Fetishfags can burn
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Fetishfags can burn
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Much better
other OP was too much, get that fetish shit out of here
fucking exactly. Bad enough they try to force it every fucking thread, that literal scat porn, for a fucking op.
Those people don't seriously have scat fetishes right? T-they're just shitposting?
>need 13 argunites for 650
>run into elite area to get chest, die
>resurrect and loot it
>11 argunites
Fool, you can't have /wowg/ without the fetishfag cancer.
theyre probably jerking it furiously at the very moment to the idea of forcing their fetish on other people. Fetishfags are the fucking worst people on the planet.
You guys gonna talk about the game ever in your new pristine general?
elves suck
>on mage
>join normal antorus pug
>everything going super well
>get to imonar
>tier pants drop
>already have them, but those warforged and got a socket
>put them on
>a few seconds later, raid leader whispers me
>"give me the pants"
>explain to him that they're an upgrade
>he kicks me out
>have to find another group to finish antorus
So, how's your evening going?
So who's ready for weeklong AV's on Classic servers?
Did you join the Alliance Military yet, user?
how about a /wowg/ without giantess scat porn as the OP, is that too much to ask?
I already asked my question and got an answer in the last thread
but I suppose I have another question
did wra get flooded with nightborne in the same way that mg got flooded with void elves?
Show me on the doll where the wrathguard touched you.
there's more alliance RPing nightborne as night elves than the entire nightborne population of RPers and non-RPers combined.
Lmao, what a faggot raid leader. Should've laughed at him and told everyone else in the raid that he's a faggot.
I told everyone what he did. His raid fell apart.
>let me kick the same class as me so he can't give me tier loot he doesnt need later on, that'll show him
Nice, faggot deserved it. What a little bitch.
wow, problematic much? this is why gamers are the worst people on the internet.
t. Blizzard
>GCD on fucking everything
Jesus fucking Christ. Do they not realize that GCD making combat slow and clunky is pretty much the only reason why FFXIV hasn't steamrolled WoW yet?
That's some fine classic optics, OP. Godspeed.
But how is this OP related to wowg at all? It's also a private server, and comes from /wpsg/.
nu-blizzard ideology vs old blizzard.
I joined my freedom to your will mighty goddess shebull
So long as it's not literal subhuman degeneracy.
>abloo abloo i love scat porn pls no bully
GCD is only being added to cooldowns. And they're only testing it.
Zandalari warrior poet who see's the rest of the Horde as inferior tools (aka how the Forsaken used to be).
Or Kul'tiran monster hunter who speaks in a heavily accented and cockney british-esque accent who goes around trying to befriend normal humans with stories and jokes they can't understand.
Idk what I wanna rp more.
>filling the catalog with a second thread because a sfw image was posted that you didn't like
Cry more tumblr. Reporting thread.
Be a Nightborne who gets their power and energy from human cocks
the clown suit SS is old as dirt dude. Shit my warrior looked almost exactly like that for a while in BC. BC was still WoW, and in point of fact I could set the graphic back down, fly my ass out to nagrand and damn near reproduce that exact SS now.
Fuck off you your fetish, bad enough that post that garbage in the general all the time. This is not scat fetish general it is WoW general and the OP would be about WoW, not your obscured degenerate mod environment you have skinned to look like wow.
what's best for optimal healslutting, playing on moonguard, wra, or a normal pve server?
Dark Iron warlock who drinks way too much.
that absolutely was not sfw lol
>fetish fags being this delusional
>thinking the mods will delete this thread over your fetish garbage
who is tumblr again?
>tfw Unholy DK
whatever dude
mg by far. roll a cute female race on alliance (draenei/elf/human) go priest act submissive and have a soft voice
Also get yourself a dildo or 2
>tfw cant be a dark iron dk cutie
I'd be a BM monk if I wanted to be a drunk.
Another week has gone by. Did you get the mount you wanted?
>mg by far
from experience, or..?
That's sort of how my Troll sees the Horde. That and anti-human revanchism because muh human colonists flowing into Stranglethorn.
take your fucking meds
how many nightborne are RPing someone going through perpetual withdrawals from meth?
Go onto Pornhub
Search "Healslut"
Ask him.
>old wotlk dk with unholy aura giving you carpel tunnel syndrome.
I did, on my friend's account, when I was doing their world quests for them, I love my friend, I really do, they make the game enjoyable to play but holy fuck I did not want to speak to them after I got the skreeg mount on their account instead of mine.
Clownsuit screenshot was literally taken by someone from hellground, as I was there when it was taken. It was in meerkatz guild.
priest or paladin for healslutting asking for a friend ok
reason: paladins can tank and women don't tank
Play tank instead, become a powerbottom
Priest. Cloth for the panties and dresses. like you're suppose to wear
post mog
nelf or draenei?
How nice of you, Butt-Slut.
Don't worry, I still love you!
Draenei if you have some dignity left, nelf if you don't.
favorite hair style/horn style? asking for a friend, he isnt in the know on how to make an efficient healslut
Either is good, nelf for a more femboy look draenei for feminine look. Make sure to pick the cute face and short hair for effect
trannies go home
You're a big boy, pick what you like.
>I was there when it was taken
Isn't it more demeaning to force a paladin into slutplate and heal when she could be tanking instead?
>short hair
uhh sweetie
have 70 bucksi n my paypal wallet, trying to preorder bfa but blizzard doesnt take paypal balance.
trying to find someone who will just exchange REAL money for BATTLE NET balance in the form of prepaid cards/wow tokens or something but no one will.
yeah no
>Jinyu or reformed Mogu (because of titanic connection ) allied race for alliance
>Ogres or Ghoul/Abomination/those vampire blood elves for Horde
Would you happy with of these /wowg/? asking for my boss
You no go chop our dolla
you are not the winna
you are the loosa
no I want normal undead elves.
Hes a boy, no sense hiding it from his tank dom. Just present yourself as a cute sissy rather than a wannabe
Most tanks dont mind the difference as long as you behave like the sub healslut you are
How about an customization option to have lool similar to the vampire blood elves?
after the shit job they did with nightborne npcs -> nightborne player models i'm afraid of what kind of horrific abominations we'd get with jinyu or mogu. but i don't ever see mogu being an allied race.
Only belves play Horde anyway, may aswell give them infinite customization options.
You wish.
>level 23 Guardian Druid
>already unlocked every relevant ability I'll ever use on that toon
My first AV ever lasted 27 hours
No, I wish you'd drag me away with you and have your way with my healslut ass like you own it
hardest part is not falling asleep
Butthurt healadin? Or do you not know what the word means?
>You wish
That you would stop existing?
Yes. This is good advice and good posting.
ur my fav avatarfag i cant wait for ur dark iron selfies
are u gonna racechange ur hunter to one?
>Jinyu for the alliance
>Anything but hozen for the horde.
Racial: Sling Derk.
Disorients the target for 4 seconds and causes vomiting.
I'm tempted to make one even though I already used my boost on a warrior.
how does this make you feel /wowg/
>Disorients the target for 4 seconds and causes vomiting.
Not if it's the OP of that other thread.
Void elf boys are the best girls!
>getting two sub par mounts a decade and nearly a decade after they we're released.
I actually don't care at all senpai.
I don't have either and that fact does not bother me in the slightest and also elicits no emotional reaction from me of any sort.
congratulations my dude