Patrician music edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Post songs for when you are actually 1v9ing
Is Grasp still best on Yorick? Do I take overgrowth on him in order to compound on the %max hp damage grasp and demolish and Zz'rots do or do I just take revitalize for improved healing from Q, pots and second wind?
I want to hold KIed's hand and gaze at the stars with him!
I don't know why, but I'll tell you this:
This general has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.
People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures of waifus. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
I'm not telling you to be yourself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave /lolg/. Do anything else.
>I kind of like that
>Sivir will never have you cum inside her as a form of payment
i take semen as payment on most good days ;)
I just left my job senpai let me have some fun before some high-paying London Silicon Roundabout shatches me up for my talents.
But the lewd posts make my dick hard
I want to give Jinx an anal creampie.
>Sivir will never cum inside of you as a form of payment
You're a kind soul.
Fortunately I'm never on this thread and not doing something else at the same time.
>ywn pick Irelia up and fug her in the air
>What is filtering
Also, I only come here to post my shit and leave. Youre probably someone who lets himself manipulate easily. This aint /b/, /pol/ or other shitboards.
>tfw no euw bf to bully me
being a support main is suffering.
and i wouldnt have it any other way ;)
why are you here then
maybe you should take your own advice and fuck off
What if I'm already aware of this and only keep this general open out of habit and so I have something to read in between queues?
I like to think that this is how a certain someone affords her artisan knives.
Pick a demographic of /lolg/ posters.
Decide their fate.
Alternatively, select all of /lolg/ and choose the form of our general's destructor.
>janna doenst shield me when I go in, only after someone hits me with an ability and Nasus decides is time to autistically split top in a 5v4 scenario
>Fiora spergs about Nasus and let gim split 2 inhibs, Sona always dies free after we win a fight to Vel poke
>Lux got autofilled and NEVER hits a fucking Q, feds Vayne straight up and everyone spergs after I flame him
I just can't anymore. I had a 60% WR and 12 kda on average on with all champs.
The forced 50 went full into effect and never really left. Fuck.
who should I play top lane while I"m waiting for irelia?
But you're not Sivir
you can always pretend i am ^.^
I hope that all waifufags meet nice girls in real life so that they can stop posting here
People don't even know this is copypasta.
How about no.
>Riot games and the US goberment work together to move Diamond 2+ players here and subsidize their living arrangements to encourage more "Home grown" talent because this is where most decent EUW players move once they decide to go pro anyway
That and I can finally have a qt3.14 support bf to play with that is actually decent
Get outta my face with that girly-ass britney spears shit.
At least put on some Legion of the Damned if you care so much about dudes with long hair.
what a joke of a skin
Here's whats been stuck in my head at this moment.
Hit's theme is tied.
old opeth was nice melodeath and I don't mind the jazzier new stuff
but if it's not prog I can't into it sorry :/
Why is bard allowed to do so much damage and his stun last so long?
Because he's squishy, doesn't scale, and has only 1 offensive ability.
>doesn't scale
he's one of the few champions with infinite scaling
He is incredibly telegraphed, has no range, is squishy as fuck and needs to grab chimes in order to do any damage
I bet you complain about Zilean clocks too.
>tfw no punk Jinx gf
That's gated strictly by match time. Bard's empowered autos doing 10-20 more damage every 5 chimes when chimes spawn 2 per minute isn't comparable to Veigar or Nasus and their lol 1500 AP or lol 1.2k turret damage Qs
I don’t even play the game anymore.
All I do nowadays is go into training mode and train farming against Brand Bot.
Help me.
>if it's not prog i can't into it
son i am disappoint
League of Legends
what do i build first item on jhin after bf sword?
Find a champ you enjoy playing
jayce buffs when
For a support who doesn't build damages, it's still very good and allows him to deal some pretty good damages.
jayce is special
he gets to be so underpowered and useless yet everyone still complains about him being overpowered
Don't play Yorick. Play Darius, build him like Yorick, and play him like Yorick beyond lane phase.
fucking never, I need to use my ban on singed not fucking jayce. Not enough bans in this game.
he was cancer in prior seasons fuck you
>asking for a male champion buffs without posting bara of said champ
Top has enough cancer gimmick champions already.
>some mod actually put my jayce mousepad with a big butt picture on a filter
>nasus on my team
>shit CS
>WHY YOU TAKE MY STACKS BRO? everytime I take "his" cs.
what's the ideal jungle route supposed to be in this season?
>Tfw no Jinx to use as a cumdump.
Probably something else, this shit ain't against the rule. If you get banned for posting it, then the mods are clearly biased because people don't get banned for posting worst.
First clear? I do buff gromp wolves buff gank
Meme Jhin mid or Jhin bot?
Jhin mid you mostly need to extend your early game advantage into a few kills as fast as possible, so RFC is pretty much what you will want because it gives him a lot of stats that he needs as well as the extra range for a cheesy 4th shot.
Jhin bot needs to be careful when the game starts transitioning to mid-game because his early lead is wearing off and he hasn't hit his 3-item 100%crit 400 AD power spike so you will likely build something a bit more conservative like PD or IE if you feel you are far enough ahead to carry your advantage into mid.
BFSword shoudn't be your first back buy 100% of the time if you plan on rushing RFC or are playing against someone can't just shove you under tower, learn to mix up your builds depending on the situation.
I want a Leona bodypillow, but there's not much body pillow art of her. I want a good drawing of her while she's still in armor. I try searching Devianart for body pillow commissions but they are rare to find or are usually are closed for commissions. Is there a more convenient way to find an artist to do body pillows art?
fucking faggots blocking the screen
>The /lolg/ silvers constantly asking for tips to climb
Their fate: Silver forever.
Is my qt support wife(male)!
Call me biased because I'm an adcuck but project jhin and project vayne are by far my favourite skins. Eternum nocturne is a close 3rd.
The thing that puts these skins above the rest is that not only is their visual design great but their audio design is perfect as well.
Remove surrender entirely, fuck
zac buffs when
Hit level 3 with double buff and gank.
isn't he already strong enough? he's played a lot competitive
I want a yordle to sit on my face!
Never did touch the series, so I look forward to the animation. Will read up after each episode (if possible).
I wanna be Lulu's cat!
>Xayah with Shiv and bork
I shouldn't have ganked bot at all.
redpill me on mobalytics
Is a fun mid-lane pick. I'm actually thankful for the reduced damage to minions, because now I can poke hard and not push the wave up terribly.
I want a yordle(male) to sit on my face!
this is the only answer
just play the game lmao
i dont even give a shit about improving, i just like numbers
no waveclear though
Is is normal to what to do lewd things to Jinx and Soraka? Asking for a friend.
ARAM is a funny place.
I play single player RPGs for my numbers fix.
no useful information has ever been conveyed in a radar graph in the history of the human race
i like this image
>jinx footy
>big girl soraka
like why do so very few artists depict soraka as a big girl? she's a mythical star being, of course she's gonna be bigger than a human
>tfw no Annie gf
It hurts
From my time in monster girl threads I think tilt-shift, haohi, monorous or maritan are good for it.
You realize a radar graph is literally a more spacially efficient bar graph right?
>new division
>lose 4 games in a row because some retard feds a top yasuo
I can CS, don't worry.
how do I learn top lane? I feed my ass off even when playing lane bullies like Darius and Illaoi.
get like 100 games under your belt
With one champ or in the position? I guess I got about 88 more to go.