/arena/ - Arena FPS General

no /arena/ for almost a day edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite old-school and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, Warsow, etc.

>March 15 patch notes:
>instagib is a thing now and it's fun
>2v2 TDM is live now
>quickplay scoreboards no longer show how many times you died
>levels aren't and ranks aren't shown in public matches
>forward accel removed for most champs, scalebearer retains it
>super nailgun is still busted
>heavy mg not completely worthless while zoomed in
>lg doesn't knock you back as much
>rockets have less splash
>rail does 100 on zoom
>weapons stay in non-duel matches
>ranger can still delete you by doubletapping

There will be another DUSKWorld 1v1 Tournament at 28th April. Both EU and NA will have seperate tourneys. How to sign up and rest of details are on NewBlood's Discord channel under #dusk-events tab.
Episode 3 "soon™", DUSKWorld is "still in beta"


>QC custom weapon skin showcase, complete with dual wield:

>List of /arena/ fags willing to play Q:C

(Closed) slipgate to ded thred

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>tfw fortnite killed UT4
>tfw quake champions
>tfw these threads are also dead at all times

The relevant discords for QC are so much better than this place the only reason to come here to /arena/ at all is to talk about sqztoy's massive penis

Thursday tomorrow, it there's no patch we will riot.

>raisy losing to ins because he is not abusing robot

user, I....

>dumb clutch apologists ganging up on ins
Fuck id for not removing clutch or nerfing it to same state as slash/anarki.

>patch after pax east
too slow

I played memebearer once and it was choo choo.

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>slash feels really good

Slash isn't overnerfed, she's finally in a great spot.
Anarki needs to be buffed to Slash level and Clutch needs to be nerfed to Slash level. The most important thing however is to get some massive Dire Orb nerfs into the game, that shit is just game retardation. Oh, and Galena needs to be 100 health.

>Slash isn't overnerfed, she's finally in a great spot.
So that's why she is played so much in duel. Oh wait, no she isn't.
She dies to 1 zoomed rail + rail even if she has full natural stack.

Now zoot is sperging that the current duel format is actually good.
Is brainError typing out the shit that zoot is saying or is he really fucking retarded?


fucking 10 minutes ago in the current cast

>She dies to 1 zoomed rail + rail even if she has full natural stack.
So does Nyx, but that's all irrelevant.
I don't think all champions are going to be equally good in Duel. Slash is strong in 2v2 and Sacrifice, and will be a popular pick when CTF arrives and replaces sacrifice.


fucking brainlets. literally nu-quake talking out of their asses. just because you can defrag with slash to insane speeds doesn't make her good. her hitbox was always the easiest to hit from the small champs kinda like bj feels in comparison to the other medium champs. her accell nerf was the most stupid thing ever. you can't even get any momentum on a jumppad. nerfing her stack was... idk redundant makes no sense she is very easy to hit in a fight and now it's even easier to frag her.

had mad respect for zoot for building his channel over the years and being a small bastion of arena fps. now he's just shitting all over it. "nerf clutch and see how duel is then". well guess what you can't nerf clutch. a shield and being able to bumrush people in a quake game with impunity (apart from orb and slash-trail but she's shit now) is just the worst. unless they rework the whole champ and make some drastic changes that affect his ability all together he is here to stay especially in that bullshit "9 consecutive frags means you win gj" duel system

>Slash isn't overnerfed, she's finally in a great spot.
>I don't think all champions are going to be equally good in Duel.
Duel is the only relevant mode. Anything else is too chaotic to even try to have balance.

no one plays slash in 2v2. no one. it's galena + clutch/doom/ranger

>syncerror in zoot chat
fuck that piece of shit

The numbers don't lie. The metrics are in at id software- even the small active player base they actually have in QC doesn't give a shit about duel. Duel is the least important game mode that exists, and they're never going to balance around it again.

>they're never going to balance around it again.
they have never balanced around duel though.

>her hitbox was always the easiest to hit from the small champs kinda like bj feels in comparison to the other medium champs. her accell nerf was the most stupid thing ever. you can't even get any momentum on a jumppad. nerfing her stack was... idk redundant makes no sense she is very easy to hit in a fight and now it's even easier to frag her.
this soyquake attitude is always why you fail and are so wrong. You were never supposed to hard engage with LG or rockets while having the smaller stack in any quake game. Apparently you've been conditioned with the toothpick sized hitboxes and the bad hit reg of pre-january QC to think that ADAD with LG/rocket on a light champion is a good play even with a smaller stack. It's not a good play, it should never have been a good play, and your complaint that the stack is too small and so that the champion isn't good anymore because you can't make that play is just wrong. This game is never going to go back to that, and you need to stop crying over it because it just makes you look stupid.

Slash can back out, take off, outrun, whatever you want to call it so quickly and so effectively right now that the only time you stop for a hard engage is either a. you choose to do so b. you got outplayed or c. you're against overpowered Clutch. Take those skates and fly, get better positions and get free damage. If you have the skills to execute it, Slash feels amazing. So stop whining.


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>don´t change duel format until we have a stable meta and balance

This game will never be balanced. Just look at clutch´s design... He will always either be broken or useless.


>fortnite killed UT4
You can't kill something that was always dead.
Besides, comparing a pre-alpha that is more of an UT3 with placeholder content that everything, to a full game (even if it is a piece of shit) is quite a stupid comparison.

You must be 18 to post on this site.
Men use TS, not bloated garbage.

>using closed source shitware
use mumble you fool

what is wrong with discord again?

>Ain't you a cute lil thing

The game would be literally dead without Duel
It's all anyone cares to watch/host tournaments for
FFA won't carry this game, user

delusional duelfag. duel has always been extremely niche even before QC. It's all about that 2v2, CTF, and CA now.
>FFA wont' carry this game, user
but it does, along with TDM and instagib


Why are blood run and corrupted keep not in quickplay map pool?

Duel only maps were a mistake.

>16 player ffa on hell's gate, aerowalk or any other small map
pls no

Vale was fun, I want it back.

She's objectively worse at everything you mentioned in this patch than she was previously since she's so much slower, so I don't know what the fuck you're on about.

>someone on tumblr drew quake dickgirls
>but they're awful MS Paint shit
why does this world make me suffer so

This guy needs to come back and draw more thick Quake babes.

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We'll just go over and over it again in slow, easy to understand step-by-step explanation so you really have no excuse in not understanding it this time.
1. You claim that she's slower.
2. She is slower to accelerate in a stafejump as the acceleration value is lower. Objectively true.
3. Her slide friction value is higher. Therefore she slows down more rapidly when she is sliding and also not performing any motion which accelerates Slash while she is sliding. Objectively true.
4. The claim that "Slash is slower" is literally true when accounting for the above and the above only.
5. However, since the claim is not an accurate representation of the full picture, let's take the claims of zoot, myself, and some other people who play Slash quite effectively in this patch and look at a larger picture in the following:
6. Slash no longer has a relevant speedcap. Objectively true.
7. Slash can accelerate above her old speedcap of 600 ups in a single circleslide motion. Objectively true.
8. Therefore in the same circleslide motion that would accelerate Slash the fastest to her old speedcap before the patch now accelerates Slash in excess of her old speedcap.
9. Therefore in the same time Slash would at her fastest rate of acceleration to 600 ups before patch she accelerates to 600+ ups after patch, despite the lower strafejump acceleration and decreased freedom of motion during a slide.
10. Therefore Slash is can be consistently faster average speed than she used to be in the majority of situations.

11. Post-patch, Slash players must strafejump more and slide less in straight or gently curving lines.
12. Therefore Slash players must now be more careful in their movement as they must strafejump more than crouchslide where changing direction in the air is not possible where it was very easy while sliding.
13. Therefore Slash is -harder- to play but not -slower-.
14. The lower freedom of control from higher friction crouchslides has more impact than just moving from A to B.
15. Slash now slows down more quickly if she moves during crouchslide in an ADAD or circular like fashion
16. Since her ability to dodge while not in full-speed motion is weaker due to the loss of crouchslide ADAD speed, in addition to her health reduction from 125 to 100, she now stands even less chance than ever in a superficial, "hard" engagement where only three factors matter: the size of each player's stack, the ability to dodge for each player, and the accuracy of each player.
17. Slash is fast enough to simply never commit to such a superficial, "hard" engagement without it being by choice or the player being at fault.
18. Therefore the only credible argument against Slash is a personal one that claims that she is "too hard" to play.
19. Which isn't the same as the argument that Slash isn't "good enough" to play.

HEEEY we'er back.

With penises!

She must be so soft.
I like when girls a soft and curvy without being fat.

Softgirls are best girls.

>derby girl dyke

In the picture i mean. She looks soft and supple and I wanna put my hands all over her and cuddle her.

The Vadrigar like their girls soft.

you could've saved yourself the typing by doing something very simple

load up an empty ruins of sarnath, start at ssg, go toward rl via sng, keep going through portal, turn and go over one of the armors and continue down the steps to lg, and we'll say you've crossed the finish line when you touch the jumppad in the lg room

before the patch i could pretty much stay between 550 and cap 100% of the time on that route. if you upload a clip of yourself doing better during this patch, i'll accept my status as eternally btfo and will never post about slash again. if you can't do that, then you should kindly shut the fuck up and fuck off

girls (male)

Not being able to crouch-slide dodge backwards in a line or any direction at 600ups, on top of how slow she is outside of slide AND the stack nerf totally raped her viability

>before the patch i could pretty much stay between 550 and cap 100% of the time on that route. if you upload a clip of yourself doing better during this patch, i'll accept my status as eternally btfo and will never post about slash again. if you can't do that, then you should kindly shut the fuck up and fuck off

challenge accepted. give me time

>no reflex news
>no unreal tournament news
>fucking dusknews
glad this shill general is dead

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well both of those are dead user, what did you expect.

New champ announcement for QC on the 7th tho.


It's time to grow, boys. It's time to stop playing arena FPS fagmes.

All other games suck tfw can't play QC because my PC is dying and broken and locks up when I try to play

Fiend champion when?

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Duskworld is much deader than Reflex
I can at least get Reflex matches going at primetime, with Duskworld there's no guarantee

When's the Quake 2 Rocket Launcher being added? When are they changing the Quake 2 Railgun to shoot blue rails?

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I keeping HUHing but John won't answer me


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>When are they changing the Quake 2 Railgun to shoot blue rails?
Four patches of acknowledging it now and they never remember to

>Only realize now there was a dirty joke in the Q3 mission where you fought Mynx and Orbb.

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I just noticed Ranger's erection.


>come back to QC after some time
>weapons respawn 1sec after picking them up
What kind of gay shit is this?


quickplay = noob mode, 1 second respawn is to remove the frustration for noobs never getting a weapon before they die.

>Fortnite has made me appreciate Quake Champions a lot more.
I really hope when this game goes F2P it finds a dedicated audience.
IT's the only shooter that makes me happy anymore.

also known as, remove the utter bullshit of only having 6 spawn locations on the map so dm turns into 50 lives of you hoping to spawn next to rockets lg or nail and dying with starting weapons

I agree. No complaints about the developers behind Fortnite, they designed exactly what they set out to make, and they even did it quickly. So I give congratulations for the game developers for doing a good job at making a video game a business success.

But Fortnite itself is not a video game success by videogamer standards. A videogamer at their core has always cared about the challenge, the sweaty palms, the heightened state of awareness, the competition, or the immersion, or the adrenaline. This is what made a gamer stay a gamer, back in the day.
QC(or aFPS genre in general) keeps that old-school challenge alive. Reward the skilled. Make it as fair as possible. Make it fast. Make people sweat. Make the difference between you and the player you're against come down to a split second execution of 100% skill.
In a way, games like Fortnite are doing games like QC a huge favor. By reducing all the nonsense to one distilled pure battle royale experience, the player sees the essence of battle royale really for what it is. You died to a guy hiding in a bush? He died to a guy with a sniper? Sniper died to a guy with a rocket? Guy with a rocket would have died to your bunny hopping shotty if guy in the bush didn't get you first. That's not a game of skill, that's a party game. The illusion of being a contest of skill is lost.

Everytime someone says they're quitting Quake, they always come back. Unless you jump genres into games like Starcraft, Street Fighter, etc, or play a similar competitive FPS like Counterstrike, where you can get that thrill of competition and reward of skill, they always come back.

>I really hope when this game goes F2P it finds a dedicated audience.
5000 concurrent players in the peak of its lifespan after going f2p is my guess. That's more than enough to always find a game in any game mode you desire. But I don't think it'll be more popular than that. There just isn't any way to convince the soy generation to stop wasting their gaming time on Hearthstone, the weedbros to stop wasting their time with dota and dooty, or any of that.

I also fear that that 5000 concurrent players may be a lot of cheeki breekis at the hacks

>You died to a guy hiding in a bush? He died to a guy with a sniper? Sniper died to a guy with a rocket? Guy with a rocket would have died to your bunny hopping shotty if guy in the bush didn't get you first. That's not a game of skill, that's a party game. The illusion of being a contest of skill is lost.
this 100%, after in several discord servers shilling it and watching previously quake streamers start gravitating toward it made me play, and the game itself fucking sucks. you play with a queue and spend 5+ minutes gearing up before you even see another person, then can be dead in under 5 seconds once you finally do find another group (usually at a very far distance with one of the several ridiculous ranged weapons)

Why does the CPM community seem so desperate for new blood? It comes off as pathetic.

if games liek Blacksquad and Battlerite are any indicator it could reach 10K peak regularly at F2P if beth times it right and advertises like a monster.

Desperate for new blood, but shit on absolutely everything that isn't CPMA? Gee, I wonder.

I unironically want to play cpm but im afraid

>circle jumps to 680 ups almost immediately
>wtf y doos he say slosh fel gud???

>head towards lg/rockets/rail
>retard on your team grabs it before you, even when you clearly saw him firing the weapon before
>dies a second later
>enemy kills you with whatever weapon was stolen from you

And now ammo boxes and ammo management are pointless.

so what, ammo management should never be a skill in a quake game because reloading (except the obvious exception in rail) is nonexistent

simple fix, make it the way q3 handled repeated weapon pickups - only granting 1 additional ammo if your current ammo count is equal or greater than what's in the 'fresh' weapon
guns dropped by enemies should still give full ammo

1 second respawn and having to grab a weapon is miles better than load out bullshit in CoD/BF, ect.

elaborate, never played either

No shit but the quick respawn is still bad unless it follows these rules

No one is queueing in QC on this continent

>get crushed in TDM
>it's exact same teams

well I just left and uninstalled.

>be a very mediocre player (probably most of /arena/ could beat me easily in a duel if i lived closer)
>tried to get friend, whos a souls fan (a series i never played or cared about) into reflex and qc.
>Go easy on him teaching him about movement, configs, weapons, champions and all that jazz
>Play a few matches to get acclimate him into these games
>By the 14th ot 15th match, he seems fairly comfortable, decide to push the gas a little to test him
>Go 15/-2 and he instantly goes into defeatist mode and uninstalls both games.
Welp fuck. There goes another newbie/potential player.

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your friend was never really a potential quake player

My statistics in casual friendly competitive games are atrocious

A friend of mine got the game and I tried to teach him. He decided instead he wanted to fight me.

So I wooped his ass.
He bitched about me cheezing with the LG
Kicked his ass 4 more matches without using the LG once.

When they ask for an ass beating maybe you gotta do it.

QC stats for datacenter: I3D-US-Dallas
Gametype: FFA
Total FFA player count for datacenter: 3
Total queued FFA players for datacenter:3
Total FFA players in game for datacenter:0
Active FFA game sessions for datacenter: 0
Gametype: TDM
Total TDM player count for datacenter: 29
Total queued TDM players for datacenter:5
Total TDM players in game for datacenter: 24
Active TDM game sessions for datacenter: 4
Total SACRIFICE player count for datacenter: 8
Total queued SACRIFICE players for datacenter: 0
Total SACRIFICE players in game for datacenter: 8
Active SACRIFICE game sessions for datacenter: 1
QC stats for datacenter: AWS-Us-Ohio
Gametype: FFA
Total FFA player count for datacenter: 4
Total queued FFA players for datacenter: 4
Total FFA players in game for datacenter: 0
Active FFA game sessions for datacenter: 0
Gametype: TDM
Total TDM player count for datacenter: 17
Total queued TDM players for datacenter: 3
Total TDM players in game for datacenter: 14
Active TDM game sessions for datacenter: 2
oregon has 16 in tdm
US VA, it's showing 3 in queue for ffa, 12 in game
22 for tdm, 17 in game
9 sac, 1 in queue, 8 in game

What does this even mean.

Backend logs with playernumbers on NA at 6PM

>source: my ass

You're right that she's objectively faster at moving around the map, but I feel the significantly reduced small-scale mobility is more important in most cases since it heavily limits what engagements you can take and how quickly you can adjust to the situation.

Before her biggest strength was she could flip between all-in-ing you or disengaging faster than any other champion, and being the only one with true omni-directional fast movement maximized the amount of time on the engage/disengage when you can do damage.

tl;dr: She's faster but more limited, and that makes her weaker. She loses a lot just to go above 600

I've leaked info here before but im afraid they might be on to me so i cant go into more detail about it more than that its qc backend logs. I just posted this because i think you guys should know how bad things really are