What is known about the racial/ethnic composition of the original Proto-Indo-European speaking peoples? Are there any historical/mythological accounts of what they looked like?
What is known about the racial/ethnic composition of the original Proto-Indo-European speaking peoples...
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We know it from DNA studies, They were dark haired/eyed with tan skin and 5'7 on average
Post your links please
No such thing
Fair haired, fair eyed, pale caucasoids similar to Scythians, Slavs etc
It's all very complex but basically
Paleolithic Siberian+Paleolithic European=Eastern European Hunter
Eastern European Hunter+Georgian=Yamna Pastoralist
Yamna Pastoralist+(Neolithic Anatolian+Mesolithic European)=Corded Ware/All-Over-Corded Beaker and modern populations except the Sardinians who lack the Yamna influence.
Probably not what Hitler had in mind. They didn't become fully depigmented until Corded Ware btw so cuck fantasies can be dropped since there was no white population to get cucked by non-whites.
Of course it wasn't an Empire it anything, but there was a tribe(s) that spoke the original PIE language.
I would suspect that the original PIE would've had a fair complexion since the earlier IEs like Hittites, Alans, and Tocharians were very white liking with documented red hair and blue eyes in cases.
And since these are largely recessive traits that are in areas that are today populated by darker folk, I expect that these were what PIEs looked like.
t. Amateur
pic is a Russian reconstruction
IIRC they were mostly cromagnid-like but also with some more typically long narrow headed proto-mediterranid elements, they'd look Europid anyway, although not necessarily in full
>I would suspect that the original PIE would've had a fair complexion
Which ones? There was too much blood mixing going on to even talk about "original PIE" in a meaningful way.
Was it the Paleolithic Siberians who were the real PIE? Probably but they got heavily mixed with at first Europeans and then Georgians until they were no longer more than just a minority component.
They were genetically outside modern human genetic variation as they were a mix of an extinct group(Sibero-European hunters) and a not so extinct one(Caucasus natives).
Lezgins from Dagestan and Finnic speaking Mordvins from Central Russia are closest to them in terms of genetic similarity but still aren't all that close.
well, depends on your models, they certainly don't overlap with modern Europeans in terms of DNA but we can still try and understand how they looked like
their skulls IIRC are perfectly Europid as in the fit with the European variation, which makes sense since after all they mated with Euros
if not Europid, caucasian at least
Pic rel. Kurgan = PIE
This is probably the best possible example of what they looked like. Perhaps a little more exotic though.
>Yamna culture
Russian as in the guys who made the reconstruction were Russian
I believe they were a mixture of groups, but would the most dominant influence have had fairer complexions?
Why is it that where IEs went, things like red hair and colored eyes followed?
Ancient Europeans were pretty white, at least in northern Europe.
I think there are indications that a lot of the eastern expansions of IEs were actually an eastern re expansion of corded ware rather than the original steppe culture, that's why they'd have fairer traits in some occasions, since corded ware was seemingly the result of Yamnaya mixing with the seemingly already fair north/north-east Euros.
Except in Scandinavia where the Corded Ware got cucked big time by a local male with haplogroup I1.
It's fun to think about the wife of a steppe chief secretly fucking a slave and then the wife's son becoming a greater leader than his mothers husband ever was with dozens of wives, spreading his genes across a large section of Corded Ware.
Also at the time of Yamnaya expansion they brought plague with them, which caused depopulation in many places in Europe which might partially explain why they successfully overtook those territories.
Tocharians and Tarim mummies may not have been purely original Yamna but mixed with Indo-Iranian tribes who did in fact have blond hair and blue eyes because of selection.
Yeah maybe some were but it doesn't necessarily have a lot to do with modern Europeans.
If you want to believe dark Indo-Europeans had sex with hot 100% blonde women in Northern Europe go ahead but I think it's a cuck fantasy without much proof supporting it.
They were dark haired slavs
The others tooth gap is funny.
I'm imagining the Tocharians as something of blue-eyed goofy neighbors to the locals Asiatic folks.
"Hey, hey Lee, look at this metalworking, look at it"
"Stop it, I'm trying to farm"
Afanesievo were blonde/red hair as fuck and the Tocharians dervied from Afanesevo
>Was it the Paleolithic Siberians who were the real PIE?
if PaleoSibs were PIE then they were indeed Caucasoid since PIE is all about Rs and Mongoloids cant into Rs
What ancient DNA paper proved they were?
Unless you can provide a source I'm just gonna assume they were similar to other Yamnas so mainly dark hair, dark eyes and sallow skin.
Tocharian upper class may have had Indo-Iranian origins for all we know.
When did they begin to worship Dyaus Pita and the rest of the PIE pantheon?
>Mongoloids cant into Rs
P comes from Southeast Asia.
Ancients falls outside the scope of modern human variation(No pure WHG,ANE etc.).