Good evening friends and followers of Veeky Forums
With this man's right to life being debated, how has the death penalty been used through the ages?
Is it just? Morally? Religiously?
Will it be a used in the far future?
Good evening friends and followers of Veeky Forums
With this man's right to life being debated, how has the death penalty been used through the ages?
Is it just? Morally? Religiously?
Will it be a used in the far future?
I'm against the death penalty for petty crimes like China or Singapore practice but when you shoot up a church you've essentially forfeited your "right to life."
I really don't see the debate with the death penalty. Why should the people have to pay to house and feed someone who is a threat to society? I get that sometimes there are mistrials, but in cases like this, there's no contest.
I could see it have practical benefits in certain societies but as far as the US system goes in this day and age the Death penalty doesn't really accomplish anything of social benefit and is a wasteful of public money as well as a source of ethically dubious incidents. (e.g. wrongfully convicted individuals getting on death row, legal retards being executed)
I don't think you can really argue that this turbo-autist is innocent.
>A city infested with roided-up gangsters, crack houses and drug dealers and this guy goes and shoots up an octogenarian bible study group.
well...I mean
If he IS indeed a turbo autist...
He's not, but the existence of heinous criminals doesn't make the death penalty any more socially useful since life imprisonment serves the same purpose for about the same cost (sometimes cheaper).
I'm not making a straight moral argument against the death penalty in all places & situations. I'm saying for modern America (or the west) with all the expensive legal rigamarole that goes into it, it's more trouble than it's worth. The only supposed benefit is the solicitude for the bereaved, but by the time a sentence is carried out it's often more than a decade from that actual incident which makes for poor closure.
Churchgoers aren't packing heat.
Some people should be put to this desu.
In fact more crimes should carry the death penalty. No more of this life in prison or 900 years crap.
There literally no downside to going full blown draconian other than muh feels.
and he has a bowlcut
>An estimated 1 in 6 prisoners on death row is innocent
Look, I firmly believe that there are things a human being can do that mean that they shouldn't get to be alive anymore.
But trusting the state to make that call has killed too many innocent people.
>If they can put an innocent person to death, they can sure as fuck put you or me to death. Doesn't matter what we did or didn't do.
>roided-up gangsters, crack houses and drug dealers
Those things are actually dangerous and Roof is a cowardly little slimeball who wanted to be a good soldier for the white race but also didn't want to get hurt.
What a little piece of shit.
I'd honestly rather get rid of the death penalty and bring back corporal punishment.
If you really want to give someone the "ultimate" punishment, it's not a matter of killing them, it's a matter of giving them something terrible that they must then live with the rest of their days.
Don't kill Dylan Roof. Cut off his hands. Blind him. Disfigure him. Then make him live with it. If you want to pass ultimate judgment on him, that's what you do. Killing's too easy.
The anti-deathers' biggest problem with capital punishment is not the death penalty itself but the repeated chances of people being mistrialled with insubstantial evidence.
If prosecutions could determine guilt with a 90-95%+ confidence then people might be more acceptive of capital punishment.
On the flip side there's complaints by people in less developed countries of criminals being let free because the state lacks the resources to prosecute people effectively.
How he probably thought he felt.
Oops forgot download
In reality, the bowl cut is not worthy of Anton.
Either way these replys are great. Good points to help solidify my opinion. Thanks anons
Personal belief time, I don't think the death penalty should be used unless you explicitly believe that this person will kill again. Also if he ever got into a regular prison he would be dead within a month.
>Prisons have lots of blacks.
>Still push for this slime's death sentence.
Give him life as a prison bitch by negros.
Ultimate cure for edgelords.
This pisses me off. I'm pretty /pol/ myself but shooting up a bunch of unarmed grannies in a church is the legitimately most idiotic way to get people to pay attention to white nationalism. He was just an unhinged faggot.
I have no love for that Roof faggot but seriously you're going to whitewash a rabid nigger killing a bunch of cops?
>Is it just? Morally? Religiously?
Thou shalt not kill, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, never repay injustice with injustice, yadda yadda yadda
Clearly the kid is somewhat ignorant or insane.
There's a reason most developed countries don't have one.
The state should be held to higher standards than the individual.
I recall /pol/ was cheering on chocolate rambo and when he was killed they imagined he actually escaped, was still out there and would return during the happening like some King in the Mountain myth
ah good times. gas the kikes. race war now.
That was when /pol/ was still in the AM I BEING DETAINED lolbertarian mode and thought cop killing is some kind of justice.
Come on, don't tell me there's nothing heroic about taking on corrupt law enforcement.
What makes you think the Dallas PD was corrupt? Let alone the specific cops that got killed?
And Dorner was a retard.
>get called a nigger
>this makes him so assmad he kills half the LAPD including people's families
I hope he is sentenced to death, that's what he wants. He will become a martyr and have immense propaganda value to our cause.
>kill black grandmothers
>get lethal injection'd because he was too much of a pussy to die in a shoot out with the police
>martyr to a cause
lmao this has no propaganda value whatsoever kys yourself my man
Not to mention there's near irrefutable evidence that he did it and an uncoerced admission. The man deserves to die for violating another's right to life.
I like him and he's proof that white nationalist never ever should have kids desu senpai.
Nat Soc here, you'd have to read Dorner's manifesto to understand. The tl;dr of it is he was an angry righteous man in a corrupt system who was more /pol/ than alot of /pol/.
>Nat Soc here
>Nat Soc
Fucking kill yourself
It's morally contradictory and fundamentally unjust in any system where guilt has to be proven within subjective limits (as is basically any punishment so I guess this second point is moot).
He's white, so let him live. We'll need guys like him when the real race war starts.
The stupidest thing in existence. Used to save money, simple as that. Not a true punishment for a crime.
Yeah now they're just edgy alt-rightists who got conned by the GOP into supporting a literal friend of the Jews and Russian puppet
I miss Ron Paul
I'm against capital punishment.
Don't really know much about the case, and don't care enough to read the whole thread.
I'm against corporeal punishment in general.
The only case i'd consider it is chemical castration (tho it's not really corporeal) or sterilization (not so sure about it) for serial rapists.
However, due to recent outbursts of radical feminism i've developed doubts in regards to castration.
Mostly in regards to a slight chance an innocent person gets punished in such a way (castration/death).
However corporeal punishment belongs in sharia shitholes, and no developed or developing country should practice it.
Because it might be a better option to rehabilitate this person and turn them into something productive, rather than wasting resources on imprisonment and execution.
The idea of punishment is supposed to curb the victim or society's desire for revenge. However if it is rare that awarding revenge actually provides anything whole and useful to the victims/society.
Much better if the victim is forced to face their crime, and perhaps try to make amends.
Bullet to the head. I wish this would be used more often to anyone who has gotten life with no parole. It costs us next to nothing and gets the job done. The human race is out of control in growth anyway. Really wish we could go back to medieval torcher as punishment. With cameras everywhere you'd think twice about murder or rape if you knew you'd get the boats or drawn and quartered.
If you're going to kill someone, you may as well use beautifully maintained M1903s or Garands, and a bunch of guys in really well maintained parade uniforms.
It's worth the extra investment to make it look nice.
We should get rid of it.
Why waste valuable life, when there are so many things to test?
Anyone on death row or life in prison should be used as labrats.
Look, senpai, everyone's put far too fine a point on capital punishment, it really isn't a big deal.
We all die. Capital punishment is just moving the date up a bit because society bites back. No biggie.
This is at least not true for my church
That shitpost isn't about Dorner.
well that is a problem for less developed countries.
hope they shove that injection in his ass.
Tbqh, I don't think people should be put to death when they have surrendered.
Everyone in the building where Dylan Roof was was morally justified in killing him in self-defense, but I think this is different than killing someone after the fact.
One could make a pretty solid case that being in a cell 23 out of 24 hours a day until you die of aging is worse than simply being put to death.
Why does leftypol despise white people?
Because they are racists. Not rocket science.
Weirds hwo they claim to be superior by hating own race
>you know, niggers aren't inherently inferior
>this is hating their own race
Racism isn't logical or rational. The people who hold to those ideas just think it is.
>Killed a bunch of old black people whose only mistakes were going to church and attempting to welcome this kid to their congregation
Nice cause shit head.
>white pride is wrong
>but black pride is OK
you leftypol faggots are so hypocritical
I'm saying the exact opposite you fucking moron. Racism is racism and it's not acceptable regardless of which group is hated.
I never see you faggots fighting against black supremacist
Well I would if there were any of them in my country.
people laugh at them just the same as they laugh at nordicists.
only you retards think that people will actually believe hannibal was black, because the history channel said that he was.
you people won't complain about black Hannibal because your scared of being called racist.
no, people won't complain about hannibal being black because amerisharts think that everyone in africa is nigger.
Dylan "minus nine on the welfare line" Roof
because leftypol are a bunch of 18 year old virgins who think the best way to a woman's vagina is virtue signalling left wing politics, pro-SJW causes, support for BLM etc.
you just gotta grab them by the pussy bro.
>war veteran
I'm pretty sure he was considered a weird loner among his peers and was kicked out of the army for perving on white girls by buying them underwear. Probably a virgin who was upset he couldn't get Pawgs like in his favorite hip hop videos. Him and roof had more in common than you think.
Though Roof was definitely dumber by targeting a church and not dying letting the liberal media drag out his court case for weeks on in to whine about muh racism while sweeping the dallas shootings under the rug.
The death penalty is great. I really love seeing lowlife scum put to death. The fact it triggers yuropoors makes it even better.
>rehabilitate this person
Does that even happen? Or has ever happen? My impression on it is that ex-cons have always been stigmatized even after they served their time and paid their due leading them right back in prison
Jurisdiction should keep fairness through all age.But for death penalty, the effect to our society should be considered
Are you psychotic?
Not in the US it doesn't.
>virtue signalling left wing politics
This is such a weird /pol/ meme. If left wing politics "signals virtue," doesn't that make them right? Are /pol/ just edgelord faux-sociopaths?
All poltards are edgelords.
Private Prisons were a mistake
How'd that even become a thing?
>If left wing politics "signals virtue," doesn't that make them right?
Because "hurr durr if we privatize (and give the contract to my brother in law) we'll surely save money!"
Kill murderers
No gas chambers or injections, shoot them with a rifle that has a magazine, once in the chest. If they need more then do it.
>Private Prisons
What were your people thinking?
Dorner wasn't in Dallas, he fought the explicitly and notoriously corrupt and racist LAPD.
People should only be put to death for serious crimes. Shooting up a church is sufficiently serious.
Also, the price of executing a prisoner is pretty high. If it can be, it should be reduced.
Well that's the problem innit. The appeals process is stretched on for so long that it ends up being more expensive than just locking the bastard up. The process could be expedited but that's not going to help reduce the amount of innocent people we kill.
Guantanamo Bay seems to have the effect of either driving inmates completely away from fundamentalism or into zealots.
So maybe 50% of the time?
Yeah lets give every serial killer a fucking glorious death, why don't you thow in a parade and some fireworks.
Once their sentence is read and their appeals are revoked just have them taken out back and shot in the back of the head by a nameless private/rookie with another there for security and witness. Obviously everything should also be taped.
>cheering for a nigger killing random civilians
"Not edgy"
>wanting an ethnostate so your race can survive a demographic catastrophe
lolbergs fuck off
I'm in favour of it, but only for certain crimes. I think some crimes should be included under the death penalty and they are as follows:
>police officers found to be using their position in a manner detrimental to society (drug/gun running, taking bribes, protecting fellow officers from prosecution, testilying, excessive uses of force). Not only does this behaviour harm individuals, but it erodes legitimacy and makes it more likely that people will avoid having to use the police services in favour of vigilante justice.
>politicians convicted of corruption (ie. embezzling public funds)
Congrats, you won. You won 4-8 years of Bush 2.0. Good job you fucking idiot.
Race is a spook
Yeah because your black brother-in-law unironically posting KANGZ memes on Facebook is taken seriously by anyone.
Honestly? I have nothing wrong with revenge and I don't give a fuck about whether something is socially useful or not, but the problem with the death penalty for me is the fact that at least a few innocent people have been executed by the government.
Why is enslavement not a penalty in any modern country?
Your mother is a spook.
It is, both China and the USA force some prisoners to labor.
>Implying that's not what I want