Yukarifags have always been here, they’re just more vocal now because of the dancing game probably
Carson Clark
But did you see his body? And honestly Shinji may be the dead guy, but he’s also the otomefag bait. They put the lady bait characters for DLC because Atlus wants $$$$$.
Sebastian Moore
Idk user, I wonder why they weren't so active for years when she wasn't in a game about to come out. You fucking moron.
So do I. I love the duality of her personality, for example; during most of the game she's happy, genki and ditzy, but when things get serious she doesn't have a problem speaking her mind, the confrontation against Kamoshida is a good example of this.
Yeah hence why I called them Fuukaposters and not Fuukafags, its really easy to see him on /a/ and /v/ though I was there when he left.
Henry Morgan
My favorite ended up being Haru, but Anne's pretty cheeky in a lot of her conversations, and her Mementos banter can get pretty funny. She'd be a pleasant person to be around with.
Jordan Thomas
what's the sauce on this?
Justin Miller
>genki Don't be retarded
Xavier Ramirez
Truly a woman for all seasons. And that's one thing I love about her too. I enjoy a lighthearted, carefree girl, but she needs to have a backbone if something happens.
>a day late reply kek, I wonder if that user is still here Anyway, half of the scans (in great quality) are in OP pasta, second half (much worse quality) you can find at sillyfudgemonkeys.tumblr.com/tagged/persona-4-ultimax-manga There is no English translation
Jaxon Harris
are you mentally challenged? legitimate question.
Owen Diaz
>Everyone which calls on my bullshit is grammar-kun
What? They both have very subdued personalities outside of specific quirks like Yukiko's laughing fits and Hifumi's chuuni shit when she's playing shogi.
The fanbase will always treat the anime as canon. Just look at the fucking Golden anime and the amount of retards that say Marie is canon because of it.
Asher Collins
In Nyarly's basement
Anthony Cook
Don't post this man ever again, katsuya is the only faggy "man" in oldsona p
But Baofu is the best friend of Katsuya. Katsuya is DA MAN.
Ian Morris
Only western fanbase does that. Except they also reject protags' names and use the manga ones while talking about both the game and the anime. Clearly they're not the kind of people anyone should care about.