>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?" Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people)
You have some problems with your face, you should go see a doctor. I was simply offering advice. Also inverse mouse movement works better, the downside is manual blocking doesn't have a similar option so it can make blocking more difficult if you're used to inverse mouse movement. Hope that clarifies, but I'm not sure you can read this post since you have problems with your head.
is baiting troops while on your horse cheating? specially on the early game it feels pretty silly to be able to beat 20 looters just by running around with a crossbow
Lincoln Diaz
>Also inverse mouse movement works better if you're a spastic moron maybe
Eli Hall
Bannerlord will not be playable on your system. Not if you want more than 150 AI on your screen. Here's why:
Lets assume for just 1 AI, 500 calculations are done the processor in real time, per second. Now multiply that by 1000 for 500v500 battles. That's 500,000 calculations per second. This is a conservative estimate, too. It could potentially go into the millions.
NOW take into account that the game will be CPU dependant on more than just AI, so like with Warband your GPU wont really matter, which adds even more burden to your CPU as it now has to also calculate wind physics, cloth physics, particle effects, script effects, contextual animations (PER FUCKING INDIVIDUAL NPC) and you effectively quaddruple the load on your CPU,AND I'M STILL NOT TAKING EVERYTHING INTO ACCOUNT.
Bannerlord will not feasibly be playable on the majority of systems in this community -- unless you're some faggy let's-player with a youtube money PC. You'd all better start saving up for one hell of a good PC.
Bannerlord will be a disaster on release. It'll be plagued by bugs because of gsanders-syndrome and feature creep, and performance will be abysmal for an overwhelming majority of players.
Ignore me if you want, but just know; I'll be in the background, laughing at you all, when what I've said comes true.
"maybe I can find a better price in the next city over"
Levi Nguyen
you get cheap gloves until you find the gloves of maximum not faggotry for all time
Adam Bailey
not much difference really
Jace Stewart
Neither, I'll just loot my Gauntlets from a Swadian Knight.
Hunter Barnes
eh there is, you could still fuck up cheesing but cheating is a guaranteed win
Landon White
I just can't seem to chamber left or right, can never get the timing right. I'm starting to think the only way to actually git gud is to have a friend to practice your motor skills, because my brain says "chamber left" and my right hand says "uh, ok I'll try" and has a 30% success rate. I feel like if I had someone to repeatedly practice the left chamber, and then the right and so forth I could do it, but just randomly against the AI I'm not getting anywhere with this it's too unforgiving and I'm tearing my hear out after the 50th time of having to get through the menus again after a failed attempt. That's the secret right, you all had friends to help practice this? Either that or my brain is lame.
Kayden Lewis
hmm, after fiddling around it seems I was practicing inefficiently at normal damage when I could have been practicing at easiest damage and getting a lot more chamber attempts each round before dying. I suppose this could work, we'll see. tfw no frands
Grayson Garcia
I just can't seem to block at all.
Brainybots kick my ass 7 out of 10 times unless I spam attacks and backpedal like crazy, even with the recommended settings.
Liam Taylor
use the warband tutorial, the guys who you can practice fighting on, do chambering on them it's still different for MP
Robert Scott
we just gotta keep practicing bro. I've also noticed that the AI seems to be able to attack after hitting your shield with their weapon very quickly, faster sometimes even than you can swing after blocking which is weird, idk why the AI just seems quicker, maybe because of how they just have to make a decision and it always does that decision whereas a human hand is fallible and often doesn't do exactly what your brain wants it to. I've been doing arena runs with a two-handed sword practicing my chambering against multiple opponents because really, the main benefit of chambering is being able to survive circumstances against multiple opponents that otherwise would spell 100% death rates. Like when 2 or 3 enemy come at you and the AI scripts it's attacks to happen all from different directions at the same time literally the only way to come out on top is to chamber the first blow and hope you can dodge the second blow while you're killing the first guy, and then hopefully get a second chamber right the next guy comes in, I see guys do this two-handed sword technique on youtube where they continuously chamber a crowd of peasants and scythe through them. Practice makes perfect I guess but I fear I'll always just be a meddling swordsman.
Carter Collins
The following tale rendered in greentext is from the perspective of one of my oldest & vilest soldiers. >be born welsch >i mean really welsch >have alcoholism and violence be your genetic gifts >regularly beaten by parents to improve things >anger builds >find out early on that cheating & scheming personality makes one not particularly suited for agriculture >fight friends >be dragged into first skirmish at tender age of seven >kill rival friend 'accidentally' during melee >nobody notices >kill enemy guy with spear >okay that was cool >ptsd plus psychedelic mushrooms results in ideal mercenary scum personality >whelp this career is better than farming at least >really decide to play the hand life dealt >gamble drunkenly >kill another 'friend' during gambling dispute >clan elder warns about thin ice >lol whatever >fuck dead friend's sister to console her >dead friend's sister calls you out as rapist to entire clan >literally alienate everyone in clan >fine then >become mercenary kern >join up with a score of other likeminded kern scum as screening infantry for mercenary band consisting of these two dozen hooligan kern plus an equal number of professional welsch bowmen led by a couple of veteran welsch bowmen >entire mercenary band basically turns its back on welsch nation in general on principle of having generally been ostracized for excessively welsch behaviour from each welsch tribe >fuck off >head to english town on welsch border >entire mercenary band is hired by pic related >this guy is an absolute maniac >totally salty >never smiles >always scowls >haughty as fuck >devoutly catholic only for politics >literally goes tavern to tavern to fuck whores and murder drunks >hires us all >takes us directly into fight against welsch forces at war with england >lol okay >goes to king henry iii of england >asks permission to go on crusade to holy land >permission granted >get hauled all the way down to jerusalem just in time to take part in its capture More..? [continued]
Having only played vanilla (and just became ruler of a single castle before realising the king hates me) and dabbled in 1257 should I jump straight into PoP? Which is the best faction/followers for a beginner?
Chase Reed
call me crazy if I'm wrong, but are 1257 AI better than vanilla AI? They seem to be a lot more difficult sparring with than I remember.
Ryder Gray
>the main benefit of chambering is being able to survive circumstances against multiple opponents that otherwise would spell 100% death rates the main benefit of chambering is being able to both block and attack simultaneously, if you can't do it consistently to start with then it's kind of a dumb place to start
David Harris
true, but what's the primary benefit of being able to block and attack simultaneously? When you're forced to be blocking pretty much at all times but you still need to get an attack in.
Evan Bailey
>[cont] >get dragged to roma >boss wins a bunch of tournaments >he buys a balanced type xiv sword for that fast high damage stab >he also buys a winery in roma -- his first enterprise -- despite the fact that it is *guaranteed* to lose money... just because he wants a winery in rome to produce that authentic communion wine for the chapel he intends to commission back in england >absolute maniac >get some jobs delivering booze, caravans and cattle to soon-to-be-french-controlled york & england-controlled bordeaux >eventually get dragged back >get back to wales >boss decides to say 'hello' to a large band of welsch soldiers led by a welsch lord >backstory: after failing to even bother following through with the quest to restore peace between wales & england, wales & england made peace, but aldous of canterbury attacked a welsch caravan while sworn to the crusader states, so they are hostile >huge fight >369 vs 387 or something like that >we win >half of the remaining kern have been slain >back in wales again however with tales from the holy lands >currently only 5 kern, 15 bowmen and 1 veteran welsch bowman survive from a force of 21/21/2 >basically now get to hang out near the very bottom of the stack, just in front of the bowmen, to arrive when that second or third wave of friendly reinforcements arrives to just rain arrows from spawn across the map onto any remaining foes and just stand around, drinking, smoking, joking around with the other mercenary kern, having a great time I'm in too deep, aren't I?
>20 naked men with sticks can't pin down a horse archer This is fairly acceptable historically
Henry Rogers
or to kill your opponent easier, not many people can consistently chamber in MP so if you can it really fucks people
Jace Murphy
alright I suppose I'll practice both. I miss being able to practice in training fields in vanilla, that way I could at least be getting experience for my guy as I'm practicing, but you're right it's clearly best to practice with a novice fighter in tutorial with the lowest damage settings
Kayden Miller
you don't need to change damage in the tutorial since you can't get incapacitated
Christian Taylor
From my personal experience, the 1257 AI seems a little more intelligent than vanilla; perfect example: >enemy stack is mid-map engaged in melee with my infantry as my cavalry charge in under cover of archers >half the original enemy stack has been wiped out >enemy begins to withdraw >seeing that my infantry & cavalry are a little thin, I recall them to my archers' hilltop >watching the map now from a safe distance as my troops move around >see enemy troops from that mid-map stack turning to attack my withdrawing infantry >see enemy reinforcements arrive >watch entire mid-map enemy stack conduct actual fighting withdrawl to link up with newly arrived second stack, who are hurriedly heading towards harried mid-map stack >run quick & dirty math in my head >looks like smaller enemy stack is actually trying to bait my cavalry into charging them before they can link up with their approaching reinficements >this would have resulted in my cavalry outpacing my infantry and making unsupported & unscreened contact with a half-strength enemy infantry formation as it links up with reinforcements >it takes about a second to decide not to send them >recall formation >newly huge stack backs out of my archers' bow-range >huh >advance everyone ten paces >bowmen continue their fussilade >enemy hueg stack charges >there are a lot of them >i can see them now coming through the trees >their bodies keep dropping according the cyan status reports >oh, they are in javelin range >race out to clip the closest foes and get them to follow me away from my archers >about half of them do >the other half ignore me and wade forward into melee >order cavalry charge >order infantry charge >order everyone charge >bloody melee >we still emerge victorious >surgery skill saved my forces
What's that sword on the back of the player in the new footage? looksl ike chink stuff
Jordan Mitchell
n e v e r e v e r
Jack Sanders
Why is it so hard to get a good waifu in this game? There was a string of mass defections and now all the Lords I had a good relationship with are on enemy factions and all the other Jarls hate me from beating them in past battles. Can I just kidnap a Khergit girl somehow?
>""""""""""""""""""""""""Exclusive"""""""""""""""""""""""""" >""""""""""""""""""""""""Never seen before"""""""""""""""""""""" >Literally just a fucking video montage of shit we've already seen
Juan Ortiz
yeah but it increases the amount of times you can get hit before you have to restart the round
Oliver Lewis
>Release a swing at another player in multiplayer >He can change weapons, start and release a swing before my weapon connects REEEEEEEEEEE
the real answer is latency but you'll only get memes
Evan Cooper
this don't bother with serious dueling if your latency is over 80~ and know that there is a significant difference between 10 and 50 due to the netcode
Nolan Hernandez
>start getting better >plateau >get frustrated >become worse than when I started >take a breather for a minute >start getting better >plateau >repeat forever this is my life. I think I am getting slightly better though but after about half an hour I'm so frustrated it's impossible to tell.
Isaiah Butler
It's a video game user, you are supposed to have fun!
I know Good Natured is the best personality now s there a best nation to poach them from? Should I give all my castles to a Rhodok lords? There are a bunch of GN Khergit lords If I poach them just give them a single village and call it a day? Grab Swadians first if possible or Nord lords?
John Russell
I find it funny how everyone seems to misjudge the range and speed of spears. Easiest weapons to get kills with for me.
Ethan Howard
What you really need to be doing is securing butter supplies, befriending every lord who happens to have butter. Then you will be butterlord, king of all pastries and protector of the taste buds, and butter prices will skyrocket from the monopoly and nobles will castrate themselves before you for a mere taste of your glorious butter.
Xavier King
Fair point. But supposing I have a choice of equally buttered GN types from each faction is there a "First among equals"?
Luis Hughes
What kingdom your lords are originally from is somewhat irrelevant; the main thing that matters is what their relationships with your other lords are. Ideally you want to have lords that like eachother near eachother, that will allow your lords to cooperate more and you can leave them to their own devices much more often as they will support eachother in attack and defense. Whlie you have to be open to targets of opportunity, you do want to restrain your expansion and consider how the local region can be best administered by the lords you have, and with considerations of what lords you want to recruit later. Obviously lords from the same original factions may more likely have good relations with eachother, but it isn't always the case either.
the best thing to do is let lords defect to you and never talk to you which effectively takes them out of the game also don't assign fiefs you conquer since they auto generate troops i haven't seen a mod fix either of these things and they break the shit out of the game if you make your own faction
Owen Bailey
Is there a way to raise relations with your vassals aside from giving them fiefs?
Thomas Cox
Isn't it also good to have lords that are somehow related?
Evan Walker
How do you find out if Lords like or dislike each other? Might end up doing what suggested.
Jacob Lopez
In Native, host feasts and make sure to talk to your lords. Also standard saving their asses in battle, etc. Also if you grant fiefs to their friends and family they get a minor bonus (although granting fiefs to their rivals can hurt their relationship with you). With Diplomacy based features, the best way is to have your kingdom's social policies benefit the lords; decentralized authority is the main one, over time all your lords gain relationship with you. Yeah, that is a big factor in their relations with eachother. Although not always, especially between cousins or uncle/nephews, there can be harsh rivalries there. If you're using Native it's extremely hard to do, unless you've talked with them and made notes (manually by hand on paper) to keep track of that shit. Also how they respond when you do things to other lords, if they don't like a lord they will dislike when you grant them fiefs, etc. With Diplomacy you can look most of that information up in the Notes pages or Lord Relations menu.
Regarding end-game Kingdom management, you should just use Diplomacy, Native endgame is a slog and you're better off just consolidating for yourself and disregarding the lords; it's too hard to get the information to probably manage them in ways their AI allows.
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
Which of the various Gekokujo mods in the pastebin is the best one
Cameron Gonzalez
fucking PoP is out boys LET'S GO NEW GAME
Jeremiah Sanchez
>playing poop
Joseph Collins
why do men want to have sex with me but women call me a filthy pervert
Alexander Edwards
I ask myself the same thing every day
Jayden Perry
invest in charisma (which you should be doing anyway for the leadership and prisoners)
Alexander Brooks
i currently got 18, is there a threshold or something? really would like to have sex with my gf (ymira)...
Hudson Flores
I think it's 24 sorry, but you're going to have to grind some more
Grayson Murphy
Don't prisoners just slow you down?
Connor Bennett
slow you down straight to the bank son
Bentley Moore
Other than Ramun and the chest in Rivacheg, what are some things that are/seem like they are holdovers or easter eggs from earlier versions that don't really belong?
Kayden Moore
there's a village with a spooky atmosphere, skulls and shit and then there's the skelly in the castle