/gw2/ guildwars 2 general
I want scary VN not porn bullshit
we're also trying to meme the dev into allowing uploadable avatars (read: anime girls) into his next game in UE4 to set his game apart from other VRFPS games so it doesn't sell like shit
At least post one of the better Dragon Quest games like III or IV. DQVIII is just baby's first DQ. A fine introduction but disappointing to veterans.
I would personally say SMT: Nocturne or SMT: Strange Journey are the peak of the genre.
I only ever got to play the first one, and I didn't play it until like 2010. I liked it tho, I'd definitely buy a remake trilogy.
The 'Gamer Zone' shit
Say what?
Requesting vampire
>Villager gets cut out
I was wondering when he'd show up.
>Destroy a ship and don't finish last
Seems simple enough.
Huh... I did not know that.
>some Sonic games probably fit the bill, too.
Only one game that's retro does.
you can't play ranked until level 10. you should grind to level 10 and play ranked and salmon run.
Why are all 3 endings in Undertale bad?
Play the DOS port.
It doesn't matter how much you like him user. The fact is he did a shitty job and you know it.
Oh. Thanks for pointing that out. I’ll mention this in the next OP.
All Spectrum joystick interfaces sold in the UK used DB9 ports though. Some of the Soviet clones needed external interfaces too, and they used those weird DIN plugs too. Most likely, those plugs were just more prevalent than DB in the USSR.
or they could play it on a 2back and win Spring. Why fix what ain't broke?
>2007 was 30 years ago
you don't need to change damage in the tutorial since you can't get incapacitated
>Third person
Yes, because I bet I can BTFO out of you rather easily when you spout some very predictable and short-sighted reasons.
Post bwah
MM 11 would have to succeed first
I have high hopes though
Kim is mad annoying
He catches it out of the air and shoulder-tackles them down on his way past.
the future
Yeah, alphas can use battleships now.
Don't expect to be a popular pick on the queue tho.
Going to keep an eye on those comments. Voultar is a colossal cunt, not surprised he couldn't resist butting in.
>Killing Floor 2
>Can't use fast reload perk without losing H&K slap reload animation for mp5 and ump45
>Can't use fast reload on AK-12 without losing reload animation where the new mag kicks out the old one
the worst feel
Are you Asian?
what the fuck is that resolution
>land tyrone's LMR and new USB last night
>it's really fucking handy getting that shit off asap
>EWJ2 is best on SNES
Enjoy your missing sound effects and lower video resolution, my dude.
Literally Who?
doesn't matter what it looks like, video games enemies will never be genuinely scary
your best bet if to make an enemy that will drain exp, make you lose progress, or straight up delete your save
What do you mean physical version you want it on a CD?
Oh I see it now. Why would they put a spoiler as the spoiler image? That kind of defeats the purpose.
they are all shit compared to their female counterparts, except wizard
So I got confused with my ranking. I hit the 1 million mark and it added an UP sign next to my name. Does that mean I start out on the Grand Line on next treasure event?
Give me some of that not gay, gay shit please.
Max is a necrophilliac? Ew
but i still think the game is shit. Maybe theres a good romhack for it
>stole a DC from a little kid with cancer, just wanting to play some jet set radio.
You were not acting like the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be.
>tfw get carried through pledges
These look like generic COD animations, what exactly are you creaming over, and how does someone who makes these become an eceleb?
>Game Theory: Kirby is the real bad guy?!
>I remember seeing an image from a gaming magazine
no you didn't. links or gtfo, nobody on here trusts what americans have to say. time after time they're exposed as compulsive liars.
we need more brothas
Found the feminist
Do those things only see by visible light? Seems like they should have alternate methods of detection
/r/ing cee's r-type 2-all replay
>very slow paced and methodical combat
tell your friend he is a retard and just go play dork souls if he wants that shit.
By making it ridiculous.
>hit monster
>they fly all the fucking way to the moon
A baseball bat weapon or something.
>til I die
Also grinding in DQ is actually fun
There are no bad characters in fighterz
almost responded, nice bait.
R* themselves made fun of Driver all the time so yeah
If you filled that egg with humanity and gave it limbs it'd look identical.
I dunno. I never did deus and dragon rematches either but one day decided I was comfortable enough with the fights that I'd try them and they went fine. The only time I tried yamato, that happened.
I had one for gameboy and one for N64. I don't remember why I got the gameboy one and I don't think I used it much. I fucked around with the N64 one quite a bit. I still beat games legitimately though.
Golden Carnage and Mirage Barrage are top tier maps but Caribbean is just perfect.
Why are you spamming the thread with logs no one cares about? Do you feel that empty inside?
I only go into threads of games I was never planning to play anyway, and tell everyone how much their game is shit
We need the needle.
>What Is a Possessive Pronoun?
Yumi is indecent with that shinobi outfit.
That's a really long journey just to try to treat character dialog as if it were omniscient narration.
Kinda wished it did alittle >parries for an instant kill
heh... ezyou look different this time wide animemore and Annie's shop wasn't hot dogshit but in general I like it. Keeping track of my stats is fun.
Disgusting misogyny. Eww.
Why are you all people crying about alliance alive ?
It's on my 3ds since a full week.
I have no family and I'm not even batman, count yourself lucky.
>Shermie fans-Electric Type
>Rugal fans-Dark Type
>Blue Mary fans-Water Type
>Rock fans(2017)-Fighting/Normal Type
The Elite 4. Strongest 4 in the Retard Region.
I was gonna list a bunch of ZX Spectrum games until I saw
That's a strange use of time...
I started the donation fag meme and forced the fuck out of it even though I accept donations. You faggots lost your minds. You are free.
Wiz2 Link2 or Wiz2 Kino2 for Sorc2Necro3? or should I just go Wiz3 Link1 for maximum mana shield memes
I got pretty decent at them, could pull them off most of the time.
It's actually a slower move than you think. Plus hitting Z at the end is a bitch.
I remember one of these things took absolutely forever. Maybe the slalom?
Oof, embarrasing.
Not him, just making fun of you for being a pathetic faggot, cuck master.
>NC with name carapaceplease
was that u an4me?
don't take it too harshly, I'm just monkeying around.
Why would you ever get a Pi when you can build a $30 PC that does much more?
Vanessa is a virgin right? Just because she's a housewife doesn't mean she's slept with anyone.
most retarded thread i've seen in months
I've never done it for a game I haven't already beaten. But I also haven't done it since gen 6 was new.
I'm not the one desperately trying to convince people to buy my shitty MMO.
>5+ years is not "dev hell"
oh you GenZ kids...
Still, Persona 5. 10 years, end result speaks for itself.
Ever notice how paintings don't move? Wouldn't that be cool if the diiiiiid?
Once by mistake