Does multiculturalism work?
Does multiculturalism work?
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I see people from various origins are walking side by side in the streets and no one is spitting on or stabbing the others at the moment. That's more than anyone dared to hope in premodern times, even in monocultural societies.
its worked quite well in America, though new world countries (particularly America) seem to have a national identity that is much less tied to a shared racial history than old world nations.
In America if you live here, speak English, and say you love America then you're as American as they come. That's really not the case in Europe, Asia, and Africa. So I'm not as sure that multiculturalism can work there. Though if you look at a place like London it seems to suggest it can.
It is no longer multiculturalism, may it even be, then it would be a light form of it.
The first generation kept its culture, but the current generations are integrating.
And no, it doesn't work.
I think the question is, does it work better than more homogenous societies, in which case, no.
It can work well if there is an understanding on certain key principles. I would say the United States has been multicultural for most of its existence and it has gotten by pretty good. However, multicultural societies will always have a stress factor that areises from several different cultural grouos wirhcimperfect understandings of each other.
Monoculture societies have this to much lesser degree.
I know it's very difficult to understand for someone with autism, but you have to play with the cards you're dealt with.
*with the cards you're dealt, fuck
Perhaps, but it does have significant advantages as well. Note that the USA has not suffered the same demographic crises that are currently unfolding in Europe. This is largely due to the fact that it has the unique ability to attract and easily integrate the best and brightest from every nation on earth in large numbers.
That's a definite strength of multiculturalism.
People from different cultures live next to each other using the same services and facilities
Well I guess the question is what do you gain and what do you lose. What you tend to lose from multicultural societies is a stability both in the good and bad sense. You do have a better understanding and less chance of cultural misunderstandings. You also miss the chances often to pick the best from other societies both in terms of men and ideas.
It works rather well in nations where nationality is not tied in race or ethnicity, essentially in New World nations, and that's only because the natives were completely wiped out, either through force or by assimilation.
In the Old World, it doesn't seem to be working all that great.
Someone correct if I'm wrong, isn't America naturally highly self imposed racially segregated? I always see people on Veeky Forums saying this, but no people are saying America is hand in hand? I'm European, so don't know much about America.
Europe has its fair share of brain gain. I think the issue that European countries have is that their societies are little to active it seems from the point of an outsider. It seems in alot of European countries the sense of community is alot stronger which is really good most of the time but it seems imagrants have more barriers before being seen as belonging.
We're sure as hell going to find out.
It works in Singapore and the US.
There tends to be a degree of racial segragation although it is noticeable less as times go on in my area. However, there is no such thing as cultural segragation after a generation of imagrants.
There is strong pull towards assimilation also. All of my grandparents came from Poland after world War two. My dad can barely speak Polish and none of my cousins can speak any. Ithe would be farcical to call myself cultural Polish. I mean there are some relicks but very few.
>truly multicultural
Stop this, America assimilates all immigrant cultures into the general soup of American Culture.
Canada is far more multicultural, and its worse off for it.
Not Veeky Forums
The end result of multiculturalism is assimilation/ melding. Otherwise it's just segragation. Why has every other group besides African Americans assimilated, because blacks and whites still segregate themselves.
With the presence of a strong and central government yes. (i.e. Empire.)
Empires tend to keep all the groups separate and work them against each other. A small minority is generallying assimilated into the rolling class. I don't think that is multiculturalism.
it works when the majority of the migrants aren't 20+ illiterate afghan men raised on being raped by their male relatives and strict sharia
seriously, aren't people in Burma oppressed right now by the Junta? why can't they disregard the Dublin regulation to take in a few thousand Buddhist families?
yes just look at korea town, china town, white flight etc
There's much talk about Myanmar (get it right dickhead) at the moment regarding the Rohingya. Would you like them? write to the UN.
>its worked quite well in America,
No it fucking didn't. In america everyone hates minority cultures from nigger culture to Mormon culture and everyone adapted to a common culture at the end
The only logical end of multiculturalism is the forming of a singular hybrid culture.
Okay, so America is monocultural, but racially self segregated?
>It works in Singapore
>Le state control religions institutions country
>Le less diverse than France country.
What a great example user
>Would you like them?
I'd like anything over smelly mudslime shitskins.
>Would you like them? write to the UN.
Should I contact the Human rights organization currently headed by Saudi Arabia or contact the ghost of Hitler for atleast some human compassion?
>The only logical end of multiculturalism is the forming
But then it isn't multiculturalism. That is the whole point of multiculturalism. Multiple cultures living together which never fucking worked and never will
Honestly really only with black people. Asain assimilated fine. Natives are a unique situation. A bunch of waves of Hispanic groups have a assimilated. Indians have assimilated also around me.
assimilated - like culturally? Like, so besides blacks, there's no racial segregation? Then what is the white flight thing the other guy was talking about?
Why is it called "multiculturaism" when all the refugees share the same sand nigger culture they try force upon the West?
Shouldn't there be like atleast another culture?
>the forming of a singular hybrid culture.
I mean, this is just patently untrue. There exists >muh micro-cultures within family groups/friends/suburbs/cities etc even in the most homogeneous of cultures. I live on the west coast of Aus and we call swimwear bathers or swimmers, easterners call them cozies.
People talk about Germany being homogeneous before middle eastern immigration. But they constantly deride Bavarians for being weird or Berliners for being faggots. Cultural homogeneity is a myth, I would say human society tends more towards fragmentation than consolidation, people like to think they're unique.
What I am saying is that people living and interacting with each other on a daily basis will naturally tend towards forming a single culture. It is just natural societal pressures. It doesn't mean destroys the other, they synthesise. I wouldn't say societies that segragation themselves are multicultural but those are the ones were the most unique question cultures will survive.
Multi-ethnic societies work, but there has to be an overarching "host culture" in place that binds everyone together. If the races are kept separated, intentionally or otherwise, and have completely different cultures and values, then conflict will naturally occur.
>What I am saying is that people living and interacting with each other on a daily basis will naturally tend towards forming a single culture. It is just natural societal pressures. It doesn't mean destroys the other, they synthesise. I wouldn't say societies that segragation themselves are multicultural but those are the ones were the most unique question cultures will survive.
But that is what the goverment is trying to avoid through the education system. Moreso inmigrants live in their own ghettos so they don't integrate to the main culture they create their own subculture that everyone loaths.
Well realize America is very big so there is going to be a lot of regional variation. I live very close to new York city so I have heard and seen the way of integration around me. All the imagrats tend to formally insular communities when they first come over, but over time the kids of imagrants move out of these communities. Usually the grandkids of the imagrants have a much weaker connection to the original culture.
You are a hundred percent right. I mean i dont think i am saying anythingnateange when i saycyou can have multiple cultures at the same time. Obviously culture is a spectrum and there are different levels of inclusion and regional differences. I will say that geography has a much larger impact on culture in the United States than country of origin or race. The only way to minimize regional differences would be to have people constantly moving, which is somewhat happening more now.
No, but with this message it's no wonder they were allowed to destroy Britain.
[Well realize America is very big so there is going to be a lot of regional variation. I live very close to new York city so I have heard and seen the way of integration around me. All the imagrats tend to formally insular communities when they first come over, but over time the kids of imagrants move out of these communities. Usually the grandkids of the imagrants have a much weaker connection to the original culture.
Okay, good to know, but I'm asking if races still self segregate each other - like, do whites move out when the place becomes to Asian? Do Mexicans move when the place becomes too white? You're only telling me about cultural integration and ignoring my question of race. What about race?
Well then it doesn't really matter what a government calls itself it's action aren't multicultural. It is probably just trying to import cheap labor without upsetting through locals.
allowing multiculturalism works
imposing multiculturalism is counterproductive
No in general in my area the races tend to be mixed after the immigrant stage. I mean the places like China Town still exist but most of the imagrant descendants have left and are assimilated into wider society. The main exception being blacks.
This is the smartest comment in the thread.
multiculturaism works
now back to
If you had read the thread you would find a surprisingly civil conversation.
no. multiethnic societies can work but multiple cultures compete with each other until one is dominant.
multiculturalism sucks
t. swede
it only works with an autocratic government
Well they can tend to meld it depends on the population ratios and relative social power.
If the goverment allows migrants to have the education in their native language and provides ghettos for each kind of migrant then it is forcing multiculturalism. This is what happens in Sweden and Canada
>what is Switzerland
>In america everyone hates minority cultures from nigger culture to Mormon culture and everyone adapted to a common culture at the end
Gonna need a source on this senpai
Well the language barrier will take care of itself naturally economica demands it. The second part is more problematic in the long term. What I will say is remember immigrants will never be a part of the culture only there children and most likely grandchildren will be so remember the time scales. So I feel it is a little early in many of these nations to call these ghettos long lasting phenomenah and if they are is because the new imagrants are replacing the old onesite their or because the children aren't leaving.
Shhh he doesn't respond to empirical evidence. I'll bet he believe America isn't multicultural either.
yay I did a smart
Multiples cantons with their own identity. It was self segregated on purpose. To not create conflicts amongst Italians,French and Germans
>What I will say is remember immigrants will never be a part of the culture only there children and most likely grandchildren will be so remember the time scales. So I feel it is a little early in many of these nations to call these ghettos long lasting phenomenah and if they are is because the new imagrants are replacing the old onesite their or because the children aren't leaving.
France has had goatfuckers since the 60's and they are more segregated than ever.
But that actually is multiculturalism, as in multiple separated cultures. The "melting pot" crap is the opposite of it.
>I'll bet he believe America isn't multicultural either.
America is multi ethnical and has 1 single culture amongst everyone except niggers,mexicans and some religious denominations. New york in the XIX century was truly multicultural and was a hellhole. You are probably are a dumb goatfucker that lives in France and barelygoes outside of his ghetto
But they are segrated in political units called Cantons. Each canton controls everything from tax policy tp education. They are unicultural societies that belong into a confederation.
Well how many of the grandchildren the original immigrants speak French and are relatively integrated into French society. I don't know and I suspect neither do you. I wonder how much of it is just a constant stream of new imagrants and how much of it is truly a lack of integration.
>America is multi ethnical and has 1 single culture
>1 single culture
>Dixielander hicks in rural Mississippi have the same culture as suit-wearing Yankees in New York
This is patently false.
You have no idea what you are talking about. The regionalism in the United States is so strong it's undeniable. Louisiana and New Jersey don't have a unique culture.
Speaking French is not integration ffs. They live in their own ghettos, have their sub culture and don'really interact woth French people.
Doesn't Louisiana pride itself on having its own unique southern culture?
>I live on the west coast of Aus and we call swimwear bathers or swimmers, easterners call them cozies.
i live in sydney and have never heard anyone call swimming costumes "cozies". maybe its a queensland or victorian thing.
How do Dixies interact with New Yorkers. Living in the same country doesn't make you a society. Also the regional cultures are fucking small to anyone that isn't a burger. On the other hand living with people that support honor killings,sharia law and wearing ninja pijamas is a real cultural shock
>America is multi ethnical and has 1 single culture amongst everyone except niggers,mexicans and some religious denominations.
kek this is extra funny considering the thread where people claimed white Americans had more in common with white Europeans than other Americans.
Look at Detroit or BLM and i dare you to say again that multiracialism(let's be honest) work.
>than other Americans.
>niggers and Mexicans
It is in the post you dingus.
i feel your pain. too many arabs in my city.
Well then their are several questions. The first is how much if this is still dealing with the early imagration problem. Second and more importantly especially if you are right is why is it that integration is taking longer. Is it the communites of Muslims attempting to keep themselves pure of foreign influences. Is it French society not being OK with the ideo of someone being both French and a Muslim. Or is the dangerous mixing of socioeconomic class and race. If the last one is the case and it becomes in grained; it will be an issue for a significantly longer time.
>Look at this broken down car and I dare you to tell me again that automobiles (let's be honest) work.
Blacks don't integrate either so is not just Islam ( even though is a pretty big part of muslims not integrating)
True their is most certainly a larger cultural gap in Europe which makes integration and cultural cohesion much harder. As an American I will say pick your battles. Taking away the burka by force as an outsider only makes it more powerful.
Yes blacks in America are that last category of mixing socioeconomics and race. It is dangerous leads to a lot of resentment and takes a long time to undo. It is the last thing you want to do with an imagrant community. Everyone in America now pays for those decions.
You're in denial
>Is it French society not being OK with the ideo of someone being both French and a Muslim
They are arabic shitskins not French, stop inventing buzzword
Detroit isn't poor because it's black it's black because it's poor.
There's much smaller difference between a redneck and a New Yorker than there is between a Bavarian and a Schleswiger, or between a Norman and a Provencal
Does it matter how we refer to them.
It is not a Fix All Solution for every state. It works in some places, and not in others.
In Canada, where I'm from, it generally does work, much to /pol/sters and stormfags chagrin...
But I don't think all states should automatically necessarily take the same path -- that would be imperialism.
Well yeah because the point of divergence is much closer.
This is actually a good summary. Detroit got fuck poor and all the white people left because there were no jobs, only niggers remained.
It matter to me as a French, and you know they aren't French thus stop using this buzzword.
And we wouldn't call Germany or France multicultural countries would we? I mean regarding native populations, not the muslim trash they've been importing in the last 50 years.
Yeah I mean it is somewhat more complex than that and it is self feeding cycle but basically itsaid right.
See I don't love niggers at all. But there's a reason why all the white people fucked off and that reason wasn't just niggers.
Not an argument if arguing and not a good troll if trolling.
>But there's a reason why all the white people fucked off and that reason wasn't just niggers
Niggers voted for strict union and labour laws that fucked up the economy.Also whites usually don't like to live amongst niggers
As Myanmar is the name chosen by the military junta, and is also an ethnocentric name, it is not universally respected. Get it right dickhead.
American multiculturalism is a bit of a facade, because there is still a very strong notion of a 'central identity' that Americans should conform to. WASP status was also the pinnacle of Americanness from the beginning. Hyphenated-Americans are basically -Minus Americans.
African-American = African minus American.
Chinese-American = Chinese minus American.
Well you could make arguments about regional differences but that is outside my area of knowledge.
I guess my question is this would you rather have integrated Muslims at the price of having France itself become a little influenced by its culture. Or would you rather have a class of angry Muslims who feel oppressed and think that jihad is a good idea. Short of going full genocide those are you two long term options