What type of Christianity is closest to the original, Veeky Forums?
What type of Christianity is closest to the original, Veeky Forums?
Assyrian Church
Further up the tree, further from God.
This doesn't address how much each church has evolved. Protestantism was born much later on but it can be closer to original Christianity than the Assyrian Church. Not that I am saying that it is, but food for thought.
true, Docetists are the true Church
Reformed Protestantism
Read Galatians
Probably some ultra conservative form of judiasm
Read Romans
Yeah that after the reforms of Paul Christianity really lost its roots with him.
Nice try, heretic
You won't take me into the bondage of the law
Islam didn't exist until the false prophet Mohamet invented it
Achmed """ducation"""
Islam was invented in 7th century by a pedo false prophet.
Holy shit not this fucking meme again.
Technically according to Islam you would have the Christianity tree in be a branch of the Islam tree.
the type of Shakespeare that is closest to the original is a baby- or worse.
What can possibly be worse than a baby?
Getting expelled.
Jehovahs Witnesses
Not even memeing.
Muslims can't into reality and logic, this is why they're so retarded and never made any achievements in science since at least the 12th century.
I mean, we're talking about mythology. Hardly a place to bring up reality and logic.
So Christianity is mythology ?
The christians(me included) are mythical creatures and their churches mythical places, and their history merely myths ?
Absolutely haram
Pic related
A lot of it can be proved to be fiction
Is this seriously your first time encountering a origin myth or are you just pretending to be retarded?
>A lot of it can be proved to be fiction
Looks real imo
Pretty much this tbqh