/aog/ - Attorney Online General

He did it, Austin Edition
/aog/ is a place to primarily discuss Attorney Online but also Ace Attorney in general.
Whether you want to talk about your favorite cases or characters it's all welcome here.

>What is Attorney Online?

In short: It's multiplayer Ace Attorney.
AO is a virtual chatroom/courtroom mix which we use to perform improvised AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Class Trials, Jury Cases, Investigations and more! Choose from a wide selection of AA characters (and guest characters), pick a position (Defence, Prosecution, Judge, Witness, etc.) and dive into a whirlwind of logic, banter, theories and memes.

Come join us on our server:
Attorney Online Vidya (Dedicated)

>The Main Reference Doc (contains AO downloads, rules, FAQs, polls and more):
Be sure to check there for the Quickstart Guide!

>/aog/'s Must Watch Playlist

>Gameplay footage?
You can find a list of streamers and recorders for a general time frame here:
pastebin.com/kg2VnSYd (embed)

Alternatively, you can look through our Case Archive to find completed documents and recordings of cases:

The polls for the week consist of adding Iwatodai Dorm as an opening investigation song and removing three characters
Base Game and music-only downloads updated
/v/ threads when?
Last Thread:

Attached: Matt_Engarde_Portrait.png (334x454, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>/v/ threads when?
Never, enjoy your mumkey and GwL newfags

Mumkey? GwL?

two shitty youtubers that made videos about AO that happened to catch the public attention

mumkey's video didn't really catch much attention. It was the GwL video that really sparked any real activity, and that was made by someone who really enjoys AOV. Pretty sad state of affairs that we have to keep AOV a hidden secret from the world to keep it pure.

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Say no to page 10

For as much as he might love AOV he is one of the worst players on the server

/v/ fucking hates us.

That may be so...but a bad player is still a player and a community member. Not everyone can be really good at improv. Or intelligent. Or just really good at being a meme.

They don't hate us, they just think the server is Reddit now, despite the fact that's like the one place we haven't advertised

they don't, it's just oldfags who want the good ol' days of casing again instead of drama.

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Any community where people namefag is going to come with drama but it's easy to avoid it if you're not a retard

I want to come inside Trucy!

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Who are the "worst players on the server"? We have so many shitty players these days that I find that kind of hard to quantify.

Well one time I cased with him he multicliented as judge and lead prosecutor without telling anyone. And most of the trials he's in he just never speaks except to bitch about how he doesn't understand what's going on.

Not many people understand this concept, the thread has its moments but honestly it's been quieter nowadays than before. We got bad reputation from specifically Spring 2017, because before that we were fine. Not sure how to fix an image problem like this, but not trying out a vidya thread (especially with all the AA talk recently on /v/) seems like a recipe for no success.

Next weekend then?

>he doesn't know

Yeah, but none of those were a serious effort, or got any significant number of retained players.

Holy fuck. This is too funny.
>sore wa chiget the fuck out

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who the fuck is this clovo fag?
sounds like a plan

>who the fuck is this clovo fag?
user, I....

>lewdton blowing them fuck out in the comments
Too bad it's not actually him

Last bump out of me for a while for this shit thread

me every case seconds before disaster

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yeah it's not him

How was your last case, user?
How'd it crash?