/brg/ - Battlerite general

It's not who you think it is - edition
Ulric released

>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP arena brawler from the same company that made Bloodline Champions.

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>they already doing skins for next Halloween

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Glad to see this general again, user

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used saved creepy chest and didn't get it, fuck SLS teasing this shit

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ulric a shit

he is pretty trash and boring to play. I like the dash idea tho

I love Battlerite an stuff, but any other Bloodline Champions players find it hard to play this?

It's just a little bit copy and paste

it is different

but there are games when he's fun, i don't know

one more hour of bumping and i'm off.

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kys sls


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I've only done two games with Ulric so far so I'll refrain from saying anything definitive, but he seems to me much cooler than he is good.

Also god damn is he over designed. Looks like a WoW character in epic gear.

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who the fuck thought this is a good idea

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Also it's shitty trying to judge when I think about him when every single game is against another Ulric. That being said he loses major points for yelling "ultimate throw" on his ult

he does have a lot of healing and shit, but he is melee. We just need the top boys show us what he can do, that's all.
And after playing him all day i still don't get the description of his ult. I mean, anyone can catch the shield or what?

I don't think there's any secrets to him. He's pretty fun and tanky, but I don't think he has crazy high heals or crazy high damage to shine on one side or another like some other supports. I also don't see him as that great for 1v2 situations. Seems pretty middle of the pack.

>And after playing him all day i still don't get the description of his ult. I mean, anyone can catch the shield or what?
Damn, son. You throw it, it comes back and falls on the floor, anybody can pick up the buff. What's the issue

Why did they have to both gender and role bend fucking guardian now the last thing I was maybe looking forward to is fucking shit FUCK YOU SLS

> Looks like a WoW character in epic gear.
Not a problem, because of him i'm going back to vanilla.

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you can throw it and it comes back like a bumerang and can hit someone on the way back dealing max dmg, pretty cool. Sad it's so worthless
>I don't think there's any secrets to him He's pretty fun and tanky, but I don't think he has crazy high heals
yeah, i think he shines in mongo teams with sirius because of that space reset into stun.
I don't think he can survive long non-chaotic fight and be good as a healer

i'm glad i didn't play BLC too much

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I was digging the aoe stun rite while mongoing

it's cool but cast time is so fucking slow and they need to be right next to each other

Waow in here before thread dies. Hi friends!

Fuck off you autist. I see you.

So when Battlerite will stop being shit?