/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: Lostbelt 1 releases on the 4th of April
Apoc collab confirmed and there's an Apoc epilogue event in late April

>Saber Wars Lite Edition
MHX animation renewal
Saber Lily NP strengthening
MHX is always in the gacha
Mysterious Heroine X: 15-29

March 2018 Monthly Mats
>Forbidden pages
>Proof of hero
>Yggradasil Seed


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View listdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

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Other urls found in this thread:



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I wonder if Takahashi finished the EoRs already.

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Xth for laser beam guaranteed to blow your mind

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I'm a gentleman so I would clear them for her.

Ushi a cute.

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Dark Fairy Tale is the best group in Chaldea

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Retiredfag here, bored of just rolling. What can I sell my account for?

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I can't wait to add Berserker Atalanta to this pile.


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It's shit, but you I can accept your shitty account.

one of these women is described as having a powerful, ideal-for-combat body and the answer may surprise you

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>DW will never update Boudica so her official artist is Fue
In fact Fue can redo all of T*kaos servants

Can they just make him an official artist already?

I feel seriously bad, Fue's shit is top-tier too.

Golden Rule: Body.

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Wait a second. I'm pretty sure Fue has drawn omakes for GO comics.

Not sure if those are official or not though.

We like Takao here

Sita when?

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Lostbelt 4

>interacting with curries


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Translate it weebs

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Hello plebbit!

Should be in 2~ hours right?
Japan in 9 hours ahead from the middle right?

>The pleasure of being cummed inside

Last ahoge quest fucking when ?????????

Are you ready?

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So sorry you have to deal with that guy on a regular basis, /fgog/

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It's 3 and a half hours away.

Timezones. That's only 1 hour in Japan.

>at the point where the only thing left for me to farm is fucking bond even though I have enough bonds to make two full supports
>Lostbelt 1 is going to shake that up for all of two days
I can't take much more of this bros

it's 2:30pm in japan right now dude

You're retarded and don't know how time zones work

I'm two hours ahead of Japan, it'll be 8pm for me and it's 4:30 now.

I hope my cute book will make it this time.

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I wonder how many people here have autism or a similar mental disorder.

What the fuck is wrong with you ?

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From the autism tests that get posted sometimes, a lot of posters here have autism.


Everyone on Veeky Forums has at very least some mild form of autism

Not an argument

tanoshii wa

My shrink suspects I do. Then again, my shrink also seems to think the best way to treat me is to not talk to me. I don't think she's very good at her job.

I know it's not an argument, it's a fact

thats super rude user

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I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my brain but at least I'm functional unlike some sorry lads in here

how long until christmas

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stay seething retardbro

>The factual time that it is right now in Japan is not an argument
Do you think facts need to be backed up by arguments ? Facts are facts, they are back up by themselves.

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>Then again, my shrink also seems to think the best way to treat me is to not talk to me.
That's pretty weird.
Isn't it literally their job to talk to you to learn more about you condition and help you with it?

You know who

5 minutes

News today, r-right guys?


ureshii wa

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You shouldn't have said it

Of course

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>Scathach was called a top servant once in mats
>this is top tier wank according to gilfag
Bitch isn't even called the strongest of her fucking time period.

When Nasu says you are too strong to the point you can easily take out other Servants, when you are said to be born with such abilities that you can no longer be called high spec but completely overpowered, when you get called the strongest of a group of people that have at least one top servant in it, maybe, just maybe you can talk about wank. Look at how I didn't even need to bring up the Strongest in terms of individual power line. You still got fucked up.

I thought you said Scathach had more wank in mats, it's your time to deliver, right?


sabashii because NR doesn't fit into a musoge wa

>implying pepe will not be for (you)

W-whats going to happen

wtf where is it

I want to make Kirschtaria squeal like a pig!

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I didn't say it was 5 minutes from then

>when you are said to be born with such abilities that you can no longer be called high spec but completely overpowered
Wasn't that statement from Urobuchi?

Nobu a CUTE.

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You never know wh

Pretty sure that user meant him

>We might eventually get all 9 Tamamo Tails.
I can't wait.

Dont lewd my imouto (fake)!!

Nobubro are you saving for summer too?


ayo hol up

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Yasuke would be cool though. Don't mock.

>when Sakurai says something it's valid
>but if Uro does, it's not
What the fuck?

What did he mean b

I really think it could be a fun servant, though he is a bit underwhelming. Make him one of teh new bronze. Fuck you DW, you know people want them since more than 1 year now.


Cute brown girl samurai yusuke when?

Just saying, the phrase is "nasu said XXX, YYY"
When YYY was said by Urobuch.

>he hadn't started posting yet
>user is an esper

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>muh victim complex
>muh boogeyman
>i'm too righteous to be called out by more than one person
holy shit kill yourself already

I wonder if Martha or George would be able to deal with Fafnir.

It would be pretty cool if we get him and William Adams as servants

pulling his perfect hair and dominating him like a true alpha

>when you are said
Literally didn't say it was Nasu. Learn to fucking read, no wonder you thought the line about the strongest in terms individual power was only talking about the Round Table. Nasu said the first line, but you being the usual retard thought all the lines were said by Nasu.

Isn't George crazy strong with his full skillset?

Fafner get a great conceptual weakness against them. Martha could reason/tame him, but it's not certain. George would slay him like it's nothing

if your definition of strong is near unable to die then yes

I think you know who made the previous thread so obnoxious that one user was genuinely sorry for us.

>muh victim complex
>muh boogeyman
>i'm too righteous to be called out by more than one person
holy shit kill yourself already

The gilfag?

>When Nasu says you are too strong to the point you can easily take out other Servants, when you are said to be born with such abilities that you can no longer be called high spec but completely overpowered
>using a comma, implying these are still all things said by Nasu.
Just sayin' that's what i looks like to me. Maybe start a new line for it.