Did you goys even pay attention today and what might happen tomorrow

you goys keep memeing about cryptos and cars and women, you should know the news of the 2 things that happened today.

who cares
it more than likely does not matter to me

I took a shit and I ate a cup of noodles. Those are two things

If stocks are down that means my crypto is going up
If my crypto is going down oh no I lost $200
If the world is ending my guns suddenly appreciated

The news that companies are stockpiling bitcoins?

Coiners win again.

check the dow and sp500 goy

I don't even browse pol anymore

Buy the dip?

Same, Veeky Forums only here

Goodbye /v/, /out/ , Veeky Forums and /pol/

Looks like my crypto is going up then :^)

Seriously, you think anyone with real money in stocks is going to be posting on a nepalese CD jewel case website at 230AM EST?

non-amerifag here

what's happening tomorrow? guys?

No point in wasting any time when this is so easy. Amphetamines and charts all day long

I migrated(legally) from /pol/ to Veeky Forums and it made me realize how much of my life I wasted hating brown people when I could be making money. Still hate the Jews though.

Reddcoin gains will let me buy enough Zykon B to last 1000 years.

>Seriously, you think anyone with real money in stocks is going to be posting on a nepalese CD jewel case website at 230AM EST?
Well, its Morning in Euroland and only ten minutes till the markets open.
And what do I need to have to qualify for "real money"?
But yeah, kinda nervous and thinking of selling some stuff.
Maybe get some more crypto, but BTC essentially breaking down under the load does not really make me comfortable in that idea too.

Buy ETH.

It's a solid investment with great potential and currently dipping

I'm Nepalese u fuck

>Buy ETH.
But to buy ETH, I first need to buy BTC. And confirming transactions take forever.

Just use coinbase

You and I are one and the same

I can't buy stuff fiat-crypto online, because German. There is no somewhat non-shady exchange left that does fiat-crypto without veryfication.
I have to get me bitcoin offline, and then get those to the exchange.

b-b-b-but I thought I'm the only one?

I use bitpanda, it's for people in Europe and the payment language is German

how do they handle verification?

You will eventually become one my brethren.


Anycoindirect worked fine for me

its really excruciating, didnt find a single exchange that handled credit card or sepa without verification (atleast for german)
i think there got some law in place because few years ago that wasnt the case

only thing i saw is bit4coin.net in which you not directly buy coins but first a voucher or some shit and then with this the coins, didnt test it though if further verification is needed for sepa

anyone interested in playing the next level crypto game, add me on skype: CryptoAnna

>he still hasnt taken the true redpill that jews are actually our greatest ally