Hentai Games General /hgg/

H-Games General #1033

Mom-Son Secret Love Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games, Eroge, and Nukige. Some popular games like Rance/Alicesoft (), Monster Girl Quest (), Honey Select (), Custom Maid (), and Artificial Academy 2 () have their own generals already, so please post about them there instead! Likewise, consider taking discussion of RPGs and ACTs to . However, all Western Porn Game discussion must be taken to !


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Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting


>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

>/hgg/ Gotw Catalog:

Previous thread:

Attached: secret love.png (800x600, 455K)

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Games pending release:

>[みるくふぁくとりー] もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! - 2018/04/27

>[ILLUSION] コイカツ! - 2018/04/27
Pastebin: pastebin.com/gWhLPBy1

>[WAFFLE] なまいきダークエルフ3姉妹が僕に中出しを求める。- 2018/04/27

>[catwalkNERO] アナスタシアと7人の姫女神 淫紋の刻印 - 2018/04/27

>[WAFFLE] 巨乳ファンタジー3if-アルテミスの矢・メデューサの願い- - 2018/05/25

>[裸足少女] 新妻詩乃 - 2018/05/25

>[BISHOP] 支配の教壇 - 2018/06/29

>[WAFFLE] 親友が気づかぬ内に彼女を寝取るボク - 2018/06/29

Games recently released:

>[KISS] カスタムオーダーメイド3D2 - 2018/02/23
Pastebin: pastebin.com/YwYQethV

>[WAFFLE] 俺を欲しがる二人の母 - 2018/03/23
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2406887

>[マリン] 過保護でエッチな僕の姉 - 2018/03/23
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2406831

Paizuri a best

Can we make it to the end of this thread without dying again?

Attached: feel.png (958x719, 1.03M)

3rd for lolicon and anime is under attack by normalfags again and it's the end soon.

I for one welcome op's GOAT taste.

Attached: 5678567.png (1280x720, 261K)

give examples

milfs have the best body type anyway

when was the last time you played anything remotely interesting?

Attached: 14222.jpg (256x352, 29K)




>Voiced by Misonoo Mei.

Fucking Misonoo North. How does she do it?

pic not related I hope


Is it happening

even if it is, have fun waiting 2 years

is that what they call it now?

Attached: proceed.png (1261x73, 6K)

To the user who recommended me Bunny Black: Thank you. The game is super fun! The Darkest Dungeon of hentai games. The protagonist is an edgy ass though.

Attached: jrTE0uW.jpg (1196x668, 164K)

I really liked BB surprisingly enough, had a fun cast. Gameplay was weird though

If you love her, you'll drug her and then make her eat all the eggs. Drugs + piggyback ride is the alternative.

starless, though i mostly play random wolf rpg maker games these days.

Cute elf,where is it from?

>The Darkest Dungeon of hentai games.
Maybe if you're shit

>The Darkest Dungeon of hentai games
Is there any equivalent?

>Oops, instant kill
>Oops, 3 crits in a row
>Oops healer heals the one with 99% hp left instead of the one who is dying
>Oops ambushed 3 times in a row
>Oops, missed

J-just git gud b-bro

Attached: 1497745988155.jpg (325x325, 6K)

You better not play 2 then if you think this is hard

Just use Cheat Engine

So HGG did you get your Misonoo today?

Attached: MisonooMai.jpg (1120x689, 89K)

I did for the second one because it was a massive grind, first one was pretty easy once you get a decent tank and healer

>porn game
>having any grind at all
>no porn content incorporated into gameplay
I avoid playing games that don't understand how to make porn games.

Does she do OVA adaptations too? Any good ones with her in?

I don't really know, I've seen her on a lot of VN or 3D anime games. Meido I know for sure.


Oh yes she does.

>try to keep on top of BNG's gdrive game updates
>folder now at 67GB / 125 game updates

Attached: alex.gif (309x313, 2.91M)

I'd be sad too if my collecrion was that pitiful, too.

what do you mean

Don't worry about it. Now go play the first simulation game you can find, and report back.

I pray to god that actually MangaGamer gets it since I want to see it in it's full mosaic free glory and with a decent translation.

why are you posting that in this thread? anyway i only have the most recent 21.2gb, upload your folder and link me my man

H-games are h-games, nigga. You gotta stop building barriers when not needed.

bunny black and amayui actually placed on the mg licensing survey! shilled hard as fuck for them during the survey too

>anyway i only have the most recent 21.2gb, upload your folder and link me my man

sure thing, it'll take a while though. You gotta keep on this cause you know he deletes it weekly or so. I bet there's stuff I'm missing too.

Does he delete forever though or does he actually shuffle it back into the other folders on his drive?

well how big is your h games collection then?

Attached: 1470500493940.png (512x512, 40K)

Refer to Show us the fruit of your hoarding.

I don't understand. What do you class as a simulation game even?

Games where you simulate doing things. Have you never played a groping or slave traing simulator before? Hell dieselmine has one every other release. Not to mention 70% of pixel games being simulators of some sort.

why do you want me to do this

I'll join in later.

SLG, I assume.

>Games where you simulate doing things.
So, every video game ever?

Any games related to the thread edition?

Did this start because somebody was trying to lambaste me over my supposed meager H games collection? Why don't they post their folder if they so great

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Don't be intentionally stupid, there were even examples after that part.
You are bad at following directions. I just wanted to see some simulation games.

>You are bad at following directions. I just wanted to see some simulation games.

what makes you think I organize my H games into categories like that though

But how will you know what game is what? Some studios and developers mix things up.

I organize by studio name and then the game name.

>Not just remember what's in what folder

Some trap shota elf game. Its shit other than the NTR.

Attached: Trap elf paradise.png (1280x720, 1.59M)

I fucking love Suzuno man. Sure her art can get wonky but i really love her design. White hair a best.

I do too and a RJ or VJ number at end if applicable, but I forgot which games were different and was hoping for simulation games I already had so I can do some better classifications.

Her voices used to be arousing and make me wet back then.

>RJ / VJ

I always found this to be a bad way of classification.

>RJ or VJ number at end
>Not at the start

What I do is just put each game in its own folder along with an image named folder.jpg/png. Gets kind of messy, though. I separate visual novels and RPGMaker games.

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If you want to clean it up you could just have each studio with its own folder. I can see some breaks in your consistency there with that one folder starting with [RPG] for some reason.

>If you want to clean it up you could just have each studio with its own folder.
Not the user you are responding to but this is what I have been doing since the 00s.

Is MEGA alright for this or do you want a torrent?

Attached: banana.jpg (500x560, 37K)

Yeah, still a few folders I need to rename. I'll get to it.

How big is your collection now if you've been doing that since the 00s?

>tried to play caucasus without a walkthrough
Everyone I loved died, what the fuck.

what a mess, you have to go through your hdd to find stuff that way. i just use bookmarks, that way i can keep my files organized easily and i can just search through sorted bookmarks which already have images

google drive from some junk email accounts would be better since there's no dl limit but a torrent could work too, just don't upload it to a site since there's no point in seeding this forever

>google drive from some junk email accounts would be better since there's no dl limit but a torrent could work too, just don't upload it to a site since there's no point in seeding this forever

I have a few junk email accounts on MEGA, the drive capacity there is 50GB as opposed to gdrives 15GB though.

Not sure what metric you want. Keep in mind that my taste has changed over the years so some games aren't even included in my current collection anymore.

Attached: collection.png (876x540, 25K)

mega has that 5gb dl limit though, never encountered it myself but just saying

and i fucking hate these captchas

>Not sure what metric you want.

metric is # of individual games.

Would you be willing to make a torrent of your collection?

Disable javascript to use the easy captchas. I pump mine out in 3 seconds flat.

>metric is # of individual games.

# of individual titles and total size, actually.

I'll throw up a torrent for it then.

640 individual games should be about right. Most games are still publicly available so there is really no need for me to upload them.

Any chance of a list of games so that it can be crosschecked for ones that aren't available?


Upload might not be the fastest in the beginning because I'm uploading other stuff for a bit too.

Attached: b88aa9d0b572ed623c353336de2e2497.jpg (1146x1599, 217K)

I'm going to pick one of the games in it at random and play it. Your effort is appreciated unless the game I pick sucks.

>Your effort

I didn't compile these games, it's not my effort.

ilu user, i thought 4chanx was useless since they changed the captcha didn't know they updated it for this too, now i can get my 3 stupid boats or statues and post in peace

thanks user, if you ever need something obscure from clubbox let me know


What's this? I'll take it all.

Attached: 1351t2q.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

google it

Oh, I'm not into kdramas or whatever they're called. Thanks anyway

I want in on this clubbox offer

>I'm not into kdramas
user plz, why don't you try searching for a few things, you might be surprised

this offer isn't for you, Anonymous, it's only for Anonymous

Attached: 1475816441657.jpg (550x524, 146K)

>user plz, why don't you try searching for a few things, you might be surprised

I have enough anime / H games backlogged to be too busy to deal with kdramas. Maybe after immortality is invented and I have infinite time on my hands. thanks anyway though.

Attached: 1256600346102.jpg (439x480, 38K)

you're surprisingly dense

try search for a few h-games or rj codes

I don't think they'd have anything I would be looking for at the moment. Most of the time if I can't find something I add it to a queue of stuff to just buy from dlsite.

Okay, then. Have a Merry Christmas.

suit yourself

it was a joke user just ask

>suit yourself

still much appreciated, user, thanks

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Same voice actress as pic related. Basically sounds the same too. Very cute!

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Are there any fun CHOY games like CoC? I like the adventure/story aspect of it moreso than the sex combat. When sex happens in that it's usually quite descriptive and situational.

Define CHOY.

Where the player has agency in how scenes play out. Violated Heroine for example has quests with multiple outcomes depending on how they're completed.

does anyone know here i can get a MeetandFuckgames.com site rip archive?

Pornolab I think. I recall seeing it around. Those "games" are bad and you should feel bad.

Are there any places beyond .si and pantsu.cat where H game uploaders like mikocon, girlcelly and newdragon post torrents? Are there anymore regular torrent posters I should know about?