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South Park did it edition
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Post gnomes
I don't know what heinous crime we've committed as a species
But God has sent his final punishment upon us
Repent while you still can brothers.
Vanilla player here.
Debating getting back into retail now that it looks like the expansion gets us back to azeroth.
Just got a few questions:
How in the fuck does world pvp work when you can level wherever you want? What about ganking?
Also was some mechanic put into place to stop players from avoiding wpvp by flying (like getting flying players to the ground)?
>>How in the fuck does world pvp work when you can level wherever you want? What about ganking?
it doesn't, which is why wpvp is getting gutted next xpac
>tfw starting to listen to preach and enjoy it
what is some preach kino videoes
No one world pvps anymore because the game is no longer about leveling, it's about gathering the necessary resources and item to be able to do end game content like arenas, mythic +, and raiding
Do the actual in-game models have butts that good?
i need a link to this model edit RIGHT NOW please
So Battle for Azeroth is by the WoD B-team right?
It explains why they went from ignoring everything about WoD during Legion except the Guldan clone (probably was going to be the actual Guldan until they found a way to tie it into WoD), and now we're going back to recruit orcs from that shithole.
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
do i look like a cheap whore?
Zandalari are probably my favorite thing about troll lore and it really makes them stand out from literally every other setting.
What are the chances they are going to fuck it up?
His legacy vids are good, same with his old top 5 videos and any of the guides he puts out for classes/roles.
I can smell your perfume from here.
>How in the fuck does world pvp work when you can level wherever you want?
Don't really understand what you're trying to get at here.
>Also was some mechanic put into place to stop players from avoiding wpvp by flying (like getting flying players to the ground)?
We won't have flying on the BFA zones until late into the expac
this line always annoyed me because it makes it sound like the demon hunters are defending the legion
blizzard is retarded
preach is a fucking mong
preach it brutha
Why you gotta ruin a nice fat ass with your disgusting poopoo fetish?
you look like someone who used the exploit to do the aff challenge
What is she looking at?
The horns are a bad fit, they don't really match the textures used for the rest of the equipment. Could be cool if you were going for a sort of biker Rogue look but this is a warlock so I don't think it's that fitting to be honest.
It could also work on a survival Hunter imo
Please, let me be a retard for asking, but tell me OP's pic is fake.
Hell no
What are some cute transmogs for Gnome girls?
Prot warriors fall into the problem of being good until they're not. At one point their mitigation just isn't enough to keep you alive.
yes it's fake
neither of those characters are going to be in the limited edition family guy WoW episode
hell yeah i fuckin did
holy shit
I honestly wish I could say it was.
Might have to elaborate on that one bud because that sounds like a universal tank problem not a prot warrior problem
>down 1 to 2 warsong gulch
>our fc is on the cap waiting for us to kill the efc
>spend a good 5 minutes killing the efc, 1 minute left in the game
>shortly after returning the flag to our base look at the map
>our fc is fighting in mid
>they die before running back to our base to cap
>game ends 1-2 our loss
>whisper him asking why
>"because you took too long to return the flag and i wanted kills"
and alliance players wonder why they always lose battlegrounds
Welcome to hell
Go on.
That makes sense and I'm guessing that the self-healing a blood DK can do scales better?
How can people even play this?
>Don't really understand what you're trying to get at here.
I thought with the new expac you could basically go to any zone and get the level of the zone adjusted to your level. Which would mean a level 40 horde and a level 15 alliance levelling in the same zone.
Anyway, I think I've heard enough to know that retail is still as shit as it was when I left like 4 years ago.
>admit to exploiting
what a retard
you're lucky i don't have an EU account to report you
oh you just want to gank people that are underlevelled, huh
Yeah feel free to fuck off, we don't need any more edgy teens here
is that will fucking toledo
>oh you just want to gank people that are underlevelled, huh
Actually the opposite.
There being no chance of being ganked (or even for pvp) makes the whole levelling process boring.
>can't beat the challenge normally
>needs someone else to spoonfeed the exploit
someone is pretending to be me
>There being no chance of being ganked (or even for pvp) makes the whole levelling process boring.
Yeah that still exists on PvP servers and in BFA there will be more people levelling in a PvP environment. Most people grew out of such dumb shit though
Redpill time:
Sylvanas fans are successful males who project onto her the natural male instinct to protect beautiful women.
Sylvanas haters are pathetic incels who project onto her their misogyny born from being rejected or humiliated by women too many times.
I did it on the first try, though. Just curious.
>dumb shit
Haha, holy shit. Retail players are ACTUALLY as retarded as they say. I thought it was just memes that "retailbabbies" can't handle pvp.
Shamans/Warlocks should have been horde only
Paladins/Mages should have been Alliance only
you know this to be true
nah bro its just the european soyboys, im polish myself but the threads and servers get better during burger hours
What about undead mages
and dwarven shaman
Any good *active* tanking spec I haven't tried? Protection Warrior looks like its gonna get gutted in BfA, and it already feels horribly weak in Legion so I'm looking for a new main. Not a big fan of Protection Paladin, or Demon Hunter, and I already have a Brewmaster.
>dwarven shaman
>fat degenerate is a horde player
Color me surprised
I've always disliked the undead being a part of The Horde and felt like it lessened not only the cohesive visual image behind them but also the storytelling as well.
I would have loved to see her as a third party who plays both sides against each other for maximum benefit. A real wild card in the main reason no one tries to knock her off early on is because of the scourge.
Druid my man. Bear stronk.
>sunday is april first
Hmmm could this be a clever ruse?
>not dumb shit
well it's clear you haven't played legion
it's just some really dumb trick that causes the melee twin's AI to shit itself, permanently ignoring the player character no matter what you do, only meleeing your pet instead
probably the only viable way to do the challenge without that fucking legendary ring or the pillars of the reroll pants
i also exploited it because designing a challenge around having a single legendary is absolutely fucking retarded
No, not really. Warriors have a specific problem of being "I am god" and just a bit past your tankiness threshold you melt instantly where as other tanks such as brewmaster merely take more damage but won't instantly melt
>well it's clear you haven't played legion
Yeah, I haven't. I quit shortly after cata (which was already bad).
Can't fucking believe you people play this.
Genuinely amazed.
go DH the mobility is fun
also they're god tier for flag capturing in pvp if you care in even the slightest.
How is mage tower going user-kun?
That's a pretty good Kul Tiran human cosplay
> successful male
> serving under a woman
>Warlocks should have been horde only
But the horde has had more reasons to hate warlocks than the alliance, especially orcs
Done with everything I wanted, thanks for asking.
would you look at this pillar of morality right here?
I don't like the skins for any of the classes that I have a max level, and don't feel like leveling and gearing a character for the skins I do want. I might level prot pally just because I think the flail looks amazing.
>lost to a furfag
i want to watch this family guy wow episode
>the original mages can't be mages
I suck too much and I just get angry at myself when I fail so I stopped bothering.
High elves should have been alliance.
I mean at the start of WOW, when all we had to go by was WC3
Of course WOW has completely ruined warcraft lore many times over but initially horde warlocks made no sense, and even less sense as a faction defining thing
>successful males
>Faction has the most Neets who have the time to raid all day everyday week after week
>the original mages
so night elves?
>implying they would be on the Horde if the lore made any fucking sense and wasn't full of dumb asspull retcons
>what are high elves?
And night elves should have been horde, but it's too late to change the past.
>not a single demon in legion had as much meme potential as Jaraxxus
come the fuck on blizzard
I don't know why, but I'll tell you this:
This general has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.
People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures of waifus. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
I'm not telling you to be yourself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave /wowg/. Do anything else.
not the first mages is what they is
manlet night elves?
You fucking retard.
High elves are the night elves that were mages and got told to fuck off.
I want to fuck the absolute shit out of her feet
>I'm in charge here
What did Blizzard know that we didn't?
>Forgetting Clobex
>because they turned into high elves that means the high elves were the first!
>mfw he's right
its a good thing I'm going on a 1 week vacation on an isolated island without internet access.
Who is the best follower and why is it Rottgut
>This general has nothing to offer anybody.
I was offered those.