You idiots actually bought the Reddcoin meme? How dumb can you be user?
The creators of the coin are taking the piss and you retards are throwing your life savings at this shit.
You idiots actually bought the Reddcoin meme? How dumb can you be user?
The creators of the coin are taking the piss and you retards are throwing your life savings at this shit.
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just hit 9 SAT nice
don't miss the train again user
why do you keep denying yourself success?
so desperately wants a dip to buy in. should've bought in when you had the chance
50 50 can't take the risk leave the kitchen
You realize it's up ~123% in the last 24 hrs with no signs of stopping right?
Do you enjoy being poor?
>hits 9 sats
>all these cucks now doing buy orders for 8, when they could have gotten in earlier
this will spike at 50 sats
No it hasn't, but even if it had you'll never get out before it crashes when the big bagholders pull out.
The creators are a bunch of hippies trying to meme this thing into existence. If you want to pay their caravan for some snake oil, by all means go ahead.
caravans are like a liberal pilgrimage.
it works great for the reddit rep
We must double down our efforts to ensure information of the coin is spread. Ignore FUD - this is not a pump and dump. It's a legit coin with legit niche and application. There is a reason for continued sell walls being broken and incredible volume. Weak hands are dumping for 50% profit. Stay strong , spread info and memes and this will hit 50 sats by next week
Still mad you didn't buy at 5 sat yesterday?
>hours later
>it's hit 12 sat
And this is when the US and Europe is asleep
>mfw 0.9BTC deep at 7 sat
we memes now
Praise Kek
I will start to panic when the buy orders aren't so fucking huge.
13 sat, who's crying now?
uhh user i think you're looking at the wrong table. might want to sit down.
Hahaha fuck yourself OP
Currently leaving humanity behind, already passed the Stratosphere. Next stop Moon.
Everybody wave goodbye to OP ~ ~
I can not believe you guys are really looking at this whale,
You will make a profit now, quit now, that shit will increase, and it will die.
Even a monkey can see that.
this is why you don't pump and dump your Veeky Forums bros.
stay at 10-15sats and die holding your bags, shills.
>tfw bought in at basically nothing
Honestly if you bought in at 5-6 or less you're golden. I don't give a shit if we only get to 15, that's still pretty big gains to help me cash out and diversify some more. Better than the shills spamming Humaniq and Bitbean.
This. I bought in at 5/7 sats and will probably sell at 20 sats, then invest in XEM and other promising coins.
How to detect FUD: someone is talking out of senseless anxiety with not substance
fuck off, save your keystrokes retards