/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General

Reclaiming Your Anus Edition

ED info:

Elite Dangerous is currently in Chapter 1 of the Beyond expansion, patch number 3.0.4. It comes free with the Horizons expansion and aims to focus on refining core gameplay and new content.

Thargoids have crippled AEGIS-related starports in the Pleiades and are now appearing in human space. Be aware that while the Thargoid Interceptors are not normally hostile, Scout Marauders absolutely are.
Starport repair requirements have been reduced to 10% of their original values and 3 have been fully repaired.

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

Patch 3.1 is currently in PTU 3.1.0j, check your RSI account to see if you have access to the patch. 3.1 Live will be released at the end of March. Alpha 3.0.1 is released for all backers. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Comprehensive look at the current state of Star Citizen

>Squadron 42 Vertical Slice

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games you can play while waiting for SC and ED to become real games:

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hey guys

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FFS, the default character is a bluegum porch monkey. If you want to be a white guy, there are like 3 choices, all with homosexual haircuts. You want red, purple, or yellow eyes though? nbd.

Just give me the option to play a robot.

> Last night I take 3 infiltrate the base and disable the fuel depot missions
> Game crashes every damn time I try to land anywhere near the base.
> mfw new patch fixed this bug

Also after fucking around for entirely too long trying to do that mission in a SRV I decided to just fly in and use my ship's datalink scanner to access the fuel depot. Surprisingly, it works.

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you can roleplay as a synth :^)

You can already buy shotguns in Star Citizen.

>400 person company, whiter than the driven snow.
>default character in game is black
>most of your playerbase will just click the defaults.
>majority of new players will be in digital blackface.
>unironically considered not appropriation.

too soon


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he's not wrong. that shield is retarded

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>I've gotten a FUD ban for asking why ship sales corresponded with them delaying launches. They never launch a patch and then a sale. They always have a sale when people are expecting a patch and they hold the release until the end of the sale. I got a 3 day ban for pointing that out.


Omedetou CIG

>medium ship destroys small ship
i don't see the problem

Saberfags are crying because a more expensive ship is better for once.

Did anyone try the new guns in 3.1 yet?

problem being that the philosophy of
>x is the best ship at y
>but at least it can't do z
is shit for balance. eve tried this and the community ended up only using 1-2 ships out of every hull size for eight years.

The Vanguard is a heavy fighter while the Sabre is a medium.
I just tried playing AC on the PTU and the Warden can strafe/turn fast enough now to keep up with medium and light fighters while having a shield strong enough to survive being shot at by 2 people at the same time.
I'm not saying it should be unable to win, but right now it wins too easily agains things that aren't even its intended targets.

Well, fuck it. I'm not sure what I expected. As soon as I get the new patch installed, the servers shit the bed and everyone is complaining that the planets are tanking the fps to single digits and no one can connect.

Which game are you referring to?

Finally got my Python boys. Finally.

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SC PTU. I just got the invite.

Now get ready to engineer it to make it usable.

>This patch is an early release to deliberately investigate server stability and slow down issues. The team has an idea of what may be causing the issues you all observed over the weekend, but to test that we need to experiment with server settings in an environment with frequent player activity.

Stability implies you can connect. Can they seriously not put a fucking dev on the ptfuckingu spectrum to tell people what's going on?

Whatd you mostly do for saving up?


I was all hot and ready to buy a Python, then by the time I had enough money I realized I didn't really need it anymore.

Still tempted, because it really is the most versatile single ship in the game.

been a while since I checked in

I remember roberts said 3.0 would be probably by christmas 2016. i know that got delayed, but are we at least at the amount of content he said would be available in that release? is it anything close to stable?

The game is getting there.

I can't recall. A lot of what CIG says gets lost in the wash.

Stability is relative to how many people occupy a server at any given point. If you have three dudes in Caterpillars exploding simultaneously then you're going to have a bad time.

Before you log in, keep in mind that the launcher TOS has a litigation clause in it. If you say anything bad you open yourself up to the possibility of a legal snafu.

Yes user, I'm sure CIG will sue you if you say something bad about the game online.

Hey, you never know. Slander is slander.

I dont know about sue, but didnt they block users from their forums after finding accounts saying how much they sucked on other forums? Thats creepy af right there.

When did that supposedly happen?

They went through some guy's PMs on the official forums and banned him for suggesting refunds a few months after the fact.

I remember reading about it a few years ago, google showed me this as one of the results?


Another one.gif

how come the model has disgusting american teeth?

t. english orange crooked teeth

Maybe most of the backers are la creaturas and they want them to feel at home/identify with the character.

>new patch
>no one can update

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>Be Shitizen drone
>Glorious emperor Roberts unexpectedly demands I download his latest 'attempt' at a game over the phone
>"b-but I already downloaded it s-sir"
>"o-ok sir" - he hangs up
>Hurriedly boot up sputtering and damaged gaming PC from days of cryengine abuse
>open launcher
>Sure enough, 2tb patch
>Briefly consider not downloading it, as my internet is only 2mb/s
>suddenly there are loud sirens and screeching tyres outside of my house
>Shitizen defence force has arrived; they detected dangerous levels of treachery from the mind reading device they implanted from when I first pledged my life savings
>The Derek Smart readings were off the chart
>I can hear my door being busted in below
>the phone starts ringing, ear splitting shouting downstairs
>I rush for my citizen con card in case they think I'm not legal
>Bedroom door smashes open
>"N-no sir, y-yes sir, here it is"
>Glorious Roberts is here in person, in a spandex jumpsuit
>"N-no sir, I just was w-wondering if I should wait until the next feature release"
>Roberts' eyes bulge with rage, his face is turning bright red
>"W-well I thought th-"
>BANG he shoots me in the gut
>he shoots again and again because it takes a least 100 rounds to kill a man
>Lights fading, my vision is going dark
>I think back as to whether it was all worth it
>It was not


Do you have the pasta where you meet CR in the store?


No but I can make one. First you must kill yourself

>Be Christopher Roberto
>Gazing at the wonderful selection of produce
>All these wares, before my eyes! Purchased for money!
>The subtle reference reminds me of Capitalism, and how easy it is to harvest coin from the proletariat
>Giggling to myself now, picturing a whale
>Oh glorious whale, let me feast on your blubber!
>Just picturing those addlepated fools is sending me into a wave of hysterics
>Laughing so hard now, people are stopping to look at me
>tears streaming down my face, collecting on my grin
>They actually think there's ever going to be a game! When we're making more money than ever just by stalling things!
>Squadron42 by Christmas I say! And when it doesn't come, they attack those that criticise me!
>nose is bleeding now, I'm spasming on the floor
>paramedics have been called and are rushing towards me
>When the piece of shit game is put together, and the framerate is unplayable, I just blame the networking! They believe me again!
>everything suddenly goes dark
>spontaneously explode, pinging flesh and fat all across the room

You better enjoy this you little bitch, I actually put effort into this

Wing hauling with my broski and community goal pirate murder

I'm debating buying a Federal Corvette.
I've got enough money to cover everything, but it'll leave me with less than two hundred million...

>freely admitting that you're a peasant-tier shitter

CIG keeps forgetting to enable retro thruster VFX in the public builds
None of the new ships have them

Gotta start somewhere bud, or did you grind enough for a corvette out of your sidewinder?

>Thursday will bring us an episode of Around the Verse focusing on Squadron 42 and Flight AI.

>spawn a Cutlass
>can't thrust off of the pad
>get a crimestat for tagging a ship when I slide straight off the pad
>try to boost into cruise and the ship does this weird twist
>uncontrollable until I just let it fly crooked. It's otherwise normal
>fuck it go to Yela
>arrive and decide to check out an outpost
>get jumped by 2 pirates in Cats
>handle first one pretty easy in the crooked cutlass
>pre baked animations of him exploding look great
>second pirate in the Cat is 20km away
>full AB with a half twist
>ram him at almost mach 3
>he explodes instantly
>they were mumbling something but I had the volume too low
>notice my crimestat has increased instead of dropped
>those were just civilian haulers that conned red because I was a criminal
>front of the cutlass is slightly damaged
>fps goes from ~30 to single digits
>go to bed and log out

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Just another day

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>go to bed and log out
what magical technology has CIG implemented that allows you to log out of the game from your bed?

If your ship has a bed, you can lay in it and there is a new option since 3.0 to log out. You can only rejoin back in your ship if you rejoin the same instance, so it's broken still afaik.

That has to be the least comfy bed in this game.

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Cutlass has bunk beds, with a ladder. You can kiss your homie goodnight with only one no homo.

Cutlass is pretty comfy desu

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On that note, you can also put fixed S1 guns on the Cutlass utility mounts in the PTU.

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Where's the best place to grind skimmer missions now? is it still drakonis?

Following this are there any places to grind skimmers and imp ranks? Tryna kill two birds with one stone.

The Hornet seems to have lost the flashfire mount, but the B U C C can still mount a S4 on the roof.

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Gas the space furries

New scatterguns

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So when is there going to be a game to test here, rather than a series of tech demos and videos with promises that it will release soon?

two weeks


That's nice. I thought the spread would be a lot bigger. Is the Bucc super squishy? I have one but never really taken it out.

see that massive glass cockpit? it's one big huge critical hit area

Dunno, I only have it because every ship is enabled in PTU. I tried pirate swarm but crashed into a rock in wave 3 because it's almost 5 am.

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Yup, thats like 10 minutes of SC at least, double fuck that.

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Never because you're just going to keep moving the goal posts on what you consider to be a game.

We have a game right now, it's a incredibly buggy poorly optimized game, but it is a game.

>Never because you're just going to keep moving the goal posts on what you consider to be a game.
Hello pot, I'm kettle. You're a nigger.

>Mad and bad

Scream nigger all you like, it won't change anything, SC has more content than say, PUBG and that's considered a game, though I'm sure you'll disagree because you dislike it.

I think the problem with SC is that the missing stuff is so glaring. Everywhere you go you find something that isn't implemented yet and there are whole ships that are pretty much useless because they rely on nonexistent mechanics.

Also, PUBG has the major advantage of being playable and stable, unlike the state 3.1 PTU is currently in.

>SC has more content than say, PUBG
You're retarded.

SC has

>Ship PVP arenas
>Ship PVE arenas
>Infantry PVP arenas
>A persistent universe with missions, commerce, pvp, pve, npcs and a pretty sizeable number of flyable ships

PUBG has

>Two maps

>A game that is a modified fps shooter is stable
>I used this plebbit meme as to lower the level of intellect so you can understand my reaction

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not him but
>Infantry PVP arenas
Completely empty, impossible to find other players.
>A persistent universe with missions, commerce, pvp, pve, npcs and a pretty sizeable number of flyable ships
The Verse isn't persistent yet, there's a wipe for every little patch. The missions are "go pick up that box for the equivalent of $15". You can only fly ships you purchased with real money (unless you are in the PTU or steal a ship).

>Completely empty, impossible to find other players.
>has never played PUBG

I Haven't, And That's A Good Thing!

>>A persistent universe with missions, commerce, pvp, pve, npcs and a pretty sizeable number of flyable ships

Corvette is my current big multirole ship, because it can actually turn in sc.

And it has a jump range measured in light-months.

20ly is a sad number, but enough for me.

Is the goal to grind Dav's hope until you have 250/250 of every material? or can I piss of at 100 or so...

I'm dying

Do you want to do it once to completion, or twice?

Well my SRV is running out of fuel so i'm only halfway to everything...


Don't you have materials to synthesize a refuel?

Does it use valuable stuff or common stuff?

Basic SRV refuel is 1 Sulphur and 1 Phosphorus

nvm haven't gotten any sulhpar and phsofurus from dav's hope

Go shoot rocks.
I'd bitching about spoonfeeding, but I don't think the game ever explains where each category of material comes from.

You don't get those there because they're elements. You can find them in SRV from outcrops that spawn on landable planets or mining asteroids in belts.

>sulhpar and phsofurus

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