic mythic dungeons for the DK class campaign
What the fuck is this horseshit