Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

My spirit cannot be conquered Edition

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>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!

News :
>Fenix, Steward of the Templar; NOW LIVE!

>Upcoming Hero Announcements
>(Next hero) April 4th @ PAX East

E-Sports :
>HGC: Heroes Global Championship 2018
>Heroes of the Dorm 2018
>Where can I watch?
Blizzheroes @ Twitch

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why is lili best announcer?

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What do you WANT, /hotsg/?

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What do you mean "why"?

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i want to stick my dick in this panda

Raynor updates

>instead of improvin the game we will focus on adding more useless shit and this time carbot anime fag shit into the game
Yeah im gonna go play some dota2.
Can anyone rec me some heroes that are similar to Arthas (like his E and W a lot), Leoric (like to entomb niggers), Thrall (like his speed , root and strong autos), Diablo (like his q and e)?


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I want attack on blizzard hq or huge suicide bombing of next blizzcon

You're a fucking idiot

any of the demons from warcraft: dreadloards, archimonde, Sargeras, belial from diablo sounds cool too, or some sexy heroes are always good.

>monthly hero and content patch
>that's it I've had enough of this blizzjew
Yeah go to dota and enjoy that bi-yearly patch faggot. Enjoy.

Johanna loli is cute and fun and she tries her best to tank for you!

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I'm surprised they haven't added any dreadlords or demons from WoW yet.

Only undead and gay elves

and chopoo.

I bet the next wow hero is Me'dan


>game is still an unfinished broken piece of shit
but at least we get the epic based carbot skins right bro xd updooted

>No Retro choice
It's shit.

Not an argument

She isn't trying hard enough.

>Muh cosmetics

>new hero
>new game mode
>balance changes
>bug fixes
>UI changes
>but dude they added sprays wtf fix game???

Well, uh. Maybe they'll announce something good at Pax?

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Fenix is GOOD and FUN take it back!!!!!!!!

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Shilling this hard lol

Fenix is alive and dead and he tries his best to kill the enemy team for you!

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>10 gems have been deposited into you account


Dota has zero unique or fun heroes so dunno what to tell ya.

>Fenix obscenely OP on PTR
>4% nerf
Oh no no no

i like the other drawing better because the shield being as big as her is what makes it cute

Where are the lewds?

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Place your bets.

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I want to lewd the panda.

I'll take it, I love Dehaka. But between this and Marine Rexxar, I think the game is trying to telle me something.

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quick give me a build for Fenix

>fenix in try mode
>disable malfurion
>try to kill arthas
>arthas melts in a few second despite having armor

Do not, temp them.

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Pick all the Q talents and servo

>some moron comes along screaming for more diablo villains again
>every single demon he lists sounds extremely fake and made up


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Mannoroth ffs. And get Grom in there too, we need a real hellscream and not that bitch garrosh

I didn't get masters

I don't understand how to pick talents in this game.

Is there obvious talents that are garbage (noob traps) and is there anything out there to help me not to pick these said talents?

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tfw still no azula announcer

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Highly depends on the hero and the comp. I would advise to look up the most popular talent builds online as a go to reference and once you feel confident with the hero's strenghts and weaknesses then you can start experimenting with your own builds. TL;DR play more and learn the game.

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>Had to leave unranked brawl hero selection screen
>Get put into "low priority"

Why dude, it's fucking unranked and it was at the start of it

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If you want an easy guide try grubby's builds. When you have a more solid grasp on talents and when to take what and what works for this and doesnt work for that you can start to deviate and make your own calls.
Theres a bunch of trap talents yea. The most infamous one being kael'tas' convection at level 1

Ragnaros' W feels like a waste of a cast if you aren't pumping talents into it (which you shouldn't because W build is fucking awful).

There are some definite noob trap talents that are pretty much never worth taking (convection comes to mind). But for the most part there is usually 1-2 talents int he tier that are a good choice, with the remaining talents being situational depending on the map/comp/situation.

Is there a specific hero you are struggling to understand talents with?

What's wrong with an on demand 30% bonus Attack Speed on a hard hitting and fast auto attack hero?

Adjutant announcer hype!

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>Cast it on people retreating most of the time they are retarded and run with it.
>cast it on the towers on a straight line
>cast it while enemy minions getting into position and they're in a straight line

sounds like l2p issue

You bought the Mira Han announcer for 1600 doritoes, right /hotsg/?

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>The most infamous one being kael'tas' convection at level 1
wot is it that bad??? ive played with it already and it's good when I complete it but disater if i die haha!!!

Why didn't they nerf Fenix harder?

>mommy on free rotation

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They said they don't want to knee-jerk balance change heroes from PTR anymore since the Zarya launch incident so they do small tweaks over time rather than dumpstering them on launch day.

>tfw devs release a new hero but you dont know who is the mothafucka because you have never played a single blizzard game so you need to google the bio

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The thing with Convection is that it is a flat 200 damage increase, it doesn't scale. I don't find it as useless as people say it is, I sometimes run it when I know I'm not gonna be dived so having the huge shield from mana addict is a waste; also those 200 damage increase tends to be pretty powerful in the early and mid game. It just becomes a bit underwhelming in the late game, but not that bad. t. level 45 Kael'thas.


where the FUCK is Mei

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duhhhh they won't add mei bcuz tassard already has wall xD

and Iceblock. And cone of cold. And Icelance. Albeit in slightly different forms.

Better question is where is Symmetra?

I played 4 games with zeratul and I absolutely love this guy (also because he was from starcraft), but what is his weight in this current situation?

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>Varian can taunt at level 4

Who needs protected status when you just kill everyone?

pretty disappointed in fenix, i can't play him like jinx even though he's got that level 1 talent to swap fire modes after 3 repeater cannons
the attack speed doesn't even carry over to the next auto so switching after the 3 shots is super slower to have the big one comeo ut

Joke's on you, rat – I already went bald prematurely.

Is it okay to follow icy vein builds??

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>It just becomes a bit underwhelming in the late game
Not when you combine it with Burned Flesh, Fury of the Sunwell and Flamethrower

Was Fenix the guy Blizz didn't want to add because he looked too much like Leoric?
I don't really see the resemblance

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>still no bug fix on that probius quest where it shows a white box upon completion instead of the actual quest
small indie company btw

What a cool pic

Q build is completely broken and very easy to play, a lot of people in GM is abusing it since Blizz won't nerf it.

Immunity Cat protects me, kike.

>following builds
Are you a wittle brainlet who can't figure out synergies by himself?


They didnt want to add him caue he was supposed to have some death mechanic thats what they said at the time btw. H ewa supposed to be a badass protoss who fights and turns into a machine in death i guess but fagzzard decided to make him fulltime robot crab instead with no relation to rebirth FENIX PHOENIX he even has it mentioned 2 times in his chara description Nice fucking kit based fagzzard

That's why I said "a bit", it's just not the HUGE damage increase some people think it is or the meme people here think it is; I still pick Convection over Mana Addict if I know I won't be dived into cause whatever damage increase I get from Convection is better than having a shield I won't be needing at any point.

No! I'm not a loser who wants to pick shitty talents


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>what Varian had: things
>what Varian will have: different things in bed in bed in bed in bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bedin bed in bed

Blizzard really fucked up because reasons in Heroes of the DOTA. His abilities are not abilities, fantasies about his character. His kit kat should have been for another character. Yes he is not fun to play. Anal bruising Artanis. No focus on defence, 1v1 me faggot.

>What Blizzard doves did
Hey guys we plan to release Maiev maybe next year laughing Ben Brode.
Fast forward to the new century
Alright guys just attach the hip bone to the thigh bone and release the skeleton.
And don't forget to wash behind your ears.

hello rato

Mana addict is still a good pick for the mana regeneration it gives.

>Fenix's VA is the same as Talandar's
what did blizzard mean by this

Kil lyourself faggot cause varian wil be a fkn sux now in late game no str just a Retard..... back then he was a monster soldier. Just kill all with sword. What now?? nothing now. and why the fuck he has heal from Q? Wow nice FUcking nice. Is varian a paladin now? Lol epic desin brahs.. Fuckineg based blizzard. Best game company in the worl!!! Woohooo. BLIZZARD RULES! Yeah. A warrior king And what is his first ability? Summon a wave of some fire that runs in a line and slows enemies and heals u!

Can you stutterstep with Fenix? His shooty mode seems too fast to step to and there doesn't seem to be an increase in shots if you're shooting balls.

His level 1 talents literally asks you to stutterstep.

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the damage point is pretty good
and the shooting mode is not fast lol

I'd post with the other drawing but the mods/janitors don't like it. I'd rather not eat bans.

am i having a fucking stroke

1. Fuck the original VA cast from Starcraft 1 except for Raynor.
2. We are getting Talandar