Taka edition
Taka edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna cuddle Jinx
>liking mobile ap assassins is a sin in a game where cho'gath, Zoe and Sion exist
so why is guinsoo's jhin broken right now
Tristana is a miracle of the universe.
Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.
I sometimes wonder if Rumbles kit is too binary to exist in a healthy fashion
Then I remember Riot are okay with Cho'Gath being pick/ban and I stop worrying
all the other ad carries got nerfed while he got buffed
Best guy!
Ahri buffs when?!??!
>riot takes a psycho like jhin and makes him into a victim by implying he's mentally ill and quite literally cannot control his impulses to kill
>riot takes a psycho like jinx and makes her into a victim by implying she was traumatized to the point of mindbreak by some orphanage fire she caused
>riot takes inherently evil beings like evelynn and makes them into a victim by implying that they're just doing what they need to survive
>riot takes inherently evil beings like the darkin and makes them into victims by implying they have reason to hate everyone because humanity tried to kill them all
who writes this trash lore anyways?
>best male and female yordle?
because it makes epic 1 shot videos for youtube
Riot made it scale off of %AD/AP and forgot they had a champion in the game that converts stats to AD, so its like giving Jhin an AD version of Rabadons Deathcap that works only on late-game when he has the necessary AD To reach insane levels. The real mystery is whether or not Riot's retarded enough to gut Jhin in response or fix the item because Jhin really wasn't an issue before this rageblade was put in.
ok but why guinsoos specifically? last I heard it was conqueror on every ad carry that was the hot new meme.
stop talking
it stacks back and forth basically, meaning he gets a ton of extra ad from it
Guys how am I doing so far? Will I make it back to gold this season?
>so why is guinsoo's jhin broken right now
Is it loli hours?
Kled in terms of kit and playstyle
same with Poppy and she cute
When should I max W over maxing E first as Janna?
that didn't take long
Literally always
you would know wouldn't you, meta slave
>>riot takes inherently evil beings like evelynn and makes them into a victim by implying that they're just doing what they need to survive
Riot in no way added sympathy to Evelynn. She's literally just a temptress that tortures and kills people. It's not even downplayed, just dialed up to 11 with the innuendo shit.
>riot takes inherently evil beings like the darkin and makes them into victims by implying they have reason to hate everyone because humanity tried to kill them all
What are you even talking about lmao? The Darkin invaded Runeterra after sensing their magic. The Darkin always wanted to kill people and take over. After they were sealed away they were pretty much the same. Show me one redeeming piece of lore or line between Aatrox, Varus, and Rhaast. You'll find none.
>Rylais on Rumble
I miss slow stacking
no I only play lucian/draven/trynda regardless of the meta
>is this a lane i can poke in?
if yes, put 3 points in w, then max e
if no, max e
yeah yeah calm down mr. burch
It was a simpler time. It was a better time.
>5W10L in ranked so far
wew lad
i don't even want to check wr on my main because i am pretty sure i've demoted now (7 streak loss) and seeing it for myself would just make me even sadder
Step 1 :Denial
Slow stick, pen book and protobelt on Rumble is sooooo fun.
>since 2 years ago adc is the only one allowed to play and win games
ho ho ho
Never give up!
I'd rather have a 24% winrate than a 49% winrate. At least I can take solace in being absolutely terrible.
>Lendo will never come back
give up! pretending like you can beat the statistics and ignore that 50% of everyone playing competitive LoL is under gold is stupid! some people are destined to be bad at video games and that's okay!
Jhin gets AD from AS and Guinsoo's passive gives him both bonus AS AND bonus AD when he stacks it allowing him to double dip for super retarded damage. Also it gives him 5 + 10% bonus AD on every auto which is retarded when he has like 800-900 AD already.
>ywn cum all over her belly
lendo posted here like a week ago
+10% bonus AD on every auto
20% bonus AD every second auto when he fully stacks it. Don't forget that Jhin's %bonus AD passive stacks multiplicatively with rageblade's not additively.
Any of you guys want to write me some smut?
I gift Rp and other stuff for it
thanks, I want to try this out but at my elo games will end before I reach that full kino moment of finally getting rageblade just like how games always end before I can be hypertank cho.
TLDR, unintended effect.
Might finally give this a crack
what are your terms?
One day, Veigar sucked my dick.
The End
I wrote him some reginald smut but apparently this guy only wants girls killing people
I'm noticing Camille is constantly NOT banned in my games.
totally intended affect, unintended consequences because of an unconventional champion.
I hate blood, can I do something with blunt trauma? bones broken, limbs popped out of sockets?
What's your limit for skins/RP amounts?
>>riot takes a psycho like jhin and makes him into a victim by implying he's mentally ill and quite literally cannot control his impulses to kill
That's... literally what mental illness is and what it can do to people, user. They're not going to have any real control over their mental illness because they lack the proper neurological wiring to do so.
>>riot takes a psycho like jinx and makes her into a victim by implying she was traumatized to the point of mindbreak by some orphanage fire she caused
This was heavily implied since her inception. Some of her in-game dialogue even backs this up or foreshadows this.
>>riot takes inherently evil beings like evelynn and makes them into a victim by implying that they're just doing what they need to survive
...what? There's no sympathy going for Evelynn, it's just an explanation of why she needs to kill people.
>>riot takes inherently evil beings like the darkin and makes them into victims by implying they have reason to hate everyone because humanity tried to kill them all
Well they are a race of blood-thirsty, war-mongering beings. It makes complete sense for them to hate other races, but to support and empathize with their own kind. They're still otherworldly invaders nonetheless.
If you want tradtional villains that are truly evil with absolutely zero empathy or sympathetic narrative implications going for them, then there are champions like Singed, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Hecarim, Evelynn, Tahm Kench, Shaco, Nocturne, the Darkin, all of the Void creatures (Cho'Gath especially,) and etc.
The lore is indeed pretty bad at times, but these are some poor complaints user.
>go mf with sona supp against ez morg bot
>the sona starts w first
>literally never pokes in lane once, sits in brush or hugs tower
>heals when I'm >80% hp
>power chord last hit the tank minion
>eats up every snare and ez q
>ults with the worst possible timing or after I die getting 3 man chased
>just hold my shit together and end the game as fast as I can
Fucking hell, that was the most painful carry I've done this week. It wasn't even an autofill support as well, no wonder why no one respects the role.
he wanted opinions on what girls to put in a VN or some shit he was making
>I misread, I'm actually 5w12l
fucking christ
>They're not going to have any real control over their mental illness because they lack the proper neurological wiring to do so.
>shen and zed's combined equal is just a crazy guy that can shoot guns really really well
wow, really moving argument
>This was heavily implied since her inception. Some of her in-game dialogue even backs this up or foreshadows this.
stop making things up, all her quotes are just her being sadistic and wanting to kill people.
>...what? There's no sympathy going for Evelynn, it's just an explanation of why she needs to kill people.
"oh no if evelynn doesnt hurt people she'll go back to nonexistence! pity her, she doesn't want to go back to being unfeeling and unable to do anything!"
you clearly just didnt bother reading her lore.
Is there a way I can set mute all to be the default instead of having to type it every game, so i can unbdind chat entirely
>retard rek'sai only ganks for our tryndamere
>every other lane falls behind
>rek'sai falls off
>tryn can't split push because every other lane is behind
>rek'sai surprised we lost
fucking retard ganking for a useless champ
sad part is tryndamere was a high wr smurf that was already ahead in lane but the idiot still ganks for him
Any top lane mains here that actually despise there botlanes the most?
Mid gold here and holy shit they are either sucking each others dicks or flooding all chat with flame.
>females biologically have estrogen
I really hope they dont go down the rabbit hole of "she's troubled thats all, she'll even get a redemption arc". I guess she can have her painful past but I would hope it doesn't take away from her present. Just dont be cowards and make her evil as what was originally intended. I would love and I mean LOVE if they just made her evil and stopped apologizing. Sometimes raw evil is just fun. and whats Jinx if it isn't fun
Not with that thinking
Read: I fed so hard that not even an ahead smurf could carry me
why doesn't Sona have a boyfriend yet?????
yea cause when 4 people dive you at level 3 its possible to stop them LOLOL
because she's already my wife
the ranked neverdie comp
i really wanna go back to maining lb when they revert her but i checked her subreddit main and literally everyone there is a tranny/gaylord, wtf? nothing wrong with those two types of people, but why are they so attracted to leblanc?
i'm her boyfriend
Because she has a girlfriend, duh.
Scorch or Transcendence on Zed?
13 win streak boys, guinsoo kai'sa is bae
Vast improvement. Her best splash now.
Formerly best splash, now 3rd rate. Still good but a downgrade due to the ugly fuzzy linning on her coat. Points for actually adding an airplane though.
Definitely not frostbutt. Underwhelming/10, meme btfo.
Actually looks cute now, hands down the greatest improvement in terms of source material vs end result. What was a her shittest splash is now sharing top place with nightblade.
Hands down the worst, it was so defaced by pointless change that it's now barelly recognizable. 0/10
ok i need some good LoL hentai while I wait
>wow, really moving argument
t. too dense to pick up the implications from his lore or some of his in-game quotes.
>stop making things up, all her quotes are just her being sadistic and wanting to kill people.
t. too dense to pick up the implications from her lore or some of her in-game quotes.
>"oh no if evelynn doesnt hurt people she'll go back to nonexistence! pity her, she doesn't want to go back to being unfeeling and unable to do anything!"
I did though? Either way it's blatantly clear that League's demons are beings of pure evil, regardless of their need to consume their victims' emotions and pain.
And stating a character is evil "just because" usually equates to lazy grade school writing anyway. League already has plenty of villainous characters who are evil for the sake of being evil.
is Aatrox good? literally never seen someone play him, even during free week
>play top
>naturally hate bot or IRS tax auditor jungle
>play mid
>naturally hate everyone while being a narcissist piece of shit about it
>play adc
>naturally hate support and blind as shit jungle
>play support
>naturally hate adc and wishes they were the adc
>play jungle
>naturally hate everyone
That's how it goes more or less.
t. reading into things too much like a pseudo-intellectual
look at all these pretender
>fifth loss in a row
>got mad and DC'd again
fuck this
If only he went aatrox to complete the meme and be a nice frontline.
What do you call these things again?
Guise > Sorc Shoes > Liandries > Orb > Void
>queue up
>get fucked over because of a feeding udyr and afk kaisa
>next match get stuck with a draven , a feeding shaco, a chat banned yasuo main
>next match get first time kaisa and shitpick jhin holy fuck though that ad bonus with rageblade
>now this match
only brainlets buy orb
VERY nice
stop posting this shit, people have already explained why you are an idiot
Toplane playrate has fallen by almost 10% over the last 4 patches
How does this make you feel?
stop replying to that shit, retard.
How's it going man?
>Top lane
What was this guy talking about when he said this
I've been wondering why I got to play pantheon more often
A question for ADC mains here. What do you do when your support fights for last hits (not for medallion or w/e) and just auto waves. Happened to me last game and just said fuck it and roamed.
Those are known as Titanic Titties
you kill yourself for ruining the game by playing ADC
>fill primary before top lane dropoff is 98% support, 1% jungle, 1% adc
>now it's 97% support, 1% jungle, 1% adc, 1% top
I feel nothing.