sweat edition
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sweat edition
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These are the biggest and best titties in league of legends!
Say something nice to them!
I want to tell Cassiopeia how BEAUTIFUL I think her EYES are!
Vast improvement. Her best splash now.
Formerly best splash, now 3rd rate. Still good but a downgrade due to the ugly fuzzy linning on her coat. Points for actually adding an airplane though.
Definitely not frostbutt. Underwhelming/10, meme btfo.
Actually looks cute now, hands down the greatest improvement in terms of source material vs end result. What was a her shittest splash is now sharing top place with nightblade.
Hands down the worst, it was so defaced by pointless change that it's now barelly recognizable. 0/10
it's ok to be gay!
where do i look at maria noods, pre mutilated benis
or you know
morde buffs when
*hunts your path*
Top WW > Jungle WW
>Not support ww
what it is freelo like supp Xin
y in your elo, silverboy
>kindred jungle
>top camille flaming and feeding her
>riven fed now
>zed fed now
>literally no faith in any of these fucks
>/fullmute all
>sell items and shitbuild
>turn off brain and play
>shit on them all and win
>no honor
>he’s still posting it
How do I git gud?
Seriously, I want to improve at this game. I'm only lvl 24, I installed this game a month ago and I really want to get better. I need your help lolg, can you give me some advice?
>Tfw you dont ward your bush
>excusing everything because of a mental illness
how do i play zoe?
the more you play, the better you get
its a pretty simple formula
>implying I won't take it straight back to Plat elo
Sona is FAT!
>game ends 26/46
>win because I'm Yorick and I just took their towers and ran away from them
How about you go suck on a lemon? I'm going to keep posting until the rework is release. Just like I did on every other rework. Now you can suck it up or sperg it out, have it the way you want. But absolutely nothing will change.
>you can suck it up or sperg it out
do you see the irony here
>my team gets aced
>I already took the enemy nexus
they never stood a chance
Yes, but I feel like many people that I get matched against perfom much better than me and that maybe it's because I'm doing something wrong
Is that supposed to be Yoshimitsu
>ADC can't do anything with a 4/1 lead and Blitzcrank is actually the worst at both hooks and being a frontline tank
>have to pretend to be a frontline tank despite the fact I'm clearly not
>ADC only goes in to get some sweet KDA after everyone that's even moderately tanky dies
>blames everyone else when he can't prioritize targets, splits off from the team, and plays like a bitch, because at least his KDA is good
At least Malzahar and Fiora splitpushed despite their feeding.
Overall, it's just a case of playing more and learning how the game works from how much you play.
But learning how to CS efficiently and improving map awareness are probably the most important aspects for beginning players. I recommend checking out map awareness timers on youtube and using the practice tool to improve your last-hitting auto attacks on minions.
lolgen=one person?
So is there a reason for not going AP/On-hit Kog? Like, Nash-Guinsoos-runaan's-fancey hat-situational?
just play for 1000 hours and you should understand how to git gut but still youll be a shitter for the next 1000h
you’re probably doing in immesurable amount of things wrong
but so are they, so w/e. This feeling you’re having won’t last for another month you’ll develop confidence eventually
>Lux tries to stop my splitpushing
>can't catch her so I can't engage and kill her but she can't do enough damage to me for it to matter
>just take the turret while she's pelting me with skills
>not one of the best nu-Irelia splahes
Why not, user? It's cute as fuck and the vintage aesthetics are a nice touch.
what champion would give the best back massages
Which mage is the strongest at lvl 3?
Vel'Koz, maybe Illaoi.
Find a role you really enjoy and stick to that role.
Master 3 champions in that role.
After you feel comfortable with your mains, learn macro. Learn how to freeze lane, map awareness, ward efficiency and priority targeting in teamfights.
Learn micro. Learn how to attack move, especially if youre an ad main. Learn how to reset your autoattack timer for junglers and tops. Learn how to sidestep for mid.
Enjoy plat friend
What do I do as Zyra bot if I'm against a poke/heal comp?
I'd say Velkoz. Maybe Syndra or Brand.
play garen. nest champ to learn on since he does an ass load of damage and is tanky
Vel'Koz, Morgana, Brand, Xerath. Probably a few more that I'm forgetting.
What champion makes me feel like this song: youtube.com
Old leblanc hit a major powerspike at 2-3 and even 4.
Velkoz level 3 is really strong, full combo hit is enough to chunk most champions to 20%
add in a few aa's or ignite and theyre done for.
agree with brand, syndra not so much. Syndra has a strong level 1 and 6, her full combo feels weaker to me than most others although getting the stun off ensures you can land everything+additional AAs
Seriously what's the fucking issue with you? Every single day, every single thread you have to come and start up this shit. Don't you have anything better to do with your fucking life? You son of a bitch, don't have no fucking job tomorrow cause 10 years ago you voted for that nigger, Obama? Is that your fucking problem, user? Been making bad decisions all your fucking life, like ANNOYING me up this much?? THAT'S THE WORST FUCKING DECISION YOU EVER MADE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU, you got it? Keep it up, motherfucker! Just prove you have nothing else to live for other than try to fuck a staple of this general. You could literally die now and nobody would fucking care, nobody would morn for you. And you know it too, you know it because every day when you wake up at 3 fucking PM you look at the mirror and see that worthless, toothless deliverance hoosier starting back at you. Go smoke another carton Marlboro and drink another pack of Bud light you subhuman welfare loser. See if you can speed up your way to the unmarked grave in the public graveyard you piece of fucking garbage. You'll be doing the whole world a favor.
The fur linning trashed it. It's not a bad skin in the end, it's still great, but it forced Aviator to lag behind nightblade and infiltrator.That's all there is to it really.
Why are the azir and jhin posters of this General such cool people? Unlike that autist vladfag
the fuck are you talking about nigger im not from usa
I connect with Yorick on a deep emotional level.
Zed, Talon, Ekko, Rengar, Talon, Yi.
Basically most assassin champs with extremely high mobility.
Maybe Warwick, Rammus or Skarner for the meme speed. Kled, Riven or Illaoi also work.
Azirposter doesn't spam lewds, Jhinposter usually defines her posts. They both have opinions and actually talk about the game.
I'd rather have 10 of them than another Lulufag/Kledfag
aram is pretty fun
>Pick Mundo Top
>Enemy Top picks (literally any AD champ in the game)
>Auto lose lane
I remember when Tryndamere was an intense skill matchup.
I feel like Kledfag's shitposting is ironic shitposting though.
>I feel like Kledfag's shitposting is ironic shitposting though.
It isn't
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material... But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at Reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost. It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some kid at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Good luck on your future endeavours, newfriend.
Well ok, thank you
Map awareness and cs? Will do, thanks
Oh like most online games then I guess
I really liked Nocturne Kindred and Kha'Zix but since jungle is supossed to be the most difficult role I might just be making things harder for myself
Boring champion in my opinion
>tryndamere against mundo is a skill matchup
>it's totally not in favor of mundo
well you can speed it up by picking a lane and 2-3 champs to master then watch videos/streams about them
will take you longer if youre bad at games tho
Just shitpicked Lulu into Xerath top
I've got ignite, he has TP. What are my odds?
>The fur lining ruins it
It adds to the aesthetic though. It's common on vintage aviators. It doesn't look awful like say the scarf on Frostmeme
This is some abstract satire right? You literally win every single melee matchup top lane as mundo, the squishier the better.
How does Sona feel about all of the attention her large breasts get?
After level 3 Tryndamere starts bullying Mundo hard, and if it's a good Trynd he will stretch that tiny lead a mile long. The only way to beat a good Trynd as the doctor is to play like a fucking animal level 1/2 (preferably before he can stack his bar).
AP melee he beats most of them, AD melee he wait actually I forgot about Garen, Mundo still beats Garen but that's it.
>lolgen is not only indistinguishable from reddit but now also tumblr
This dead general for a dead game has taken up the mantle of starshit 3
You calling me out mate? You judging my skills? You challenging or challenged? I'm a master memer so go ahead and pick the way you want me to DESTROY your ass. When it comes to memes I'm trained traditionally, I'm trained contemporarily. What is your alma mater? I wrote the textbooks that you're reading. I'm literally writing them right now and you're going down in academic history as the faggot who thought he was up to the task of challenging me. Literal classrooms right now with teachers writing diagrams on the blackboard of how your anus got wreked by me. gonna need some extra large chalk for all that jizz on your boipussy. Don't forget to pass by the live surgery auditorium this evening. I need to show the students how to bring a man back from complete anal destruction.
how does giant purple hulk ripoff man fight wingy bingy shovel man
well I also liked Veigar Azir and Orianna so I think I could choose mid
we talk about anything that isn't league of legends
welcome to the club motherfucker
Who was the greatest team in competitive history? objectively speaking
suck my peepee loser haha lmao
It was an unnecessary addition that only detracts from the rest of the skin, specially in-game, by covering up the shoulders and stealing skin real estate.
Ideally by playing carefully, make sure to AA-E your way out of his walls, then kill him at around 2-3 items.
The issue is that he can make multiple mistakes and the above still holds true, but if you make ONE mistake he takes 18 towers before you respawn. This is assuming he takes Grasp, haven't played against Conqueror Grave Digger yet.
Still applies.
>Has the single strongest ad stat buff ability that also doubles as an auto reset
>A 4 second cd slow
>Getting fucking bullied by tryndamere or any ad melee for that matter
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about and i'm closing /lolg/ now thanks to your nonsense.
Is corrupting pot a good start? I don't see anyone but ornn take it.
Looks accurate. Yorick gets a lot of use out of Conqueror since he has lots of non-scaling magic damage, particularly non scaling %HP magic damage in his kit combined with all of his physical damage and Maiden. He loses a lot of beefiness in lane which hurts Yorick a lot in most bully match ups like Darius and Illaoi but champs that have to manfight him like Mundo will get messed up. The good news for Mundo in the matcdh up is that your W is just going to chew through ghouls so he can't use E>Q>Q to poke you.
I haven't decided whether or not conq Yorick is the way to go, you lose SO much beefiness to sustain lane with and become more feast/famine in lane. I'd take it in easy lanes.
Syndranon #2 was always pretty cool too, he usually had spot on remarks and you could see he was actually an oldfag that knew his shit.
Too bad he only comes out when Syndrafag #1 posts so in the end it's best he doesn't
It isn't unnecessary, if anything it adds to the skin.
>Being able to see the shoulder
That fur is on the collar of the bomber jacket which would've covered the shoulders anyway. Even if you remove the fur the only skin you'd see is her chest
My list now goes
Oh yeah, chunk him real good. Then he spins away, presses Q and all his health is back. Meanwhile you're sitting at half HP because Mundo has no sustain early (don't even get me started on his Wukong-tier """passive""").
Forgot image
Your list isn't bad but I think you're too harsh on Aviator
aviator is the best hes just a dumb fat weeb
Also vision. Vision is key to improving your map awareness and can prevent you or other teammates from getting ganked. Try warding in popular ganking spots for lanes whenever you can. And you can tell how well you're warding by the ward count on in-game scoreboard screen, or in the post-game results screen after your match ends.
If you're playing any laning role, try warding nearby "gank-able areas" in the jungle with yellow wards.
If you play mid, you might want to swap your yellow for a a blue farsight alteration ward to provide more vision in the river.
If you play support, you will want to buy a sightstone AND WARD AS MUCH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN post-laning phase. Buy a red control ward or two while you can in early game, before your sight stone can become "usable" via item upgrades and quest completions. You'll also want to aim for a sightstone that suits your champion (ex: if you're playing a mage or AP-based support, you'll want to get the Remnant of the Watchers sightstone.) It's also recommended that you swap your yellow wards for an oracle of alteration sweeper once you reach the teamfighting phase, so that you can efficiently take out the enemy team's wards and lessen their map vision/map awareness.
If you're a jungler, you'll want to ward gank-heavy lanes (like bot lane) with yellows early on, and buy some red control wards throughout the game to provide more vision to your teammate's lanes, or to prevent counter-jungling. Warding the dragon/baron/herald camps is also important since you don't want the enemy team taking team-enhancing buffs for their own benefit. Sweeping lens is also recommended if you're playing a jungler who has a harder time effectively ganking in early-game.
>say im on my way top as im walking on river to make sure he prepares
>dumb ass top engages against a full wave and with 200 hp
>"wtf dont say youre on your way retard no help reported"
why are people so fucking dumb here
How do you waveclear as lux?
lamb is cute
I just hate sacrificing 80 doran HP for it
You're in the club and this guy picks Yasuo on your team, what do you do?
>posting terribly resized picture to make me look fat
God it feels good to carry as one of the most broken champions in the game xdddd
>TP FIzz
Wow, I didn't know there were any girls in Diamond.
Any TSM turbotism since yesterday?
I legit saw a few "I've never been so depressed" posts.
You have 30 seconds to explain why you like your waifu WITHOUT resorting to how they look or how they play
Top lane revolves around levels 2-4 being one person slow pushing the wave while the other waits, neither trading. Everyone buys doran shield because the health regen is all you need during this waiting period.
NTR/mindbreak fetish.
Imagine having faith in any western team. They'll never be as good as any Asian team.
>Ekko directly on top of someone
>His Q goes so fucking wide it hits the moon
How is it 90% of this games skillshots go in a straight line yet people still can't hit them
Would make an excellent mother!