/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Forbidden Love Edition

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If League of Legends was anime, who would've been MC and FemMC? And who is antagonist?

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>take time to compliment someone on their get
>end up being 4 nanoseconds slower than someones shitty gay thread

this world is so unfair sometimes
Post Annie

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Respect your jungler and be nice to them or else they'll tax you AND take kills.

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What champion pisses you off the most?

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There was no GET you fucking dumbass newfag redditor nigger. kys yourself and take your pedophile thread with you

How is Zoe right now?

Got one on my team

>another yuri thread
Posting Caitlyn to restore heterosexuality

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I want to tax Kindred...

all katarina players should die

he he he

Well there is the yuri slice of life that is the star guardians stuff
But if you want a male and female
I think a series with Vayne as the main character and Vlad as antagonist+main character might be fun

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Attached: Kaisa support.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

>am a firm believer that top lane is the melee manfight lane
>just played against top janna

it was still the most miserable lane of my life

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Why do I keep seeing Vel'Koz in these high elo games?

I'm a Vel main, so I probably just notice them more, but is he actually considered strong now?

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he has been strong since he got buffed 2 patches in a row a year ago. just other champs got nerfed so hes more viable right now

gladly :)

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its just a QoL feature. pings and communication can only help your team remember/learn/keep things in mind. i dont play in challenger where everyone probably knows everything. I try to fucking ping my buff stacks/passive all the time in this game and it doesn't work. theres important stuff that needs to be pinged while my jungler is sitting in my mid bush waiting to gank the lane, but i have to type "yasuos wall on cd"

but my first post was about chatwheels. i don't like typing, i use chatwheels in dota. just a QoL feature. annoying having to type everything. i ping as much as i can but people misunderstand.

>group up
>get back
>split push
>destroy the tower then back
>we need wards
>well played!
>my bad

he can play as poke support and quite good at killing tank so yeah he pretty good if you know what you are doing

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Balanced, so bad.
Unless they have played the FUCK out of her, they aren't going to be worth a shit.

it's ok to be gay!

its also okay to kill yourself

caitlyn is stupid
gas all caitmains

Caitlyn is just letting Vi taste her cherry flavored lip balm. Nothing else

No it's not

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the virgin adc
the chad support

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name a female league girls thats the epitome of heterosexuality

no ahri because thats easy mode

>buffed 2 patches in a row a year ago
Only buff I recall was allowing his Q to be recast (split) faster.
If you're referring to the ult/passive change; that was shipped with a massive nerf to his base damages.

>lvl 15 lee sin

redpill me on remelia or whatever drama

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and the cute toplaner that both want to fuck

the CHADDEST support is unironically Taric
Late game taric with 6 item can solo elder dragon with ease,and also beat most tank/bruiser in solo fight

gas all dariusmains

post more irelia and syndra

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i miss toplane taric with fervor

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Ignite should prevent to opponent from using summoner spells for the duration of the damage. This should extend an additional minute if you get a kill.
Rewards aggressive play, prevents people from using TP just to get back into lane, makes it more interesting than just 'more damage' and require thought.

The absolute state of straight males.

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i never played him before his rework so i wouldnt know about his previous base damages. all i know is i started "abusing" him when he got buffed allot and got to d5 for the first time with him in s6 then demoted back down to plat

Is it me or Rakan players love to ks from theiir adcs

reminder if you play support you are literally my little bitch

Thank god you're not gamedesigner, user.

Ignite should instantly execute targets below 20% health.


Attached: kaisa support vs luxx support.webm (1280x720, 825K)

>Not playing Taric top NOW


she literally needs semen to survive
if she'd be gay she'd have a tough time

Never bully your support!
Honour your support every game!

>Lux players

>canonically banged Gangplank
>wants to fuck Braum
No other female comes close to this

You don't have to be good at game design to improve lol, you just have to be better than riot.

iam that kaisa though

what if it was Sion or Maokai

The Eggsalad is a vel'koz 1 trick

How reddit is your main role?

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Imagine Illaoi ravaging your body with her tentacles
Imagine her teasing you as one tentacle jerks you off while another one applies pressure preventing your release, all the while she brutally violating your mouth and boypussy
>tfw ywn

>Havent played mid in months
>Lose lane, but win game against a Syndra
>Get Syndra champ shard out of level up capsule
>The only thing I get out of a chest for getting an S- on Ziggs is yet ANOTHER Syndra shard

Is Riot trying to tell me something, or...

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i guess he could be fun with conqueror

no contest reddit.com/r/HealSluts/comments/5yg36y/league_of_legends_healslut_oral_game/

So how did you come up with that crazy stupid idea with ignite?

Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.

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toplaners are to autistic to talk with other people or join a server

he is fun af with it
just try in norms because he got much counters

is lulu hetero? or is she a carpetmuncher

I want to fuck Vayne so god damn much

God every time she just rips my team a new one I just want to put her against a wall rip her bodysuit and stuff her

do you take me for a pussy, user?
ill facefuck my opponent and shame him

mid got jungler and bot got supp
top laners will always die a lone

i want to shove my c*ck down lulu throat so she can stop brag about purple
That is after forced her to use hugefy on herself,of course

what does playing in esports have to do with cutting your penis?

Im jungler main and i rather go for my toplanebro instead of autistic midlane kid.

I'd say Top>Jungle>ADC are the most reddit role
Considering they always whine about mids and supports being OP and tops/jungles/adcs being ignored/too weak

mids arent autistic or anti social but theyre much more annoying to work with than toplaners once you get to a decent elo

midlaners are narcissistic

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Yes I know he is da best. :3

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Lulu takes Shyv's dragon dick

>tfw yesterday I posted about how I always have to carry to win

>tfw won 4 games today and I played shit in all of them

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9th permban time to make a new account

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Considering how much people hate Vayne I seriously cannot understand how the fuck there is like NO Vayne hatefucking lewds or at least fics

>forced 50/50 doesn't exist

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Why did you get banned?

Forced-50 is the goal of a good matchmaking system.

>win one game
>get matched with pic related
>lose on game
>get matched with a 21/4 Kai'Sa
nice game lolbabbs

Because my mental goes boom everytime someone on my team wants to try out shit like Kayn mid etc, I was in diamond 3 and I don't want to sit through that bullshit so i picked evelynn support with smite and kept smiting his cannon minions

Also hoped someone would dodge

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I'm ultra bad at this game. Most of the time I'm not even playing just queuing support and masturbating while watching sissy hypnos in the corner of the screen.
Guess what's my win rate. Yup 50/50

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maybe you should try killing yourself bro
seems easier for everyone

>Kayn mid
What a fucking retard lmao, hopefully he got banned for that shit.

Best of luck to you with your new account!

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It's true but ill just continue to be cancer in this game

if u pick any ad mid with ad top/jungle i will intentonally feed

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which champion would be better if they were gay

Then people will use their other summoner spell first

yea im already level 16 stomping low level noobs is fun anyway, and this way i can practice freelo champs like kai'sa

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Kled. Oh wait

just pick lux support bro

Ezreal but he's tanned and has some Tokyo Ghoul shit on his face: yes or no?

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Retards that pick ad mids instead of a mage that can actually contribute to the team deserve to be lynched.

>tfw main mid Jhin

>Rakan is already cancer if not in lane without Xayah he is cancer in teamfights with any adc
>better buff him
what did rito mean by this?

MC would be Garen/J4 and Kat/Lux/Shyv/Quinn Antagonist would be swain.

gas all weebs