/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

> Small World Jam

> Play Demo Day 19

> Next Demo Day 20

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/74btH1aJ
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Attached: 1471670791990.jpg (914x670, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pokemon but difficult

SMT for kids

Unity is open source now!


-------- AGDG Weekly Recap --------
Fill out the form to be a part of the weekly progress recap.
Submissions will be accepted for at least the next 36 hours.

----[ Recap ]----
+ ...
- ...

Site: recap.agdg.io
Last recap: recap.agdg.io/view?id=18033

(From last week)
Space Dementia, >999 score
Deadrinds, >999 score

Monster Tether
Kart Racing
[Can't think of a name yet]

Welcome back:

Attached: 18033.jpg (1920x9190, 3.98M)

They already did DemiKids

A roguelite WRPG that plays like Baldurs Gate where your party members are permadeath and have random abilities/classes

Make it so that you have a limited party and at the end of a floor you get a new potential party member so you can switch your old guys out for new guys

We are not releasing Unity as open source. Not even a little bit. (Sorry.) It’s not that we don’t like open source. We’d open source all of Unity today if we thought we could get away with it and still be in business tomorrow, and we do have a growing number of open source projects. But the main engine will remain proprietary for the foreseeable future, and the C# reference source code is released under a license which only permits you to read the code, not modify it. Please consult the full license text for details before you get carried away.

What's the point in releasing the source code if nobody is allowed to modify it?

>We’d open source all of Unity today if we thought we could get away with it and still be in business tomorrow
>meanwhile unreal 4 is open source and making epic billions

Attached: 1517795811659.png (296x373, 150K)

i just started using it for Love2d

first sentence of the blog post

i made a video game

----[ Recap ]----
Game: The Cavern
Dev: Snow
Tools: Unity, Blender, Photoshop
Web: snowdev.itch.io/the-cavern
+ bug fixing
+ water area is now two storeys
- bug finding

Attached: 1500169277250.png (3840x2160, 3.11M)

>getting bootyblasted that people won’t spoonfeed you instructions on how to reverse-engineer unity games

Attached: image.jpg (188x371, 49K)

Unreal is proprietary you brainlet.

Can we see it?

Oh boy, right before I'm about to go back to the uni. I love you Recapman.

----[ Recap ]----
Game:Mech game that should be dead
Dev:Tomo Ge
Tools:Blender, UE4, Gimp, Krita
+ Still changing the bullet pool, component works now, only need to update shooting functions and AI
+ Shooting at a target can finally be limited to a maximum angle properly instead of coming out straight.
+ Detailing part by part and baking works nicely for mechas
+ More concept art
+ Decided grunt went through enough iteration/small variations, shape/outline is now final
+ Learned about smoke/fire simulation and cloud rendering in Blender
- Rewriting stuff to account for the new pooling is tedious
- Spent a lot of time "practicing" rendering because shit's slow

Attached: ChestDetailing.png (1990x1339, 236K)



----[ Recap ]----
Game: Ctesiphon
Dev: Stomy
Tools: C++/OpenGL, Blender, Krita
Web: stomygame.tumblr.com
+ The C++ rewrite continues (All engine code now complete)
+ Fixed a bug where textures were rendering with full alpha after map reloads
+ Changed view/weapon bobbing to make it a little more bouncy
+ Fixed some collision regressions
+ Currently porting over Particle System

Attached: 2018-03-26-21:46-42.png (1280x720, 675K)

Stallman pls go, the source is open and available for anyone to view and edit, which is what Unity is scared of

>tfw no male protagonist (female)

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Euro Wars
Dev: polinc
Tools:LibGDX, Blender, Inkscape
Web: N/A yet
+ for the first time I reached the level where I can post any gameplay on one basic map
- literally everything from UI, textures, levels, sounds, music etc.

Attached: tcew_2603.png (931x621, 506K)

Attached: mondays.jpg (185x163, 16K)

Attached: os_definition.png (1098x900, 127K)

finally got the first boss down

Attached: marxpng.png (748x1331, 366K)

unreal 4 is a massive clusterfuck which only industry veterans can hope to modify. unity is clean and neat and any brainlet could make a fork.

I'd rather know how to prevent people from reverse engineering my unity game.
Don't want some cheeky faggot looking up all my secret endings from game files

Is 3d just for the looks? Looking at most 3d games they don't make any use of the 3rd dimension, you could make mechanically identical game in 2d.

boss of pillow shading

Yeah, all those first person games would work identically in 2d.

Love doesn't hurt, baby give all you got

Next to impossible to prevent.

Are those grenade shoulder pauldrons?

love hurts if you don't lube up first

>she doesn't get soaking wet for him

Attached: d.jpg (500x500, 54K)

Best system for doing chiptunes for 3retro5u games? NES? Genesis? C64? Game Boy?


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----[ Recap ]----
Game: Bullet Hell Lane Shooter
Tools: Unity, Blender
Web: sgtadman.itch.io/untitled-bullet-hell-game
+ Continuing to fix stuff.
- There's a lot to do.

Attached: ProgressPost-2018-01-30.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Genesis sounds best but you gotta be really good to make it work.
Nes + extension chips is the way. Sound instantly recognizable by many, enough sound channels to make music that sounds complete, good tools.

What's a good book to learn the basics in general (like how to go about it, how a game looks like in the background, what the components are)
Most books I've seen are like "How to make your own game with X" but I already know how to program. I would like to learn about the "project" part of a game.

Attached: cptd_6.gif (488x540, 161K)

Use Famitracker for NES stuff.
Fuck you and everything you ever opine about ever again you deaf little millenial shit.

NES. FamiTracker. Don't bother with anything else unless you can master that first. SID tunes are way more complex than the others, btw.

Anybody using this engine?
Is it good?

>----[ Recap ]----
Game: Unknown World
Dev: Dewdneym
Tools: RPG Maker VX Ace
Web: dewdneym.tumblr.com
+ Redoing super old character sprites
+ Finally finished an event I've been stuck on for a long time
+ Working on new dungeon
+ Planning out new story events, working on details of old ones I had outlines for
- just came off a long break

Attached: UWMaleMain.gif (644x300, 24K)

>criticizing shading again
>not the copy pasta hands and legs
come on user, put that art degree to use

Yeah, gonna add a big grenade detonator to the back that works as a booster too

What? You don't like extension chips? Some of the best famicom tunes use them.
Calm down

>look! I recolored some dragon quest sprites!

Good to see I at least have the style down then.

>impotent and angry shitposter is trying harass people
Get owned, nerd.

I do not and I don't like hipster little fucks like you who are all "oh yeah this is ~totally an authentic NES tune~ because ~this one game that was only released in Japan and cost $200 USD at the time of release~ used it and it reminds me totally of my fucking childhood as a 80's kid even though I'm only fucking 16 right now and neither the hair on my balls nor my sense of fucking taste have grown yet"

Hero reminds me of Persona 4's main character
Do you have any battle gameplay yet? I'm guessing this is like an FF1 setup where you pick a team and just go for it

Why are you using vx ace over mv? Just curious, I'm using mv meyself


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It's funny because the edits you did really fucked up the things to become walk cycles that are humanly impossible but you know so fucking little that you didn't even notice.

It was on sale.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Sipho
Dev: All Parts Connected
Tools: Unity, Trello, Telegram
Web: sipho.itch.io/sipho
+ Added final sprites for Sea breed
+ Made Structure Zooids to increase max energy and Consumption Zooids increase energy regeneraion. This gives player a reason to grow larger.
+ Don't despawn enemies at level end, but rather make them very aware of your presence and flee or attack. The former behavior broke immersion as players would assume enemies are still somewhere to be found.
+ AI tries to flank their victim if they're fast enough
+ AI doesn't try to use all their skills at once, but randomly chooses next ready-to-use skill
+ Added imminent Mine explosion animation
+ Added breed-unlocking food pickups and UI-bar indication of collecting one
+ Various fixes and consistency tweaks
- Bosses are still just super aggressive enemies
- Levels feel empty and samey

Attached: pCY5za.png (315x250, 112K)

>everything that I didn't experience during MY childhood is bad and not authentic
Imagine being this fucking self centered

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Knight & Witch
Dev: SquareDev
Tools: Unity, Blender, Krita, Photoshop
Web: squaredev.itch.io, squaredev.tumblr.com, @squareanon
+ Implemented switches
+ Implemented system to have elements of the game (such as spike traps or doors) that are toggled on and off at regular intervals, or for a limited time after the player activates a mechanism
+ Implemented objects you can pick up physically and drop
+ Implemented blocks you can push and pull
- Had to create some spaghetti code for this, which I'm not happy with
+ Painted some more textures, I think I'm getting better at it
- I'm painting random terrains and surfaces which I don't even need yet
+ Implemented system where the game focuses on something that happened (such as a door unlocking or monsters spawning)
- Got a bit distracted by Small World Jam
- Still haven't decided what to work on this week

Attached: Unity_2017.3.0f3_Personal_(64bit)_-_test_scene_1.u - 581803261355.jpg (1292x724, 245K)

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Dolmexica Infinite
Dev: Dogma
Tools: SDL2, Emscripten, KallistiOS, C
Web: twitter.com/CaptDreamcast
+ Air jumps and other gameplay fixes
+ Shadows, reflections
- Small world jam game is gonna be a close call

Attached: recap (temp).png (416x234, 71K)

> UE before it finishes loading
i hope this isnt final art user..

imagine being this ignorant

There's some mixels due to the way RPGM automatically scales menu boxes and and stuff that I gotta find out how to work around, but here.

Aside from the ranger's arms which I totally fucked up, what else is wrong?

I started a little before MV came out. I've basically been doing this on and off for a few years.

Attached: Roosterlord.gif (638x428, 238K)

i like your models but i feel your colour palette + lighting would benefit from a do over

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Monospaced Lovers
Dev: Scarlet String Studios
Tools: Unity
Web: N/A
+ Made decision prompts and a simple branching dialogue system
+ Cleaned up my save/load code so that it's not entangled with anything else
+ Made stage select screen
+ Found a bunch of image effects I can use instead of re-implementing the wheel
- Overall UI design is still questionable

Attached: agdg-recap.png (1280x720, 76K)

Ignorant of what? You're the one ignoring sound capabilities of famicom because you're not nostalgic for it.

shovel knight called
they want you to be nostalgia-baited for things that didn't exist more

How do i stop one transform from affecting others in Godot?
I have an instance that is scaled and translated. But when I call the 'look_at' function, it's scale and translation resets

looks tight rpg maker aniki

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 29K)

I've seen this game on Recap but I don't think I've seen anything besides screenshots like this
What's the basic idea, exactly

You telling me you're experience nostalgia playing new games as long as the game is in correct resolution and uses the right amount of sound channels? Or you need some sprite flicker to go with it as well?
Protip: Shovel Knight was successful not because of nostalgia.

Don't give him anymore (you)s, he's just picking internet sissy slapfights for attention.

>have a dream that I drowned
>waked up
>feel disappointed that it wasn't real

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sadly we live to fight another day

Is anyone good with quaternions?
I'm stuck on pic related
I'm making an editor tool where I want to be able to rotate multiple points at once, with rotations relative to their individual orientations. The rotation handle only exists on one point, but that rotation delta needs to apply to all points locally.

For the point where the tool is, I know my starting rotation (prevQuat0), and the new rotation after the tool's been used (newQuat0). I'm also able to derive the difference between these (delta) by using the inverse of prevQuat0.

How can I use this information on prevQuat1 so that I can derive newQuat1, by applying the same rotation but along its local orientation?
At the moment I've got something that calculates the difference between prevQuat0 and prevQuat1, but if I make a point rotate by that*delta it just makes it match the same rotation as the point with the rotation handle. I feel like I'm close but I'm just not applying the data properly. Do I need to figure out a way to get the quaternion.identity oriented equivalent of delta, and then rotate that by prevQuat1 to make the delta oriented for that point?

Attached: quaternion question.png (1380x895, 95K)

I just want to know where his hipster extension chip boogeyman touched him.

>today I will learn to make game
>download godot, screw around for a bit
>read tutorial in docs
>tells me to download example project
>import example project from the downloaded folder
>Invalid project path, the path must exist!

The project.godot file is clearly there though, is this godot's fault as a shit engine or am I just being retarded? I feel like having problems just even starting a project is a bad sign but I'm too ignorant to know really. I can't figure out why it is doing this.

Attached: maisie.jpg (282x178, 5K)

Just use Unity.

----[ Recap ]----
Game:Devil Engine
+Stage 5 boss done
+Added shrapnel to enemy deaths that scales with how close you are to obtaining a powerup
+Started on the final boss
-Not gonna show it off,Gotta keep SOME secrets
-Computer is all sorts of busted, being set back for a few days

Attached: recap326.png (640x359, 72K)

Are the mixels big enough of a problem that they warrant immediate attention?
I'm planning on releasing a new demo update once my musician makes the last few songs I need and im thinking of working out the UI kinks now so I don't have to later.

You're getting too retarded in your argument. Enjoy this last (you), you've deserved it.

Godot engine question:

How do I give the position of the player to my ennemy ? The ennemies have to be able to aim qt the pmayer on a level. I though about using signal but surely there is a better way.

>+Started on the final boss
>-Not gonna show it off,Gotta keep SOME secrets

you seriously think I'd play your game?

Does this mean you're almost done with the game?
Might we see an actual /agdg/ release soon?

put the player in a group and make the enemies get the first node of the group

/agdg/ is not about catching a bunny. Its about chasing it, catching and fucking.

it's too hard, just give up

Attached: 1521450510649.jpg (420x666, 17K)

what is this user? some math thing?

Sorry user, I've shown a ton of the game so far, gotta leave some mystery.
There's also the stuff I just don't talk about

Just because i'm making the final boss doesn't mean I'm almost done. Still gotta balance the harder difficulties the demo was locked on easy btw, add online leader boards, and some other sekrit stuff.

Do I get the position in the script of the level or in the script of the enemies ?

Looks fine to me, godspeed

Most people won't play your game. Out of context progress ain't spoiling shit.

>the demo was locked on easy

Attached: Jesus Christ how horrifying.png (433x551, 92K)

At least your own argument against expansion chips was extremely convincing.
Now that I heard about hairless hipster balls and shovel knight bait nostalgia I'll make sure to completely avoid all expansion options in famitracker.

You should keep all AI logic contained within the AI enemy, no reason to spread it everywhere.

target = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Player")

then use target.position during the AI's process

it's just me and my game against the world

Oh that's smart. Thanks.