/fng/ - Fortnite General

RIP Blitz edition

>Discord link


>Stat tracker/leaderboard


>Most recent patch notes

This week's challenges: vg247.com/2018/03/22/fortnite-week-5-challenges-hard-stars-xp/

New heavy shotgun out now: youtube.com/watch?v=k6WkJYHE_S8

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where we droppin boys

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Post Power Chord

what does /fng/ think of blitz mode?
I personally think it's great and not as 'stagnant' as the normal mode since the storm constantly moves.

It's great
Particularly the resource gain was fun, going back to default and having to farm for 5 minutes every game is a pain now
Though default has the better jumppad rate, they shouldn't be too commonplace or it ruins the magic of them



50v50 when?

I liked 20v20v... better.


35 Hours, 45 minutes
9 wins
75 top 10
134 top 25
366 matches
Am I shit?



>hitmarker shows up on my screen
>die but opponent takes no damage

>there is someone boasting about how rich they are on the discord RIGHT NOW

you were right. Discord was a mistake

It is better this way. Storm time didn't allow for various playstyles, and the extra resource made building and harvesting virtually risk free.

Still waiting for a pistol only mode.

Don't ask any board with a v, everyone is an MLG Twitch streamer yet they can't counter wall spam. Just play to play, there is too much variation and rng to get flustered about the game in a competitive way.

>I sweat to god if there's a di-
Seriously, stop putting the Discord in the OP.

3 games

0 kills
0 wins

How shit am I? It's my first battle royale game

Nah i think it's pretty normal.

Anyone here unironically enjoy StW? I started playing a week ago, trying to find some people to play with. PC btw

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Yes, but I'm all the way in the middle of Plank. I could slap together a low-level kit to run around with, though.

>mfw too poor to afford stw

>tfw just got my first kill in a game

>actually got two kills in the same game

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I'd give you a free code that I got with the limited edition, but I'm at work right now. Get a job bro

>slam a guy with a headshot and 2 body hits with purple pistol
>uses fancy footwork and shotguns me in the face with only 2hp left
That faggot earned his 2 small pots and medkit. I wish I wasn't so shit with shotguns every time I miss then get blasted.

Actually just finished stonewood and I gotta say, I hope Epic shows it some love. I started just to farm VCoins, gave a free code to my honor just to get enough for a battle pass, but the tower defense and traps keep us playing. A little more mission and zombie variation would go a long way. ALSO, if you spend money on a BR skin, you should get the card for it in StW, unless it's a mission thing, and they should ALL have cards



I was convinced to try the game out since I had never played a BR game before, and this honestly isn't so bad. I feel like the RNG drops sometimes dick me over, but when I do get enough to survive the early wave of deaths that take out half the players it can be pretty fun. Played 3-4 hours so far, haven't won anything but did get second place twice (once in solo and once in a random squad) by hiding like a little bitch.
It seems to me like some players can build and shoot at the same time. Is there a quickbind to build something without bringing up the tool menu, or are some players just incredibly fast at pressing the keys to switch, build and switch back?

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Tac smg better contender imo

You get good at building just by playing, it really isn't hard to learn.
But yes, you probably want to change the hotkeys to anything easier to access than the F keys.

People are fast at doing it and you'll get better at it too naturally. If you analyze your deaths you'll notice most of the times you should've built and the more you remind yourself, the faster your reflexes will start kicking in. It took me a week to become somewhat decent at building but there are players out there that sucks after months so it depends how much you're willing to learn from your mistakes. Also bind ramp, wall and floor if you haven't already

>Get a job bro
I'm on it, but it's hard to keep grinding when i have a job.

>wtb bf to be carried by because I am bad

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>When you drop a 10 bomb

Not like anyone of you guys ever did that, lmao

Do I need to log on each day to get my dailies or can I wait 3 days and get all 3 then?

>tfw good at aiming and building but shit at landing

How do I git gud at landing?

jump outside of where you want to land.

go straight down.

drift onto the roof

avoid mountains to deploy lower

just bought the starter pack, already regretted it- I don't like that skin that much. 600 vbucks are cool though

Do the xbox elite controllers help with building? Are they good for other shooters like pubg/COD? I only recently got back into gaming and was wondering.

I don't play on console but iirc modded controllers with those pads on the back give you a big advantage over people using standard ones.

>smg eliminations
So die to shotguns?

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If they didn’t take out the old SMG we would have been fine

The tac smg melts at midrange

you can wait 3 i think.

add me to duo / squad

add me to duo / squad

add me to duo / squad

"trump 5ever" on NA

I'm not good but neither are you faggot

>carry me!
lol sorry kiddo, me and my 32% solo winrate play solo only

Slurp Juices need to be buffed it's been too long in it's current state.
>is an epic item
>can only carry 2
>only gives 25 health and shields
>at a rate of 1 per second
>is basically useless without bandages
Meanwhile minishields
>uncommon item
>you can stack up to 10
>gives you the shields instantly
>pairs great with any other healing items
They should at least let you get the health and shields instantly because as it is, people still fight over minis more than slurps.

>lupo legit crying

>Every game now devolves into shotgun rushes
Great game.

>implying the other battle royale isn't the same without instant cover

At least be creative with your shitposting kid.

What happened?

>Builds above your cover
>Drops down on you with shotgun
Nothing personnel

ded dad

Honestly what the fuck is it about the game mechanics that make dropping in above with a shotgun so OP? I'm trying to understand it. Is it the hitboxes? Is it the aiming mechanism? Is it the element of surprise?

Its the fact that bullet spread is pretty much random. The only way you can consistently get hits is with shotguns.

being above them is always an advantage so long as gravity is something the game cares to emulate

Why the FUCK is he still playing then? I would end my stream and spend the rest of the day with my family.
>land with an SMG
>only do 16 damage per bullet
>bloom can just do whatever it wants at any moment
>land with shotgun
>aim directly at their heads
>1-2 tap them

also multiple shots getting the headshot bonus all at once as oppose to one at a time.

Explain? Still don't get it. If there's two players and they both know what the other is doing, why is dropping down still an advantage?

The game is his life now.

Watch this pop up on kotaku in about an hour

think about the amount of distance you have to cover when aiming up from below and aiming down from above.

If you're below, you cant simultaneously aim up AND maintain sight of your immediate surroundings, where you're walking, etc. You can do both at the same time if youre above. Also bonus damage to the head is obviously easier

height advantage is huge, pretty much lets you dictate the fight, and from straight above they're all head hitbox pretty much

>some esports nigger is playing a video game for children over spending time with his family during his father's death
what an absolute dickhead

Whore Cord get's removed tonight???
Raptor bro where u at, tonights the night, whore ops and raptor bundle.


Good god this is reaching levels of pathetic we never thought possible.

I wont stop until whore ops is available again, which should be in around 1-2 weeks.

>game is so RNG based the fucking microtransactions are RNG

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>The only SFM porn there is so far is of whore ops.

There's an entire other mode with women with better bodies...

Come on now.

Give keybindings 4building

map to mouse buttons if you have them
map them around WASD
whatever is best for you, you're gonna have to test them out in the field
I have them maps on my scroll wheel

Q ramp
T wall
X floor

I only have two mouse buttons (not counting scroll click), so I do wall and floor on the two mouse buttons on the right of my mouse, and then I do incline and roof on C and V. Mouse scroll button is actually my pickaxe (the default puts it on 1), and then my weapons and 1-2-3-etc

I also binded auto-run to ~

I think these are good although in retrospect i'd place wall and incline on moues buttons bc they are most important

Q ramp
T wall
C floor

why use skins?

noone expects the random default skin to be a pro

I like you. I use C for editing but good to know I'm not lone on using wall with T

>He doesn't know
Legendary skins give you a buff you both your aim and what gear you get when you open chests

please RESPOND

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Skins ad a 7.87% boost in accuracy

>have no friends
>want to try squads
>all the cunts on the official server are either ridiculous with 5+ KD or squeakers

Hold me, Veeky Forums

Man, I'm glad I have irl friends to play with. Fortnite must be pretty lonely without someone to play with.

solo is the best mode though

why not use mouse keys?

>camp fest is fun!
whatever you say

it's the best if you like stealth

squads are ok but random people are hit/miss

20v20v20 was the most fun though.

Wait, is that actually true?


>place top 12 in squads
>5 times
>when I have to deal with randoms on fill

I've never been able to get used to mouse keys just feels super awkward for me

>guided missiles
Dis gon be good

>squads, mute the other 3 since they open up with the most cringey reddit-tier bullshit
>unmute them halfway into the game and one of them is getting anally annihilated over the fact that I took his one (1) mini shield potion
>give it back and don't even mention I have a chug on me
>he remains pooper pained until we all die to a twitch squad
If only squads were this consistently entertaining

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>Just bought the starter pack just for the backpack
Lord I feel like a faggo

Anytime you feel like king of the faggos remember there are people who have spent hundreds of dollars on fifa/madden

Fortnite on Ninteno Switch when?

Can't wait for that 420p 30fps gameplay

instead of dancing on niggas we dance on soyboys

I downloaded and tried 4 matches of Fortnite. 10 minutes later, and I dont think I like the game.

Felt the same way the first night I played desu