/xcg/ - XCOM General

"Third Person" edition

Previous thread:

1)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point News (New Update: 03/27/2018)
The release date of the pre-alpha has been pushed back to April 30th.
Demo videos:
Q&A sessions

2) Two depots were added for XCOM2 on the Steam database related to the mistery dlc. There still hasn't been any anouncement yet, but we got the name "XCom2 - TLE" from the database.
>steamdb.info/depot/424938/ Scroll down to the bottom of the list.

The /xgc/ Mandatory Read:

/xgc/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xgc/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated long before WOTC (Out of Date)

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist

/xgc/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

>The X-COM Files for OpenXCom:

/xgc/ neither condemns nor condones that which is lewd

Attached: ethereals.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Much better OP.

Oops. Well I won't make a third thread because of a typo, but I make sure to fix it if I make the next thread.

ded game

Anyone else having issues with the long war 2 perks for WOTC mod?

I can level my troops up to brigadier rank, but the promotion screen only shows up to colonel as available, I've tried disabling and enabling the required mods as well as a half dozen of my own . . . But still nothing.

I am seriously confused.

It wasn't a criticism or a request to make a new thread. I just thought it was cute. :)

>wasn't a criticism
Yeah I got that don't worry. It took like 2 seconds to fix it in the txt file I use to copy-paste the OP.

>cute. :)
W-what? I'm not c-cute. I'm manly as hell.

I very much doubt this is the place to ask but can someone tell me how to get Shadow Watch to run on modern systems? I've been playing nothing but UFO Defense and R6Siege so it's the perfect middle ground for me.

The mutations systems for Phoenix Point always seemed interesting but I had my doubts on how dynamic it would be.
Glad to see it looks like it will be a fully fleshed out system.

Attached: Chiron.jpg (800x728, 205K)

I've never played that game, but there seems to be a GoG version of it. Perhaps you could buy or pirate that version?
It's an old game, so knowing what version you have might be helpful.
If it's a relatively original version, getting it to play on modern systems could be extremely difficult, I know I have pretty much given up on getting most of the games I have old CDs for to actually run on my computer. The most extreme attempt I made once was setting up a Virtual Machine running XP on my computer. This can work for games that are not graphically demanding and are mostly 2D.

Attached: xcg tech support.jpg (1025x304, 101K)

Sorry, what did you say your name was?

Attached: LKxs6ag[1].png (544x121, 66K)

I pirated the gog version but the game either won't load character models or just won't load up at all.

Did you think that I won't notice? Sneaky OP.

Bad pirate copy then. Try finding a different copy? Or just buy it on GoG if it isn't too expensive?

Oh, usually GoG version run really well.

Here's what I found, it has issues because it runs off of Java:
Workarounds given for that other issue (game not starting at all):
- When the game starts, a file named sw.exe is created. Copy that file and start from it.
- Update Java (java.com/)
- Get a javai.dll from somewhere (this link is given on the forum, use at own risk: down-dll.com/index.html?frameA=dll/j/javai.dll) and put it into the Redstorm folder
- Run in compatibility mode

I'll just stick to UFO Defense and wait until I get some money, I don't have a credit card to buy from gog
I'm kinda scared to do this but I guess I'll check it out once I'm home

Thx guise

I just finished Xcom2

What the fuck is that ending?
Did they just watch Harry Potter and then fucking go
>Yeah that's cool, we'll add that

What the fuck is wrong with western devs?

I'm so fucking shocked at how lame it was considering that entire last fight took me like 2 hours to complete

I think you mean DBZ

Attached: 1457247758225.png (1308x1216, 1M)

ayy lmao

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Isn't there a way to zoom out really far in the xcom1 base? Or is that a mod/INI tweak?

No I mean Harry Potter

Well you're wrong user. Sorry.

You Fucking tell me this isn't Harry Potter Tier

Say it

Attached: harry fuck it.png (850x432, 646K)

that is anime as fuck lmao

It's DBZ bitch

how normcore do you have to be to think that dueling ki-blasts was invented by Harry Potter

It's the only book he's read

You people are fucking delusional

Attached: 35e7382f6abe25d41b255e40ed3e5aa4.jpg (1366x810, 290K)

wow it's the same

shut the fuck up desu

Guess which one was nearly two decades before the other?

>gets overwatch blasted by 5 people

They aren't fucking ki blasts

Ki beams are big
Your entire body is enveloped
You can't see the screen

This is shooting shit laser beams out of your hand into a clash
Aka Harry Potter Tier
Aka Shit tier

Attached: duelo_Voldemort_Harry-HP4.jpg (1200x630, 59K)

Ayy Lmaos use ki blasts, Wizards use magic, Elders are ayys, therefore, it's a ki blast.

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Attached: average dragonball clash.png (1200x1256, 1.07M)

And this just in, harry potter ruins everything.

More shit you already knew, at 11

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What else can you expect from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises?

Man, I'm always scared to see the random autism outbursts in this thread. You'd imagine a subgenre as autistic as turn based tactics would be a little more "controlled", but you people always sperg over the randomest shit.

>you people
Uh huh

I only have autistic breakdowns on special, pre-determined occasions TEE BEE EIGHT

It is controlled though, the chimpouts always revolve around the avatars

the fuck

I was expecting paltry stuff but it seems decent enough from the rendering/3d modeling. It's easy to dismiss concept art but if they put in the effort to 3d model it seems more likely to carry through.

With those CHiron I get the feeling it may not just be mutaton but also the earlier remarks about Pandora mutants being different based on geography - a 'sphynx' (lion-like) body being present in Africa for instance.

I could see a situation whereby those mutations in the concept art are based on location. 1 and 2 might be the more tropical locales, 4 might be arctic.

I was fine with the ending but I really detested the design of the abataps with the DBZ hair. Not to resurrect the old shitstorm of Xcom2 being too 'superhero-y', but it's hard to discount that with the design of the Chosen & the Avatars looking marvel-y. I much prefer the Ethereals of xcom2012 to the Ethereal-led Avatars here. I would have dug Avatars looking like legged Archons to have that pillar men "New Gods" feeling. Or the elegant regality of the ethereals themselves. Generic advent suit zero-g Saiyan hair with a welding mask though?

At least I am optimistic Xcom3's remake of the Apocalypse aliens will look better. Impossible to look worse than Apocalypse's. I wouldn't mind something bio-horror like Pacific Rim Precursors.

Attached: Precursors_Profile_02.png (700x982, 1.11M)

>this thread

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>the chimpouts always revolve around the avatars
Well duh, they are Sayans

Attached: XCOM2 Avatar.png (1440x1080, 1.13M)

I don't save scum even while I'm REEEEEEEEEEEEEEing at people for having the wrong opinions, my seeds are always generated in advance.
We've had chimp outs over wyverns, W40k shit, Gandalf / Wizards (I don't even remember what was up with that one), speedrunning, baraposting and now a discussion about ki blast fights which has all the signs of a classic in the making. At least when /v/ discusses XCOM they sperg about ballistics, RNGesus, non-free fire and that sort of shit.

And because they are too bad to not share.

Attached: xcoma0009.png (640x480, 119K)

>/v/ discusses XCOM they sperg about ballistics, RNGesus, non-free fire and that sort of shit.
That's because these topics are discussed regularly. It's hard to chimp out about something that's been discussed extensively, vs. a random fresh topic someone brings up where everyone has their own opinion, and no general consensus has been formed.

Attached: xcoma003.png (640x480, 133K)

and once over alleged tracing of destiny art

I guess you're right, unlike the guy calling XCOM2 harry potter shit.
I don't even remember that one

They're just going to be fucking walking spider retards

Dev's don't understand what makes lovecraft good
They just slap a bunch of shit together and if it looks weird enough then they call it lovecraft

If you're optimistic for Xcom3 then you're a fucking retard
Just look at phoenix point right now and guess which direction they're going to take

Attached: PhoenixPoint_Screen_03.jpg (1843x1037, 1.01M)

>At least when /v/ discusses XCOM they sperg about ballistics, RNGesus, non-free fire and that sort of shit

If /v/ does it, it's wrong.

Attached: 1521783043071.jpg (1920x1076, 280K)

>I don't even remember that one
It was the Point of Interest with the human hybrid back against a wall with his knees up.

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Something aways threw me off in that image, the dead pectoid looks better anyway

Jake can't keep getting away with this!

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I don't understand what this post is trying to say at all.

>Gandalf / Wizards (I don't even remember what was up with that one)
I think we were just having a mech conversation and a wizard conversation simultaneously.

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Attached: 1504988771352[1].png (1893x935, 2.15M)

I kinda remember the wizards one being kinda civil but to call the mech wars a "conversation" is being very nice.

JAKE???? HELLO????

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>I don't understand what this post is trying to say at all.

When people think "lovecraftian"/cosmic horror they think weird grotesque squidpeople and spiderpeople, when you can have creepy monsters that aren't that.

Attached: 1520249418738.jpg (1889x812, 183K)

I think it was something about if Gandalf was a wizard or a cleric.

Cleric because he draws powers from his actual angelic self. In the magical words of some user. He is a cleric of himself.

All that concept art made the pre-alpha delay sting a little less. I was worried that the "boss" monsters would be the same every time, but they have a shitload of variations for the Chiron at least, and look like they have the same for the Queen. I can wait until April 30 if I'll be able to spend a ton of time fighting against a ton of different ayys when it drops.

But Phoenix Point does it right imo, you read any of their short stories?

>I can wait until April 30 if I'll be able to spend a ton of time fighting against a ton of different ayys when it drops.

I don't know how much content will be in the pre-alpha considering the full release is planned for Q4 2018.

Yeah, PP actually seems to have a good grasp on Lovecraft's themes. We haven't seen much of what the alien plan is yet, but the short story "Far Out There" involves incomprehensible, god-like (from our perspective) beings manipulating and driving to madness mundane humans, which definitely fits the "Cosmic Horror" bill.

Honestly, I'd expect a delay to Q1 or Q2 2019, I've seen a few people in the Discord and on the PP website mention that crowdfunded projects are always delayed, and I can't think of any exception. Even the good ones (like Shovel Knight) get delayed, so whenever they give a launch date it's good to just add about 3 months or so to it. But judging from the models of the Chiron they've made they're gonna be putting some nice diversity in there, in all likelihood.

Here I'll make the ending from a 2/10 into a 10/10

>Get to the Avatar final stage
>Rather then 3 Avatars coming out from portals it's Tygen
>He's been implanting chips into all of the Xcom Soliders
>"I'm sorry Commander"
>Shen goes "I knew it"
>Have to fight every unit you didn't take on the mission with you
>As Tygen bleeds out
>"We were meant for the stars Commander..."
>Elders become tired of fighting and stop caring about earth
>Without a unified enemy, countries take the chance to invade other countries in their weakened state
>Something something Nukes
>Le humanity was the real enemy the whole time

It's why I am not too worried about the monster diversity. I forget the timetable for them showing us Xcom 2012 enemies, I know they did in the leadup to release but when it was 9 months away I think we only knew of advent, snek, sectoid.

I expect Q1 2019 a'la Xcom2 being from November 2015 to Feb 2016.

I read the one with the Amazon girl. It wasn't really special.

>Tygen doesn't go
>My defeat is unfortunate, although it is intriguing.

36%/100% see me after class.

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>I read one
well shit user, maybe read more?

>Le humanity was the real enemy the whole time

That entire post is horrrendous

That was most certainly the itent

Humanity always was the enemy though, destroying ADVENT gene therapy clinics that prove life-saving care to thousands of citizens every day and murdering countless innocent ADVENT peacekeepers.

the you succeeded with flying colors

1 more idea

At the end the Title card becomes

"XCOM 2: Enemy "K N O W N"

I'm a fucking genius

brb emailing script to ubisoft

that's going in the next asscreed

I don't remember the ending for x2 cause it was so shit. Do they have a harry potter wand battle? I remember when sc2 had power levels and a harry potter wand battle. Made me want to kill myself.

maybe just read any of the other posts in the thread

>reading the thread

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Full service you say?

raincheck on a xcom2 multiplayer game

What's the best one then?

Only a shitty gas station/garage wouldn't offer full service desu

Attached: Y6wRR6y[1].png (668x479, 593K)

I don't know, I've read 10-15. They aren't that long
Maybe this one:
or this one:

I really like the more recent ones in The Briefing vol. 3. Can't wait for the next compilation to come out.

>DBZfaggots and Harry potheads arguing over inane shit.
>It's only the Wizerd's fault.

They can both fuck off to reddit.

No, the Ethereal reveals that the avatar wasn't even his final form, and then Bradford and the Speaker have to join forces to beat him up

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Also, that post is reminding us of a kinda ontopic autistic tirade, that guy who complained about anthropomorphic / zoomorphic aliens and eventually evolved / gave birth to le snore of le choso poster

Attached: throwspistol.jpg (960x540, 449K)

It's bore of the chosen

snore of le chozo came later


Attached: Life_grove_chozo_ghosts_crop.jpg (1440x651, 233K)

yes that's the joke

congratulations on getting it

>that's the joke

Attached: 1519275291936.gif (200x166, 1000K)

>caring about the story in XCOM
Ayyy lmao